Green-Wood Cemetery Lettering Walk | The Green-Wood Cemetery

Green-Wood Cemetery Lettering Walk | The Green-Wood Cemetery

Nov 4, 2023 (UTC-5)
The Green-Wood Cemetery


Join a captivating lettering tour led by Raven Mo at Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn. This nationally celebrated historic site, established in 1838, offers a unique and unconventional source of enjoyment for those passionate about type design and lettering. As you walk through the cemetery's scenic green surroundings, you'll feel as though you're exploring an outdoor museum. Green-Wood Cemetery is the final resting place for numerous prominent New Yorkers, including DeWitt Clinton, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Boss Tweed, Samuel Morse, and Peter Cooper. It's also home to some of the city's most remarkable stone carvings and inscribed lettering from the 18th and 19th centuries.

Mark your calendar for November 4th, when this fantastic lettering walk will take place at 1 p.m. at Green-Wood Cemetery. Raven Mo, a New York-based designer specializing in brand identity and type, will guide you through the intricate and captivating world of lettering styles. As you explore this nationally celebrated historic site, you'll have the opportunity to admire an exciting array of lettering styles showcased on various stones. Don't forget to come prepared with essentials such as water, comfortable shoes, and outdoor-appropriate clothing. Most importantly, bring your inquisitive heart.

Don't miss out on this captivating lettering tour at Green-Wood Cemetery. Immerse yourself in the rich history and intricate beauty of 18th and 19th-century lettering styles. The event is free, so make sure to mark your calendar for November 4th and join Raven Mo for this unique experience at Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn.

Provided by JaxonYaple|Published Nov 5, 2023

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