
Chengding Mountain Review

4.3 /55 Reviews
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Chengding Mountain is located at the junction of Shizi, Huiqu and Lushan three towns,49.4 kilometers southwest of Anqiu City. Although the altitude is only 446 meters, it is missing a national forest park and a national AAA-level tourist attraction. Because there is Qi Great Wall on the top of the mountain, it is named "City Dingshan", and because the sun of the mountain has Gongyechang College, also known as the College Mountain. Also because the top of the mountain is flat, the local commonly known as Pingding Mountain. The scenic area is full of forests, trees, pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, fresh air, and a watchtower on the top of the mountain. There are many modern windmills on the surrounding mountaintop. The ginkgo tree in the academy has a tree age of 2,500 years. Chengding Mountain is free, and the academy needs to buy tickets to visit.

Chengding Mountain

Posted: Nov 22, 2019
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  • linglizi
    Original Text

    The top mountain of Chengding, located in the southwest mountainous area of Anqiu City, is famous for having Gongyechang College, because there is Qi Great Wall on the top of the mountain. The altitude is not high, the scenic spot ticket is 🎫 30 yuan, there are large chestnut trees and cherry trees. We went up the mountain at the invitation of friends, came here to pick the cherry garden on the mountain, and experience the joy of labor. Between the cherry trees, there are also vegetables such as sunflowers 🌻, cauliflowers 🥦, cabbage 🥬, etc. The owner of the cherry garden is very enthusiastic. The farmhouse rice that he left to eat is all vegetables grown by himself. It is delicious 😋

    Posted: Jun 10, 2021
  • 一缕阳光真阳光
    Original Text

    Chengding Mountain is famous in the southwest mountainous area of Anqiu City. From Anqiu to the south to Shizhaizi Town, it can be reached by a newly built tourist road. There are many chestnut trees and cherry trees on the mountain. The mountains are full of flowers in spring. There are two big ginkgo trees in Gongyechang College. It's a long history.

    Posted: Nov 24, 2019
  • 米拉Lee旅行记

    🔶最美的景色永远在路上,秋季更是自驾出游的绝佳时节。小书囊把潍坊这条超适合游玩的自驾线路推荐给你,天路、古村、花海、星空、梯田、美食.....🔷关于这条自驾天路:潍坊这条天路由潍坊南部山区的安丘天路、临朐天路、青州天路构成,沿途蜿蜒200余公里,各色美景星罗棋布,特色美食引人垂涎,民宿酒店别致文艺,瓜果桃李特产丰富……1⃣️✅齐鲁天路安丘段天路的西端是安丘天路,进入齐鲁桃海,这场自驾体验便开始啦!安丘天路跨越留山、城顶山、摘月山、五龙山、太平山等山脉,道路起伏,弯道众多,能满足初级自驾游爱好者的好奇与挑战2⃣️✅临朐天路从安丘出来,便可来到临朐天路,自驾体验感逐渐升级,临朐天路分“沂山路”“九山路”和“嵩山路”,是这次自驾游的高潮,可以满足自驾爱好者嗨驾刺激的旅行。3⃣️✅青州段青州天路精华段在仰天山内,仰天山山势雄奇,峰峦峭壁,漫山尽是苍劲松柏,还有有惊无险且风光绝美的盘山路,“一窍仰穿,天光下射”是对它最精准的概述。🔷临近天路自驾的尾声,你不妨到青州市里走一走,漫步青州古城,感受古青州的深厚历史和市井民俗👍关于特产:🔴安丘段:鲜美可口的桃子,葡萄贵族晴王,辉渠小米等🔴临朐天路:猕猴桃、佛手瓜、跑山鸡等🔴青州段:隆盛糕点、芥末鸡、朝天锅都值得一品 #旅行拍照技术流#小众免费打卡地推荐 #网红打卡地

    Posted: Oct 29, 2021
  • 老人与海读后感

    山东安丘公冶长书院!城顶山,孔子栽下的银杏树美了2500个金秋现在这里已美成仙境 那是岁月沉淀的色彩是一种从容的姿态美艳、厚重、震撼成了真正的“网红”……被誉为“天下第一夫妻树”随着天气转凉古银杏树迎来了最佳观赏时节一树金缕衣半山黄金甲转眼便惊艳了两千五百年

    Posted: Nov 18, 2020