
Socotra Island Review

5 /514 Reviews

Socotra Island

Posted: Nov 12, 2020
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  • 生活冒险
    Original Text

    Sokotra Island is located south of the Arabian Peninsula, at the intersection of the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden. It is part of the Indian Ocean Islands and was listed as a direct natural heritage in 2008. Isn't it beautiful to see the sea view? And the dragon blood tree is very characteristic.

    Posted: Sep 7, 2019
  • 小萱萱爱旅行

    说到小众景点,这个被世界文明遗忘的小岛才是hoho最想种草给大家的,那就是神奇的索科特拉岛!这里早在数百万年前就与大陆板块分离,长期的地理隔离生成了很多造型独特的植物,酷似大片儿中的外星领地,弥漫着浓浓的科幻气息。📖 tips :索科特拉岛(Socotra Island),名字来自梵语,意为极乐岛,🇾🇪属也门索科特拉省。索科特拉岛没有大型的野生动物,安全性没问题,但仍不建议个人前往,至少3-5人-🛫 交通从国内出发,需要先飞到也门首都萨那,再转机飞往索科特拉岛的哈迪卜机场,这趟飞机只有每周一、三、六才有,最少需要提前一个月以上预定!!!-🌍推荐玩法:索科特拉岛上只有3条主要公路:以首府哈迪卜为中心,分为东线、西线和南线。Detwah泻湖、Dixam保护区、Araher沙山分别是索科特拉岛的三大精华,但分别位于西线、南线和东线,所以想要看遍索科特拉岛的精华至少需要4天时间。而要想好好玩遍岛上的景点至少需要一星期-🌳罕见植物岛上栖息着很多罕见动植物,大多数都是这里的专属物种。尤其是岛上的特有植物索科特拉龙血树,造型奇特,树冠看似一把把倒置的雨伞,而树脂呈红色前往的路上,还可以看到大量著名的沙漠玫瑰(也因为其奇特的外形而被称为瓶树)。瓶树的开花期是每年三月埃及秃鹰也是索岛的一大特色。但这些秃鹰似乎根本不惧怕人类,反正只要哪里有人类野外烹饪的动静,他们就会从四面八方围拢来-🏕民宿因为这里还是未被开发的小众景区,知道的人很少,所以岛上住宿条件不太理想,但是hoho还是在【🅰 irbnb】种草了一家位于阿曼的的小院儿,虽然距离小岛不是很近,但是想到能探索到这个神秘小岛,觉得一切都值了!!!📮 名字:Bait Rashid - Beachside Privacy位置:Muscat, Muscat Governorate, Oman💤 体验&亮点▫ 很私密的小屋,不是共享房源,空间很宽敞▫ 民宿设计在沙滩上,无论清晨的日出还是晚上的日落都能第一时间get!▫ 房东人很好,回复信息很及时,沟通起来很顺利#境外游 #值得安利的民宿 #小众景点 #种草 #小众旅行地 #周末去哪儿 #拍照 #来拍照了 #旅行 #端午开心物语 #旅行幸福时刻 #城市里的私藏秘境 #去了还想去的地方 #随手拍初夏

    Posted: May 31, 2022
  • Maple leaf
    Original Text

    The "wonderful view of the alien planet" in the picture can also be seen on Earth! Socotra Socotra Island is located at the junction of the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden, belonging to Yemen, not only Yemen's largest island, but also the 1st and 2nd largest island in Arabia! ⚓️ As the "last virgin island", very few people can visit here, and even most people have never heard of it. This island has been quarantined for 1⃣️ 8⃣️ 0⃣️ 0⃣️ for 10,000 years! It contains too many rare treasures, so it is known as the "foreign planet world on Earth". It was on the World Natural Heritage List as early as 2008, and it is really like a precious "Noah's Ark". The dry climate causes many strange plants here. Many species even have a 20 million-year history. The dragon blood tree that looks like a UFO is one of the island's business cards. Although it is slow to grow but has a long lifespan of 6000-8000 years, the dense umbrella tree canopy makes people sigh "Is this real?" 🥀 The mysterious desert rose is also a unique species on the island. Da 4.6 meters, the pink flowers are only blooming in spring, I really want to see it for myself. The most wonderful thing is that the plants and animals here are unique to the island. Only here on earth can see ‼️ as if you can cross to #Zelda legend 🌛 Sokotra Island at night is really dreamy Island, look up at the stars ✨, there are no pedestrians or street lights to break this tranquility and beauty ✔️ How to play ❶ Detwah Leak Lake - the most beautiful coast on the island ❷ Dixam - the largest dragon blood tree reserve on the island ❸ Araher - the most beautiful sand mountain on the canyon ❹Wadi Dirhur Canyon Dixam-, Jujube Forest ❺ Qalansiya - The second largest city, can you go to the sea from now on? ✈️ How to go to China without direct flights, you can transfer from Cairo and Dubai #Happy restart plan #I really want to go out to play #May 1 travel

    Posted: May 2, 2022
  • 俟夏

    素科特拉岛属也门索科特拉省,其位置在阿拉伯半岛以南约350公里,非洲之角以东,阿拉伯海与亚丁湾的交接处。该群岛由4岛组成,群岛面积3650平方公里,主岛面积3635平方公里。该岛与大陆板块已经隔绝1800万年,长期的地理隔离生成了很多特有动植物。索科特拉岛37%的植物(共825种)、90%的爬行动物和95%的蜗牛都是岛上独有的。由于其稀有生物品种多,因此被认为是“印度洋的加拉帕戈斯”。2008年列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。索科特拉岛拥有世界上最神奇和奇特的植物物种。索科特拉岛的气候非常恶劣,较炎热干燥,致使这里生长着最奇特的植物。在这座岛屿上生存的树木和植物渡过了漫长的地质隔离时期,许多物种具有2000万年历史,例如:龙血树、沙漠玫瑰、锐叶木兰等。由于岛上独一无二的植被景致,来到索科特拉岛仿佛来到了外星世界,这里也被成为地球上最像外星球的地方之一~ #旅途中的美景 #最美风景 #欧洲旅行

    Posted: Apr 26, 2022
  • 恸宝

    极乐岛|来自1800万年前的自然杰作🌲🟩索科特拉岛这个名字来自梵语,意为极乐岛,是印度洋上的一颗闪亮的明珠。在这块与大陆板块已经隔绝1800万年的岛屿上,满眼都是大自然的鬼斧神工,完全没有人工雕琢的痕迹。·🟩索岛最有名的植物应该是龙血树了,全世界只此一家,别无分店。生长在高山上的龙血树,树冠巨大而规整,表皮受损时会分泌出红色的液体,然后在树表形成红色晶体。当地人说,古代时曾有两兄弟发生争执,留下的血液形成了龙血树,而欧美则流传着两条龙在岛上打架,滴下的龙血长成了龙血树。·🟩在这里的海边没有任何人打扰,只能听见海浪声,风声,这样的宁静是在城市永远找不到的。在这里需要特别注明,在索岛旅游有一点一定要切记,不要试图带走岛上的贝壳,珊瑚等,因为索岛已经被列为世界遗产,岛上的宣传口号就是“不要带走岛上的任何东西,能带走的只有你的照片和美好的回忆”。总的来说,这里犹如仙境,让人一眼万年!·#大自然奇观 #小众旅游 #岛屿

    Posted: Apr 10, 2022
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