Night of the Triangles / Noson y Trionglau | GS Artists Swansea

Night of the Triangles / Noson y Trionglau | GS Artists Swansea

Oct 4, 2024 (UTC+0)
GS Artists Swansea


Night of the Triangles Performance 18:00hrs Friday 04/10/2024 GS Artists, High Street Duration of performance: 15 mins GS Artists is a fully accessible space, with wheelchair access and accessible bathroom Join Artist Kathryn Ashill and local performers as they retell the story of the infamous intergalactic Night of The Triangles. Multiple sources claimed to see numerous UFO’s across Swansea’s night sky. Ashill presents this performance and exhibition after a period of research that explored the history of this night. Reports were made of eyewitness accounts by children, teachers and local residents, who all claimed to experience seeing a large triangular shaped object fly in the sky on a cold January evening in 1983. This work explores ideas of the unknown, our experiences of the extra-terrestrial in popular culture, and our relationship to space encounters through the lens of local history. Limited Space, Free event, refreshments available. Noson y Trionglau Perfformiad 18:00 o'r gloch Dydd Gwener 04/10/2024 GS Artists, Stryd Fawr Hyd y perfformiad: 15 munud Mae Artistiaid GS yn ofod cwbl hygyrch, gyda mynediad i gadeiriau olwyn ac ystafell ymolchi hygyrch Ymunwch â'r artist Kathryn Ashill a pherfformwyr lleol wrth iddynt adrodd hanes Noson Rynggalactig enwog The Night of Triangles. Honnodd sawl ffynhonnell eu bod yn gweld nifer o UFO ar draws awyr nos Abertawe. Ashill sy'n cyflwyno'r perfformiad a'r arddangosfa hon ar ôl cyfnod o ymchwil a oedd yn archwilio hanes o adroddiadau llygad-dystion gan blant, athrawon a thrigolion lleol, a honnodd pob un ohonynt brofi gweld gwrthrych mawr siâp trionglog yn hedfan yn yr awyr ar noson oer ym mis Ionawr 1983. Mae'r gwaith hwn yn archwilio syniadau am yr anhysbys, ein profiadau o'r allfydol mewn diwylliant poblogaidd, a'n perthynas â’r gofod trwy lens hanes lleol. Lle Cyfyngedig, Digwyddiad am ddim, lluniaeth ar gael. Information Source: GS Artists Swansea | eventbrite

Provided by Emeril|Published Oct 4, 2024


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