Worst place I've ever stayed in my life Never stay here, Probably you would be regret I Arrived in the Maldives at 11pm So I was looking for a place to stay nearby where I could just, just sleep. The reviews were good and it didn't seem like a bad place to stay for just sleeping, so I booked it. It's biggest mistake of my life. Before I go to maldive, I emailed to pine lodges for 5 times to request an airport pickup, but other than a response that the pickup would be $25, I never heard back from them to confirm my reservation. On the day of my arrival in the Maldives, I keep inquired about using the airport pickup. But they never reply my email. So I ended up taking a taxi from the airport to the Pine lodge However, when I arrived and checked in, the receptionist said, ”The room is fully sold today, sir.” ***?? It's midnight I heard the room is out I have to go resort to the next morning, But they just keep saying they didn't receive my reservation and maybe It's mistake from management for almost an hour. It was really driving me crazy. After all, they offer me another hostel in similar condition It's perfect nightmare in my first day of maldive Please, Remember my review 몰디브 도착이 현지 시간으로 저녁 11시라 근처에서 정말 잠만 자고 나갈 숙소를 구하다가 Pine Lodge Maldives로 예약했습니다 리뷰도 괜찮고 잠만 자고 나가기에는 나쁘지 않아보이길래 예약한 거였는데 제 인생 최대의 실수였죠 공항 픽업 서비스 요청을 위해 이메일을 5번이나 보냈는데 픽업비용이 25달러라는 답변 이외에는 제대로 된 예약확인 관련 회신이 없었습니다 몰디브 도착당일까지 공항 픽업이용 관련 문의를 했으나 답변이 없었고 결국 공항에서 택시타고 숙소까지 갔네요 근데 숙소 도착하고 체크인하려고 보니 리셉션 데스크 직원이 ”오늘 방 다 나갔는데염, 손님” 와, 익일 아침에 나가봐야하는데 자정까지 예약 접수가 제대로 안된 거 같다고 확인만 근 1시간 넘게 하니 정말 사람 미치겠더군요 진짜 욕나오려던 거 + 피곤한 거 간신히 참고 그럼 이 시간에 어떻게 해야되냐고 물으니 비슷한 컨디션의 다른 숙소로 구해다주겠다고 해서 결국에는 도보로 5분 걸어서 다른 숙소에서 묵었습니다 절대 이 곳에서 묵지 마세요 후회합니다
16 Reviews