Destination/Hotel NameDouglas RiverCheck-in1 nightCheck-out1 nightRooms and Guests1 room, 2 adults, 0 childrenSearchBack to Hotel ListFilterBudgetStar RatingPopular FiltersGuest RatingAvailabilityProperty Facilities & ServicesPaymentBed TypeProperty FeaturesBeachfront Bicheno4.6 / 5Great51 reviewsBichenoCAD 206After tax CAD 226Wintersun Gardens Motel4.2 / 5Very Good90 reviewsBichenoCAD 176After tax CAD 194Diamond Island Resort, Restaurant & Bar and Penguin Show4.3 / 5Very Good125 reviewsBicheno Sold OutBicheno by the Bay4.4 / 5Very Good122 reviewsBicheno Sold OutApartments on Fraser Bicheno4.8 / 5Amazing53 reviewsBicheno Sold OutCod Rock Point4.8 / 5Amazing37 reviewsBicheno Sold OutAnchored@Bicheno - Ohmyview!4.7 / 5AmazingBicheno Sold OutLuxe Plus! Incredible Views4.3 / 5Very GoodBicheno Sold OutRustic by the Sea ~ a Timeless Holiday Retreat!3.8 / 5GoodDouglas River Sold OutKal's House - the Place to be!4.4 / 5Very GoodBicheno Sold Out