
Xinjiang [Northern Xinjiang Ten-Day Tour] Recommended Route.

Xinjiang, officially known as the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, has its capital in Urumqi. In 60 BC, the central government of the Western Han Dynasty established the Protectorate of the Western Regions, and Xinjiang officially became part of Chinese territory. The most famous feature of Xinjiang is the Tianshan Mountains, which stretch over 1,700 kilometers within China. The widest part from north to south reaches 800 kilometers, covering an area of 570,000 square kilometers, accounting for one-third of Xinjiang's total area. Many of Xinjiang's famous attractions are located within this range. The Tianshan Mountains divide Xinjiang into two parts: the Tarim Basin to the south of the Tianshan, known as Southern Xinjiang, and the Junggar Basin to the north of the Tianshan, known as Northern Xinjiang. Today, I will talk about the 10-day pure play loop route in Northern Xinjiang. Travel Northern Xinjiang without turning back D1, Urumqi - Tianshan Tianchi - Fuyun County (overnight) 450 kilometers on the highway, about 5 hours driving D2, Fuyun - Koktokay Scenic Area - Five-Colored Beach - Habahe County (overnight) 330 kilometers, about 5 hours driving D3, Habahe - Baihaba, the first village in the northwest - China-Kazakhstan Border Grand Canyon - Baihaba Village (overnight) 150 kilometers, about 3 hours driving (vehicles are not allowed, take the scenic area shuttle bus) D4, Baihaba - Kanas Lake - Fish Viewing Pavilion - Kanas Scenic Area (overnight) (take the scenic area shuttle bus for 28 kilometers) D5, Kanas - Three Bays (Fairy Bay, Moon Bay, Wolong Bay) - Hemu County (overnight) 260 kilometers, about 5 hours driving D6, Hemu - World Devil City - Jinghe County (overnight) 460 kilometers, about 5 hours driving on the highway D7, Jinghe - Sayram Lake - Guozigou Scenic Area - Flower Fields (seasonal) - Yining City (overnight), 300 kilometers, about 4 hours driving on the highway D8, Yining - Duku Highway - Swan Lake - Nine Bends and Eighteen Turns - Bayinbuluk (overnight), 380 kilometers, about 5 hours driving D9, Bayinbuluk - Nalati Grassland - Nalati Town (overnight) 120 kilometers, about 2 hours driving D10, Nalati - Qiaolma Monument - Duku Highway - Urumqi (overnight) 420 kilometers, about 8 hours driving (This itinerary is only suitable for summer from June to September. Check road conditions in advance for specific traffic conditions)
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 3, 2024
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