
The Mall Firenze Review

4.6 /5218 Reviews
Lavender and Sun
Original Text
865-1871 was the temporary capital of Italy after the reunification of the Kingdom in the year. The industry is mainly glassware, ceramics, high-end clothing, leather. Gold and silver processing, art reproduction and other crafts are also very famous. The Florence International Biennale of Contemporary Art, with the Venice Biennale and the Milan Triennale, is also known as the three major Italian art exhibitions.

The Mall Firenze

Posted: Dec 11, 2021
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  • Lavender and Sun
    Original Text

    Florence is a city in central Italy, the capital of Tuscany, located in the Xiqiao Basin in the middle of the Apennines Mountains. Florence was the most famous art center in Europe in the 1st century, famous for fine arts and crafts and textiles throughout Europe. The birthplace of the European Renaissance movement, the world famous cultural resort.

    Posted: Apr 27, 2022
  • Lavender and Sun
    Original Text

    Florence is a famous art capital of the world, the European Cultural Center, the birthplace of the European Renaissance Movement, the birthplace of opera, and the world famous cultural resort. It belongs to the Tuscany region of Italy, the former capital of Italy, and the cultural center of Italy.

    Posted: Sep 21, 2021
  • bryanhu
    Original Text

    I like to go to Florence in Italy very much. I have to go to Florence every year before the epidemic. There are direct flights to Milan, Italy, and then take the train to Florence. I like the food there, the places of interest there, and I prefer to shop in Florence. To Florence, you must go to the Outlet the Mall store 1 hour drive from the city center. It is full of world luxury brand factory stores. It is cheap and full of authentic goods. You will not buy fake goods. Shopping there can also be directly refunded on site. So Italian luxury brands have almost all stores there. Have time to come and see

    Posted: Feb 8, 2023
  • bryanhu
    Original Text

    Before the epidemic, I went to Italy to travel almost every year. Italy's favorite city is Florence. One thing I must do to Florence is to shop. The must-go shopping place is definitely The Mall. It takes about 1 hour to take the bus from the bus station near Florence Central Railway Station. Dathe Mall, this shopping center covers an area not small, almost all Italian clothing shoes and hat luxury brands have stores here, the price is relatively affordable, the service is not bad, there is a cafe restaurant here, almost a day to visit. Have time to come and see

    Posted: Aug 21, 2022
  • 丁阿毛

    现在去TM有两种大众交通工具可供选择:1. 黑色大巴, 票价为7欧元/单程(涨价了), 车站地址: Via Santa Caterina da Siena, 15/17, 50123 Firenze FI;2.白色大巴, 票价为5欧元/单程, 5周岁以下儿童免票. (上车即赠矿泉水+WI-FI的使用), 每天、每个小时的半点从佛罗伦萨圣玛利亚火车站直达折扣村, 总共有22班次往返. (6-7-8月因为TM20:00点关门, 所以增加了20:20的这一班次) 上车地点:- 佛罗伦萨SMN火车站,进门沿第16站台直走;- 走至第16站台的尽头会看见一个小分叉口,往左边走是第17/18站台,这时,我们应该选择右边的分叉口下斜坡;- 下完斜坡之后,在你的正前方2点的位置, 就能看到他们的站牌了, 站牌上有个大大的5欧, THE MALL及意大利国旗的颜色绿色+白色+红色,很好辨认- 请在站牌下排队, 到时会有他们穿着制服的工作人员指导你上车及卖票

    Posted: Jan 24, 2018
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