The Globe-Trotting Gourmand

Witnessing all things, the Perennial Seed Education Program 2024

Zhang Tianyi has created an "artificial nectary organ" for sweet peppers that lack extrafloral nectaries, as a reward for ants, establishing a cross-species symbiotic ecosystem, and exploring ecological management to prevent pests and diseases. Through this 'ecological symbiosis theater between animals and plants', the methods of biological pest control are discussed. Weng Zueying's moss tent is modeled after the style of Native American teepees. At the entrance, there is a diary of a Native American girl, full of interest. They have been lying in moss cradles since childhood, and during menstruation, moss can serve as sanitary pads. The indigenous people also use local materials, stuffing moss into the gaps of their huts. Jian Guorong from Chongzuo is attempting to address the issue with eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus was once seen as a solution to environmental disasters and ecological crises but is now regarded as a 'water pump', a 'green desert', becoming an 'invasive species'. The ancient banyan trees are often the 'contract trees' of the Zhuang children. Children belonging to the fire element who are weak and sickly can take the banyan tree as their 'contract father' or 'contract mother'. Since wood generates fire, the banyan tree will protect the child and help them grow into adulthood.
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Posted: Jul 2, 2024
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