
Behind the hustle and bustle of Macau, one can also find the unique tranquility of historic villages

Every time I visit Macau, I make sure to stop by the "Luhuan City Center" in Macau. Although the traffic sign here indeed reads "Luhuan City Center", you'll realize upon arrival that this place is not at all like an urban area. It has nothing to do with the city; it's just a small village composed of several residential hamlets. You can get here by taking a bus to Macau Cotai City. Alongside the Modaomen Waterway, there is a road called "October 5th Avenue", which is considered the longest road in the city center. Although the road itself has some historical significance, it's the small alleys behind the residential buildings that are truly meaningful. The houses here may be old, but the narrow roads are very clean and fresh. Local residents place some lovely small potted plants outside their doors, which doesn't make the place feel oppressive. When we arrived, someone was painting on a wall. In the quiet village, the walls adorned with various colors and patterns add an artistic touch to the area. The road from October 5th Avenue to the Luhuan Pier is paved with small stones, and the modern road construction techniques have not replaced the old paving craftsmanship, which is most commendable. It retains the Portuguese style and has more aesthetic value. There is a church here that one can freely enter and exit, possibly because it's not a worship day and there's no one to manage or receive visitors. The sense of vicissitude emanating from the black spots on the walls of those buildings, and the surrounding buildings also have a certain historical age. Macau is a bustling metropolis, but on the other side, we can also find the unique tranquility of historic villages here. Luhuan is a great choice!
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 9, 2024
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