
Step into the summer of Hulunbuir~

If you give up the crowded Xinjiang for the summer vacation, would you consider Hulunbuir? The travel guide has been left here, remember to save it. · ✈️Best viewing period: June 15th - October 1st · 🚗Itinerary: day0: Arrive in Hailar✈️🚄 day1: Hailar - Morin Dawa - Erguna Wetland Park, stay: Erguna City Forest day2: Erguna - Heishantou (visit herders) - Ulan Mountain - Enhe Russian Ethnic Township, stay: Enhe Lelai's Homestay (2 rooms) day3: Enhe - Erguna River (card line) - Shiwei Russian Town - Enhe, stay: Enhe Lelai's Homestay (2 rooms) day4: Enhe - Moerdaoga Forest Park (little train) - Derbul Deer Garden - Genhe, stay in Genhe (If you have enough time, you can stay in Genhe for an extra day, or visit Qiqian by the Erguna River, go deep into the Daxinganling forest to visit the Ewenki people's reindeer spot, which requires a local guide to enter the forest area) day5: Genhe - Heishantou - Caidai River (grass sliding) - Manzhouli (Lubuli Restaurant), stay: Manzhouli day6: Manzhouli (Matryoshka Square, National Gate) - Hailar, stay: Hailar day7: Departure, fly away from Hailar✈️🚄 · 🧩Notes 1. There are many mosquitoes on the grassland in summer, it is best to bring a set of mosquito-proof hats before departure 2. Do not trample on the herders' grasslands at will 3. The hotels and homestays in Erguna, Enhe, and Shiwei are particularly tight during the summer vacation, be sure to book in advance. 4. Do not fly drones over the Erguna River, the opposite bank is the territory of Russia, which is a no-fly zone. 5. Qiqian is the place mentioned in 'Right Bank of the Erguna River'. It is located deep in the northern part of the Daxinganling primeval forest, a paradise on earth, currently with only 4 households. There you can see the most primitive Ewenki wooden houses, it is also the first settlement of the Ewenki people who migrated from Lake Baikal to the interior of the country, and at night you can hear the howling of wolves... A very meaningful place, visiting Qiqian needs to be booked in advance. 6. There is a route from Moerdaoga Town to Jinhe Town that crosses the Daxinganling, which can be described as a secret forest, very impressive, but the road conditions are poor, with an 80km uninhabited area, try not to enter by bike alone, and do not drive into unfamiliar paths.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 22, 2024
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