2024 Annual Driving Force for Business Golf Tournament | Chartwell Golf & Country Club

2024 Annual Driving Force for Business Golf Tournament | Chartwell Golf & Country Club

Sep 16, 2024 (UTC-5)
Chartwell Golf & Country Club


This event brings the fun of golf and networking together in one outstanding tournament at the coveted Chartwell Golf and Country Club. We will enjoy an afternoon of fun at the gorgeous Chartwell Golf and Country Club, recognized nationally as a Distinguished Club of America recipient. There are only 101 clubs in the country that have achieved this recognition. This is one of the Chamber’s best sponsorship opportunity for your business. Some Sponsorships are limited in quantity so please respond today! You do not have to golf to be a sponsor. FOURSOME - $800 TOURNAMENT SPONSOR - SOLD OUT HOT DOGS TO-GO SPONSOR - $800 EAGLE SPONSOR - $500 (Unlimited) Includes name on banner which will be displayed at check-in and during Awards Banquet. Includes mention in Tournament program, newsletter, photo on website, area newspapers and all social media channels. Eagle Sponsors will have a special customized Golf Promo Sign. BREAKFAST SPONSOR - $500 (Limited to Two) Includes a table at registration and access to golfers as they check in. Banner and Table Signage included. Includes mention in Tournament program, newsletter, photo on social media, local newspaper and press releases. HOSPITALTIY TENT SPONSOR - $450 Sponsor can set up a table/tent at the most visible locations on the course (first come-first served as far as location choice) with promotional hand-outs., etc. The sponsor can also set up a table at the Awards Banquet following the tournament. Up to four employees can attend the Awards Banquet to staff the table and network with the golfers. WELCOME DESK SPONSOR - $450 GOLFER GOODIE BAG SPONSOR - $275 BEVERAGE CART SPONSOR - $400 (Limited to Two) Includes signage on the cart, mention in the program, website and social media. PHOTO SPONSOR - $300 Sold Out (Limited to One) Includes signage at the photographer’s table and the opportunity to provide literature for the golfers. Promotion on website, all social media channels, and mention in program. SNACK SPONSOR - $300 (Limited to Two) Includes signage on the cart, mention in the program, website and social media. HOLE SPONSOR - $250 (Unlimited) Includes Special Customized Golf Promo Sign placed on a hole. Mention in Tournament program, Chamber newsletter, all social media channels and website. All golfers will receive a program with the sponsors prominently displayed along with contact information for the sponsors in the golfer goodie bags on each cart. We welcome donations of golf-related items for the golfer goodie bags. Information Source: Greater Severna Park and Arnold Chamber of Commerce | eventbrite

Provided by GretelTart|Published Sep 13, 2024


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