Room 615, 6th Floor, Huayuan Yunxia North Tower, Jiefang West Road, Tianxin District, Changsha, Hunan, ChinaView Hotel Details
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Response from Property: ❤喝茶顏悦色-品正宗長沙臭豆腐❤最美的邂逅莫過於此,就像漫長的歲月,漫長的等待,在陽光正好的時候,微風濺起時遇見您,感謝您的支持並對朵啦星夢用心工作成果給予了肯定,小朵家每一位員工傾之付出百分百的努力和用心,衹為給您帶來舒適的入住體驗。“感恩有您,我心存感動”未來前行的路上有您我們會做得更好!