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Top rated hotels in Bozhou

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Junting Huafeng Hotel
4.4/574 Reviews
酒店離亳州火車站很近,多路公交車可到,對背包客來說交通方便。酒店外立麪不算太豪華,但像正規酒店的樣子。樓上走道有點暗,可能為了節約能源,但走道中有個斜坡,第一次走稍有不適,以後走路就注意了。一進房間空氣不如室外好,過一會兒也就沒事了。房間寬敞,裝修中規中矩,夠得上4星標準,還有一個免費足療機,我為人謹慎,沒有敢用。房間有個吊燈裝得低一些,碰了幾次頭,不太舒服,猜想是傢具沒有按設計方案配置,或者後期將傢具改了,但改吊燈費用多,就沒有改。 早餐還算豐富,也能準時開飯,不知為什麼人不多,我從開吃到吃完走人,除了服務員,未見其他客人,也許是我太積極了。周圍餐廳也很多,酒店也能吃飯,我想便宜一點,晚上在斜對麪肯德基吃快餐。 前台小姐姐態度很好,特別是退房時,有人要上電梯,她擔心耽誤給我辦手續,還一路小跑,讓我有些緊張,萬一摔倒,豈不是我的罪過?好在一切平安。
Yunyi Smart Boutique Hotel
4.8/5276 Reviews
Lixinshan Tianxu International Hotel
4.6/5342 Reviews
A good place to stay, there are many parking places, you can't stop inside to direct you to stop on the side of the road, there is a free bat performance in the room, animals that have not seen in so many years can perform very satisfied when staying, the video can't be posted~ you can enjoy the screenshots
Zhuangzi International Hotel
4.6/5411 Reviews
位置比較好找 開車下了高速直接導航就到酒店了 位置不算偏 周邊有大型商超 吃飯娛樂都很方便 停車也很方便 還有地下停車場 門口的鯤鵬也很有特色 水流源源不斷 大堂很氣派 有石柱 石柱一圈是水池 水池裡麪還有金魚 播放的音樂是悠悠的琴聲 大堂禁煙這個就挺好的 房間的設備設施也可以 窗簾是電動的 房間內裝飾也很大氣 外窗看風景也不錯 床睡的很舒服 暖氣也足 房間的面積也挺大的 隔音效果也不錯 還有配備浴袍和身體潤膚乳房間還有迷你吧 裏面有一些吃的喝的 很方便 晚上餓了可以不用出去買 房間裏面就有配備 桌子上就有價格表 迷你吧裏面吃的食物價格也合適 細節上做的挺好的 衣櫃裏還有保險箱 細節處做的挺到位的 一樓的早餐也不錯 品類挺多的 在電梯和大堂遇到服務人員都會和我打招呼 彬彬有禮 整體感受可以 推薦入住 性價比很高。
Vienna International Hotel
4.7/5517 Reviews
When I come to Zhangzhou, I basically choose this hotel, and I have stayed many times. The price is very good, the service is good, the room is clean and tidy, the breakfast is basically Chinese food, the transportation at the door is also very convenient, and I will choose his home next time!
GreenTree Eastern Hotel(Bright Pearl)
4.6/5242 Reviews
The price is pleasantly surprised, the four-star hotel is only more than 200, the parking is convenient, the front desk, dining, cleaning and other staff are active and enthusiastic, the room is clean and tidy, the bedding is comfortable to sleep, the breakfast is rich, and a very satisfying experience.

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Hotel Information for Traveller

Highest PriceCAD 398
Lowest PriceCAD 11
Number of Reviews 7,924
Number of hotels16
Average Price(Weekday Night)CAD 67
Average Price(Weekend Night)CAD 67