
Refreshing Northernmost China - Seeking the Stunning Aurora

China's northernmost post office, watchtower, township government, school, health clinic, seismic station, police station, church, supply and marketing cooperative, and even the northernmost toilet. Visiting the Northernmost Village, there is one thing you must do—"find the north"! There is a saying here: finding the north means finding health, wealth, and official fortune, which allows you to set your life goals more clearly. Therefore, we decided to follow the local customs and go find the north! To "find the north," one must cross a chain suspension bridge, traverse the Mohe River beneath it, and search on a small sandbar. The Mohe River, a small tributary of the Heilongjiang River, is named for its ink-like color of the water flow, which is said to be the origin of the name of Mohe County. But now, the Mohe River is as clear as a mirror, reflecting the sunlight, blue sky, and white clouds above, creating a breathtaking view.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 20, 2024
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