Wilflen Scratch Night - December | 470 Harrow Rd

Wilflen Scratch Night - December | 470 Harrow Rd

Dec 15, 2023 (UTC+0)
470 Harrow Rd


Wilflen Scratch Night - December is a remarkable open mic/feedback event specifically designed for creatives in London. This event provides an ideal platform for artists to connect with like-minded individuals and immerse themselves in an atmosphere conducive to creativity. Every performer is allotted a generous 10-minute slot to showcase their talent, and if they desire, they can receive valuable feedback from a supportive audience of fellow creatives. This event offers a safe and nurturing space where artists can form a community, supporting each other in their artistic journeys and navigating life together. The Wilflen Scratch Night - December is scheduled to take place on December 15, 2023, at the prestigious venue located on 470 Harrow Road, London, W9 3RU. The best part? Admission to this event is completely free! So don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to network, gain inspiration, and replenish your creative cup. Join the vibrant community of creatives at Wilflen Scratch Night - December and experience the power of artistic collaboration firsthand.

Provided by Sunnie|Published Mar 25, 2024


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