
Visit Semporna! Avoiding pitfalls is the right way to open it up

Semporna is a county in Tawau City, Sabah, located on the east coast of Sabah, Malaysia. It has a population of about 167,000. Semporna was originally just a small fishing village in Malaysia, so obscure that it couldn't even be found on a map, but now it has gradually developed into a world-famous underwater tourism center. If you want to go to Semporna, it's important to plan well and avoid pitfalls as the correct approach. When is the best time to travel? The average temperature in Semporna is around 29°C, with low rainfall. It generally cools down at night, and the temperature difference throughout the year is quite steady without significant fluctuations or distinct seasonal changes. Therefore, the best time to travel to Semporna is from February to October. November to January of the following year is the rainy season. The rain usually comes in showers and stops after a while. This period is not very suitable for diving as the underwater visibility is not high, but it does not greatly affect tourism. What diving activities are available? Snorkeling: Available near the offshore resort islands and on day trips. Scuba diving: Experience deep diving, OW certified deep diving, AOW certified deep diving. How to choose between water chalets and sand chalets? There are many water chalets in Semporna, and it's essential to understand them clearly. Check whether they provide 24-hour hot water supply, wireless internet, private bathrooms, airport transfers, etc. Everyone can choose a suitable resort according to their situation. (Listed from high to low quality) Mataking, Mabul Island MWB, Kapalai, etc. are of higher quality. Mabul Island's SWV, SMART, Bong Bong Island's Dragon Ball, White Pearl, Arcadia, etc. Budget water chalets, such as Dayang, Lotte, Crystal, Coral Sea, Shunshun, Dayang, Lotte, etc. Alternatively, stay in town and participate in island hopping, sea fishing, Lover's Bay day trips, etc. Travel Tips 1. Malaysian phone card celcom, wireless is generally poor on some islands. 2. British standard plug adapters. 3. Tourists themselves: Do not touch marine life casually, do not climb trees, do not perform dangerous actions at sea, and follow the resort's guidance. If you encounter the indigenous Bajau people, pretend not to see them and do not give them any alms to avoid a crowd scrambling. 4. It is not recommended to stay in remote lodgings.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 6, 2024
Rabbit turtle
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As a popular tourist destination in the world, Malaysia has a superior geographical location and abundant island resources. Especially on the east coast of Sabah in East Malaysia, "Semporna" is home to many beautiful small islands, and the scenery of the islands is as beautiful as a fairyland. The sea in Semporna is one of the most beautiful seas I have ever seen. Because of its special geographical advantages, Semporna is a natural safe haven, which is rarely damaged by natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes. The sea is calm, the sea is crystal clear, and the beach is white and soft. It is an excellent choice for island vacations. Semporna is located at the junction of the three countries of Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. There are many outlying islands around, including Pom Pom Island. Natural and secluded. Take a fast boat from Semporna, and you can arrive at Bang Bang Island in about 40 minutes. When I set foot on the island, I was attracted by this quiet "paradise from the world", which can satisfy the needs of "island control". All imaginations, fine white sandy beaches, blue waters, quiet jungles, and simple islanders make people fall in love at first sight. Bang Bang Island is not big, only 2.3 kilometers around the island, there are no villages on it, only a few fishermen's huts, which are in the original state. Going to Bang Bang Island for vacation and enjoying an isolated life has also become the best choice for urbanites to "escape and let go". Bangbang Island is far away from the hustle and bustle, isolated from the world, and there is no Internet on the island. Except for resort hotels, most places are "virgin land". People just want to abandon their work, turn off their mobile phones, empty their brains, and enjoy this primitive life quietly. atmosphere. The tourist accommodation facilities on the island are limited, and everything is kept simple and natural. Most of the holiday cottages use coconut bark as walls, and wood as floors and ceilings. Tourists experience authentic island life in the primitive nature. Of course, there are also more luxurious "sea villa" resorts to choose from. The marine ecology of the sea area around Semporna has not been destroyed, the sea water is high-quality, and the underwater life is rich. It is an excellent diving paradise, attracting countless diving enthusiasts to come here for a "pilgrimage". If you don't dive deep into the sea, snorkeling around is also a wonderful holiday enjoyment. You can snorkel under the pier trestle not far from the shore. The sea water is about three or four meters deep. There are various forms of corals and fishes growing. It is an eye-opener and immersed in the joy brought by the tropical ocean. It can be said that this is the most beautiful underwater world I have seen in Southeast Asia. At dusk, you can also encounter splendid sunsets on the beach. There are only a few resorts and fishermen's houses on Bang Bang Island. Most of these fishermen are the local "Bajau people". They still live in the "sea" and live in houses built in the water. It is a unique cultural landscape in the local area to live by fishing or working illegally.