Kettlebell 301: SFG Ready Workshop—San Diego, CA | Wicked Fit

Kettlebell 301: SFG Ready Workshop—San Diego, CA | Wicked Fit

Dec 9, 2023 (UTC-8)
Wicked Fit


Get ready for the ultimate challenge at the Kettlebell 301: SFG Ready Workshop in San Diego, CA. This workshop, organized and licensed by The Iron Core Way, will take place at Wicked Fit on December 9, 2023. The workshop will cover a range of double kettlebell drills, designed to push your strength and muscle development to new heights. If you've already mastered single kettlebell training and are looking to take your skills to the next level, then this workshop is for you. The double kettlebell drills taught at Kettlebell 301 will challenge your mobility, stability, and symmetry, requiring the strength and athleticism of an Olympic weightlifter or a yoga expert. You'll learn essential techniques such as the Double Swing, Double Clean, Double Front Squat, and Double Military Press, all of which are key to achieving total body strength and power. In addition to the double kettlebell drills, the workshop will also provide you with a comprehensive training program that will make you SFG (StrongFirst Girya) Ready. This program includes exercises, weights, sets, reps, rest periods, and periodization, all leading up to success at the challenging SFG I Kettlebell Instructor Certification. Whether you're looking to spread the word of strength to others or challenge yourself because it's there, the Kettlebell 301: SFG Ready Workshop is your ticket to unlocking your full potential. Sign up now and power your way to success! (Note: This event is not affiliated with any social media platforms and all registration and other inquiries should be directed to

Provided by Corax|Published Mar 25, 2024


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