
Ninong Canyon Review

4.6 /535 Reviews
Original Text
📍 Yubeng Village - There are off-road vehicles going back by the bridge in the middle of the rain and collapse. They go back the same distance as when they came. The fare is dozens of dollars cheaper because there is less uphill. 📍 Most people choose to walk out on foot and take the Ninon Grand Canyon. From the rain to the left turn out of the village, the distance is about 13.5 kilometers, "about" two kilometers of dirt road - two kilometers of cement board road - two kilometers of sandstone road, then follow the river to take the sandstone road about 4 kilometers - two kilometers of cliff cliffs of sandstone road, more than one kilometer of cliff cliff cement road. The total distance is 3-5 hour. Arriving in Nirvana, there is a shuttle bus back to Deqin for 20 people, but there are not many trains, there are carpooling and taxis, the price is similar. There is also a car directly to Shangri-La, you can also take it, because you have to pass by Deqin Bus Terminal.

Ninong Canyon

Posted: Nov 22, 2020
4 person liked this
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  • 亮点liangpoint
    Original Text

    Ninong Canyon is located in the lower reaches of the Yubeng River, stretching for more than ten kilometers, and finally entering the Lancang River. The slope of the Ninong Canyon road is accompanied by the Yubeng River, the glacier melt water is running, and the snowy water splash is very spectacular. Look up at the snowy mountains, look down at the river, and the inner forest of the canyon is full of stains.

    Posted: May 7, 2023
  • 境无界
    Original Text

    If there are still undeveloped outdoor activities places, Ninong Canyon is definitely the first choice, no one. There are alpine canyons, various plants, and maybe small animals can be encountered! It is a bit difficult. To travel together, it is best to have the leadership of the locals.

    Posted: Mar 3, 2021
  • 非凡轶生


    Posted: Feb 19, 2023
  • 橙红旅行


    Posted: Apr 23, 2019
  • lily的旅行食光


    Posted: Nov 13, 2015
  • 翼云kiki

    原本我们打算神瀑归来就和绝大部分游人一样原路从上雨崩回西当,尽管早已听说转山线路尼农是何等秀美、何等险峻,2个人始终心里没底,却幸运地在去神瀑的路上遇见了一群4人组小伙伴,大家体能相当,决计一同穿越尼农大峡谷!回神瀑的路上又有2MM加入,走出尼农的时候还赶上了前一队重装徒步的牛人。  尼农大峡谷虽然风景优美,却出过驴友伤亡事件,道口有警示标志,乃未开发景区。其实这是一段藏民的转山路,他们一般都是尼农入、西当出,我们反向走则省力很多。之前走过虎跳峡,去过巴拉格宗大峡谷,尼农的美还是无法替代的。山坳里的小块牧场、乱石上的隆隆水流,五彩的林子,还有许多像极了魔戒里的场景……可惜我们为了在天黑前走出去,非常赶,没太多时间好好感受、好好记录。如果给我再一次的机会,我一定多住上一晚,花一天去细品尼农。小贴士:  1、反转山从尼农大峡谷出也是需要一定体力的,尤其有一长段路在峡谷绝壁上,宽度只有1米,风大,谷底极深,务必小心。  2、如果你是野驴,可以从尼农进雨崩,最好请个向导。好处是既能欣赏美景,又能免去门票。但一路上坡相当累人,这段路是西当到垭口无法比的。我们只遇到一队从尼农进雨崩的,都带着手套,手脚并用还喘得不成样子……

    Posted: Feb 18, 2016
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