Hangzhou's top destination for plum blossom appreciation! The most romantic plum blossoms are in Xixi Wetland

In ancient Hangzhou, Xixi, Lingfeng, and Gushan were known as the three major spots for plum blossom viewing. The plum blossoms in Xixi can rival the 'Fragrant Snow Sea' of Dengwei in Suzhou in both scale and duration. The plum trees here are often planted along the streams and are famous for their weeping branches. Like willows by the lake, they can 'bend down' to touch the water surface, thus creating the unique Xixi way of enjoying plum blossoms—exploring plum blossoms on the water, and rowing boats to view them. Attraction Information: Location: Xixi Wetland, Hangzhou Ticket: 80 RMB per person (free with a park card or cultural tourism card) Transportation: 1. Take the bus to Zhoujiacun bus station, walk about 153 meters to arrive. 2. Drive to 'Zhoujiacun Parking Lot' 3. Take Metro Line 3 to Xixi Wetland South Exit A, which leads directly to Zhoujiacun entrance Travel Tips: 1. Walking tour No-return route: Xixi Wetland South Metro Station Exit A👉Zhoujiacun Entrance👉Meizhu Mountain Villa👉Xixi Plum Villa👉Xixi Shuige👉Gaozhuang Exit👉Huawu Metro Station Exit A. The plum blossoms in Xixi Wetland are concentrated around Xixi Plum Villa. The whole journey on foot actually takes only about 30 minutes, and with some playing and photo-taking, around 2 hours. 2. Rowing boat tour Xixi Wetland South Metro Station Exit A👉Xixi Wetland Zhoujiacun Entrance👉Zhoujiacun Fisherman's Journey Pier👉Xixi Plum Villa👉Then disembark and walk👉Gaozhuang Exit👉Huawu Metro Station Exit A. 100 RMB/boat/hour, one hour is enough, can seat 6 people Experience Review: Currently, some of the plum blossoms have bloomed, and it is expected that more will open in the coming period. The area near Xixi Plum Villa is the best viewing spot, but the plum blossoms along the way are very beautiful. Journey Feelings: A few plum trees planted by the river together resemble a huge broccoli, with the water reflecting red and white. The drizzling rain scatters the plum blossoms along the riverbank, and there are also many bamboo groves nearby the plum blossoms, with the two 'gentlemen' complementing each other interestingly.
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Posted: Mar 24, 2024
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