Workshop Tanz der Orixás II - Mit Murah Soares | Forum Brasil

Workshop Tanz der Orixás II - Mit Murah Soares | Forum Brasil

Jun 1, 2024 (UTC+1)
Forum Brasil


Explore the richness of African spiritual traditions through the Orixá dances at the Workshop Tanz der Orixás II - Mit Murah Soares. Each Orixá, serving as a mediator between the divine and human realms, possesses unique movements, expressions, songs, and steps, making every performance truly captivating. In these dances, the focus is on the forefront of feminine strength, welcoming individuals of all backgrounds. No prior experience is necessary to participate in these workshops held independently. Yemanjá, the Sea Queen, epitomizes not only the ocean but also unconditional motherly love, guiding and inspiring personal growth. Similarly, Iansã, the Wind Goddess, symbolizes not just a tempest but also freedom, illustrating the empowerment of women to lead and unite. Led by Murah Soares, a dancer, choreographer, and Babalorixá, the workshop aims to rejuvenate and decolonize ancient African traditions through artistic expression. Embark on this enlightening journey at Forum Brasil in Berlin, located at Möckernstrasse 72, 10965 Berlin on June 1, 2024. Secure your participation for €65.11 - €70.44 per workshop, payable in advance upon registration.

Provided by kajetan|Published Jun 2, 2024


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