Mind MisplacedMalaysia
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Searching for ones Root…

I am introducing one of the very rural town of Sarawak. Balingian of Mukah District . Why? It holds a special meaning and memory of my uncle. He left the town as a teenager and never been back there for more than half a century. Today in his seventies, we decided to give him a real surprise and brought to his childhood once more… It is a very small town but quite accessible. The distance is about 1 hour from its bigger sibling town- Mukah. All in all there is only about 2 rows of shops. It is mainly inhabited by the Melanau and a few Chinese who are doing their small grocery shop here. Melanau are very successful in Sarawak Politics. Infact most of our Chief Ministers can be traced to Melanau Origin, including the current sitting Chief minister. Most Melanau in Sarawak originated from Mukah District. Hence, a small district carries a huge significant importance in Sarawak. Along the river right infront of the shops, you can see farmers harvesting the Sago fruits. It was very interesting. We all ate Sago, but not many people actually know where it comes from. It is actually a kind of starch grown inside Sago tree. ( A kind of palm tree). Uncle finally got to see the left over of his childhood house which was abandoned many many years ago. Barely Standing as I showed in the cover photo. There is still a Chinese Temple where my uncle had a vivid memory of it. He is very satisfied and grateful for the trip. we were all happy for the history and memory that he still imprinted in his deep memory. Due to lack of hotel here, we decided to stay at Kingwood hotel situated at Mukah. what a wonderful trip it was. we were all left with a smile on our faces. Especially Uncle
Posted: Jun 6, 2022
Mind Misplaced
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