新疆資深嚮導 李國軍China

Strolling in the Clouds - Qiaxi Grassland

"The Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall is in Ili, and the most beautiful part of Ili is Qiaxi." Here, grasslands, forests, snow-capped mountains, streams, waterfalls, cattle, sheep, and horses leisurely stroll. It is like a beautiful and vivid painting. Located more than 70 kilometers southeast of Gongliu County, upstream of the Jiergalang River, Qiaxi Scenic Area is a rare summer resort, a place for convalescence, and a destination for grassland folk tourism. It is also a paradise for painters and photographers. Legend has it that Qiaxi was originally a beautiful Mongolian princess, cherished by her father like a precious jewel. Once, Princess Qiaxi accompanied her father on an inspection tour of the pastures and came to Qiaxi. After touring Qiaxi with her close maid, she was deeply moved and enchanted by the fairyland-like scenery of Qiaxi, becoming so infatuated that she was reluctant to leave. After returning to the palace, the princess spent her days immersed in memories and reveries of Qiaxi's beauty, becoming distracted, losing her appetite, and gradually becoming emaciated. Her father, alarmed, asked her the reason. The princess said: "I have accompanied my father on many tours, visiting countless famous mountains and rivers, but only Qiaxi's splendid scenery has deeply captivated me, making it hard to forget. I hope my father can understand my deep affection for Qiaxi's landscape and grant me the Qiaxi pasture. I will build a hut in Qiaxi and live there for the rest of my life without regret. Otherwise, I will not live long." Her father was deeply moved by his beloved daughter's passionate words and sincere emotions, so he granted her wish, giving her the Qiaxi pasture and the herdsmen's tents as her hereditary territory. To express his love and longing for his daughter, he named the place Qiaxi. 【Activities】: Transportation: Driving is more convenient. It takes a little over an hour from Gongliu. Cars can enter the scenic area directly without additional fees. Tickets: Includes both Tarim and Qiaxi scenic areas. It is recommended to visit Qiaxi in the summer to see the alpine grasslands. If time permits, consider taking the circular route...
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 2, 2024
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