The moments in the circle of friends are going crazy, it's not outer space, it's Qingliangzhai in Wuhan!

Spring breeze brings the moist fragrance to Wuhan... Found a poetic and less-known treasure spot. 📍Qingliangzhai Located in Liujiashan Village, Caidian Street, Huangpi District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, the scenic area has tall and steep mountains, rich vegetation, and overlapping peaks, and is one of the eight scenic spots of China's Mulan. Recommendations for visiting: ✅Boat trip: Enjoy the cherry blossoms and apricot flowers on both sides of the river, welcoming the most beautiful April days in the world. The lake is clear to the bottom, the mountain flowers are blooming, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, and it's picturesque. ✅Spring cherry blossom viewing: Cherry blossoms all over the mountains are blooming competitively, walking under the cherry trees, every casual snapshot is super beautiful~ ✅Entertainment facilities: Various children's entertainment facilities, cliff swings, zip lines, mini trains... let the children have a good time while playing. Taking a magic carpet makes climbing super easy. 🏠Space Hotel The hotel looks like a space capsule, with all the necessary facilities inside, and it has a 270-degree panoramic glass window, allowing you to fully enjoy the beauty of mountains, flower seas, clear waters, and tea gardens.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 12, 2024
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Near Mulan Qingliang Village|Huangpi Mulan Tianchi, Wuhan
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