Top rated hotels in Wutai

Meet on time B&B
4.7/56 Reviews
North Line/Guangming Temple
The room is clean and the air is fresh; the vehicle is convenient to park; the reception lady is warm and thoughtful! The room is clean and the air is fresh; the vehicle is convenient to park; the reception lady is warm and thoughtful!
3.9/518 Reviews
North Line/Guangming Temple
Mount Wutai Paradise B&B
4.6/5105 Reviews
North Line/Guangming Temple
We stayed at the Paradise Hotel when we came to Mount Wutai. The hotel was very good and they even picked us up by car. It was near Baohua Temple and very convenient to the core scenic spots. The room was of high quality and very comfortable.
Wutai Mountain Tingxi Mountain Residence
4.6/5109 Reviews
North Line/Guangming Temple
Drive from Datong to the north gate to enter Wutai Mountain Scenic Area. This newly opened homestay is6-7 kilometers away from the north gate. It is suitable for self-driving tours. The front and back single-door courtyard is well decorated. The facilities are new. The proprietress upgraded the room. The mountain view outside the window and saw the stream. I need to drive to more lively. Not far from the place Breakfast is available
4.9/515 Reviews
North Line/Guangming Temple
Facilities: There are such facilities on Wutai Mountain, which is really quite good. Hygienic: The room environment is very clean. Environment: The children experienced a tatami, very comfortable, there is tea in the room, the yard is beautiful, the environment is very good! Service: The barbecue tastes good, and the waiter carefully reminds not to drop things. I hope the boss will improve the breakfast. There are porridge, steamed buns, pickles, mainly difficult to eat, steamed buns are a bit sour and difficult to swallow.
4.5/574 Reviews
North Line/Guangming Temple
店家很熱情,晉商🈶傳承,加了微信之後,發了地址還交代了到酒店的路線。入住期間也是有求必應,無論是老闆還是打工人都很和善。七八月份是五台山的旺季,價格隨行就市,再便宜就要去村民家或者是廟裡住了,旁邊的全季每晚至少要1000元。 山裡的民宿都沒有空調,也沒有電風扇,開着門還算涼快,但又沒有私隱。入住第1天到的晚分到了303房間,正對着鄰居的山牆,感覺壓抑且密不透風,好在老闆第2天給調到了305房間,能看到遠處的山,空氣也流通順暢了,心情大好。床品的質量還不錯,衹是枕套有點黃,晚上感覺有小蟲咬我,抓了一衹,殼還挺硬,不容易捏死,山裡的條件就這樣,阿姨打掃房間還算乾淨,有些情況的確難免,情有可原。我住過的民宿十有八九用的都是浙江出產的廉價淋浴套裝,冷熱混水能力都奇差,過一分則燙,少一分則涼,和正規酒店的採購的確有差距。 民宿的早餐還不錯,健康美味能吃飽,特別喜歡店家的小鹹菜,不很鹹且清爽,油條和麪魚兒炸的火候剛剛好,吃起來噴噴香,每人一個雞蛋,稀飯隨便喝。沿街家家都開民宿,臨街也都有飯店,競爭很激烈,門口都用特價菜招牌來招攬客人,便宜但衹能點一樣,其實真正的主菜價格都差不多,各家的手藝也都差不多,出於獵奇,第1天我們跑到了三站以外的大眾點評第1名去嚐了嚐,竟然是預製菜,真心不推薦;第2天我們又跑到了4站以外的德克士素食餐廳,真心不錯,雞腿堡太像雞肉的味道了;最後一天老闆娘埋怨我們沒有在店裡用餐,其實我們也想在店裡要兩個小菜,喝個小酒,吃完就睡,可惜白天爬山太累,實在吃不下了。如果不想東奔西跑,還不如在店裡就餐更方便。 民宿的對面有自家小停車場,可以擠下10輛車不止,就是密密麻麻不好騰挪,老闆也建議我們儘量不要在山裡動車,在村子的村口有九路公交車,去各個景點還算方便,就是間隔時間要20分鐘,晚上6點就停運了,帶車進山的優越性體現不出來,想自駕去東台看日出,挪車是個大問題,不想給店家添亂,就在村裡溜達溜達,村裡的村民和廟裡的和尚都很健談,遇到不少有趣的人,聽到不少有趣的故事。 五台山的夏天是商家的盛宴,卻不適合潛心修行的人在此久居,吃住的成本都遠高於省城太原,我心向佛,然實力不允許,南無阿彌陀佛🙏

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Hotel Information for Traveller

Number of hotels1,819
Number of Reviews 69,001
Lowest Price€11
Highest Price€341
Average Price(Weekday Night)€66
Average Price(Weekend Night)€71