Ki.LHong Kong, China
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前幾日我去咗赤柱, 因為冇得去旅行,決定嚟返個赤柱一日遊,赤柱都算係少有我覺得喺香港來講有渡假氣氛嘅地方。加上因為聖誕節,周圍都係燈飾氣氛就更加好! 而且知道赤柱有個聖誕市集所以特登安排呢個赤柱一日遊! 一入到去,首先去咗一間叫Pane e Latte既餐廳食咗嘢先 ,因為真係太肚餓,Pane e Latte佔地2層,地下以粉紅色歐陸風為主,並掛起各式各款米蘭畫像、古董,加上粉紅間條的佈局、竹蓆天花及沿海地段,感覺置身外國陽光與海灘的周邊小餐廳。 主要係食甜品麵包都係一啲西式小食,我哋都係見過人咁靚順便想入嚟打下卡🤣😂😂不過佢啲麵包甜品又真係幾好食嘅!再加上我好鍾意食麵包,佢啲麵包會擺晒喺櫥窗度俾你揀超吸引😍 食完我哋就去咗美利樓個邊行下影相,美利樓是富維多利亞色彩的歷史建築物,原址位於中環,不過係1998年,政府將美利樓的3,000多塊花岡岩搬到赤柱重新建造。依家,美利樓除了是赤柱地標外,更設有美食餐廳和各式店鋪,是人氣的打卡熱點! 影完相,就去咗個碼頭到坐下,傾吓偈,差不多去到傍晚,我哋先入去市集行,其實個市集10分鐘都行完因為冇咩特別野睇😂我哋都係純粹去感受個氣氛! 市集有飾物,裝飾,食物,種類都幾多,不過我哋就冇買到啲咩食嘢就有嘅!始終市集呢啲食嘅嘢我諗都係咁上下,價錢方面就講唔得上有啲咩性價比可言😂 行完個市集差唔多我哋就離開了,都叫做完美結束今次呢次旅程。😋🤣😆 A few days ago, I went to Stanley. Because I didn’t have to travel, I decided to go back to Stanley for a day trip. Stanley is one of the few places where I think Hong Kong has a holiday atmosphere. In addition, because of Christmas, the atmosphere of the surrounding lights is even better! And know that there is a Christmas market in Stanley, so Teden arranges a day trip to Stanley! Once you enter, first go to an existing restaurant called Pane e Latte to eat first Because I’m really hungry, Pane e Latte occupies 2 floors. The basement is mainly pink European style, and all kinds of Milan portraits and antiques are hung, plus the layout of pink stripes, bamboo mat ceilings and coastal areas. The location, it feels like being in a small restaurant surrounded by foreign sunshine and beaches. The main food is desserts. Breads are all Western-style snacks. We have seen people who want to enter the market by the way. But the bread and desserts are really good food! In addition, I like to eat bread, and some of the bread will be displayed in the window, so that you can choose to be super attractive😍 After eating, we went to the side of Murray House to take a photo. Murray House is a historical building with rich Victorian colors. The original site is located in Central. However, in 1998, the government moved more than 3,000 Huagang Rocks in Murray House. Go to Stanley to rebuild. In addition to being a landmark in Stanley, Yijia, Murray House also has gourmet restaurants and various shops, making it a popular check-in hotspot! After the filming, I went to a pier to sit down, and I was scared. It was almost until the evening. I went to the market first. In fact, the market took 10 minutes to finish because I was so wild. Just feel the atmosphere! There are many kinds of ornaments, decorations, food, and variety in the market, but we don't have any food available! I always talk about the food in the market, and I think it’s high and low. In terms of price, there is no good price. After going to the market, I left without too much trouble. It is called the perfect end of this journey. 😋🤣😆 数日前、スタンレーに行きました。旅行する必要がなかったので、日帰り旅行でスタンレーに戻ることにしました。スタンレーは、香港が休日の雰囲気を持っていると思う数少ない場所の1つです。 また、クリスマスのおかげで、周囲のライトの雰囲気がさらに良くなりました! そして、スタンレーにはクリスマスマーケットがあることを知っているので、テデンはスタンレーへの日帰り旅行を手配します! 入ったらまず、Pane eLatteという既存のレストランに行って最初に食べま #郊外好去處 #foodie
Posted: Dec 26, 2021
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