Gladiator, Are You Ready? | Leeds Art Gallery

Gladiator, Are You Ready? | Leeds Art Gallery

Jun 22, 2024 (UTC+0)
Leeds Art Gallery


Gladiator, Are You Ready? is an event taking place at Leeds Art Gallery in Leeds on June 22, 2024. This unique and exciting evening offers the opportunity to engage in 1-2-1 conversations with fellow artists, creatives, and curators through the art of random selection. As the door swings open, revealing the lively atmosphere within, the anticipation builds. However, if you're anything like Spartacus, you may find yourself unsure, wanting to escape the situation altogether. But fear not, because you are not alone in this struggle. Networking is a challenge that many individuals face, and it's time to address it. Rather than teaching you how to approach strangers and strike up random conversations, this event aims to explore why networking feels like a daunting task for so many. Perhaps it's not a personal failing but rather a flaw in the system itself. Together, we can redefine and reimagine networking, finding better and more enjoyable ways to connect with others. Gladiator, Are You Ready? introduces a concept called speed-mating, where participants can chat with new people about the awkwardness of networking. It's an opportunity to collectively explore ways to improve this outdated system and make it more inclusive and engaging. Sarah, not Spartacus, will be leading the charge, facilitating meaningful and personable connections. This event also serves as a pilot for a larger project called 'Let Us See You', a 12-month initiative supporting and developing artists in Leeds. Through a series of exhibitions and curatorial support, this project aims to demystify the application and selection process, focusing on artists' individual needs rather than predetermined curatorial criteria. 'Let Us See You' builds upon the inclusive work of Aire Place Studios and aims to remove barriers to participation for communities in Leeds. Gladiator, Are You Ready? is an opportunity to be a part of a transformative experience, redefining networking and supporting the artistic community in Leeds. Join us on June 22, 2024, at Leeds Art Gallery for this free event supported by Leeds Inspired, part of Leeds City Council.

Provided by Vikki|Published Jun 23, 2024


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