Floor 1, 6-12, Unit 4, Building 1, No. 1 Xingye Road, Wenlin Town (Online Trade Port), Renshou, Sichuan, ChinaView Hotel Details
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Response from Property: 親愛的客官,能夠得到您的認可,小緣真的是動力滿滿呢!咱們標間的床是1.35米的,床上用品是精選著名品牌慕思床墊,被子和枕頭選用99%鵝絨材質,衹為能讓每一位客人有家一般的舒適環境和優質的睡眠體驗,期待您的下一次光臨,我們會再接再厲,做得更好! 祝您生活愉快~