Docu-Donderdag in december: Cave of forgotten dreams | Bibliotheek Scheveningen

Docu-Donderdag in december: Cave of forgotten dreams | Bibliotheek Scheveningen

Dec 14, 2023 (UTC+1)
Bibliotheek Scheveningen


Discover the captivating story of the Chauvet Cave, where the oldest rock paintings in the world were unearthed in 1994. Located in Vallon-Pont d'Arc, France, this extraordinary find was made by French speleologist Jean-Marie Chauvet. These ancient cave drawings were created by the Cro-Magnon people, our prehistoric ancestors from the Stone Age. Renowned filmmaker and anthropologist Werner Herzog was granted rare permission to document this remarkable site. In this mesmerizing documentary, Herzog takes us on a journey through a subterranean world adorned with hundreds of stunning artworks estimated to be 32,000 years old. Illuminated by torchlight, he transports us back to prehistoric times, where the drawings of horses, rhinos, bison, bears, and lions briefly come to life. Alongside these depictions of animals, abstract symbols and handprints also dot the cave walls. Herzog reflects on the concepts of art and the artists of the Stone Age, the primal desire to depict the world, evolution, and our place within it. The hauntingly beautiful soundtrack was composed by cellist Ernst Reijseger. Join us for Docu-Donderdag in December: Cave of Forgotten Dreams at the Bibliotheek Scheveningen in Den Haag. Immerse yourself in this 95-minute documentary, preceded by a brief introduction. Following the screening, there will be an opportunity for discussion. Admission is free, but please remember to cancel your reservation if you are unable to attend. We look forward to welcoming you to this extraordinary event. Event Name: Docu-Donderdag in December: Cave of Forgotten Dreams City: Den Haag Venue: Bibliotheek Scheveningen Address: Scheveningseweg 333, 2584 AA Den Haag Event time: 2023-12-14 Ticket Price: Gratis.

Provided by Murphy_Bergljot|Published Mar 25, 2024


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