Super Women, Super Self - a textile workshop | Redbridge Central Library and Museum

Super Women, Super Self - a textile workshop | Redbridge Central Library and Museum

Mar 2, 2024 (UTC+0)
Redbridge Central Library and Museum


Celebrate and honor everyday "superwomen" at the "Super Women, Super Self - a textile workshop" in Ilford. Participants are encouraged to bring items of inspiration related to the women they wish to celebrate, including themselves. These items can be objects, images, or words expressing the superwoman attribute they admire. During the workshop at Redbridge Central Library and Museum, attendees will receive hessian material to create a 20cm x 20cm textile piece on a 16cm x 16cm embroidery hoop. Basic materials will be provided, but participants can bring special elements like beads and fabric. The created textile pieces and items of inspiration will be displayed at the library from March 11 to March 16. Facilitated by visual artist Katie Schreiber and funeral director Hasina Zaman, this workshop is suitable for ages 16 and above, with no prior experience required. Hasina Zaman's expertise in creating bespoke funerals adds a unique perspective to the event. Admission to the workshop is priced at £5.

Provided by ParisJames|Published Mar 25, 2024


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