
Yongfuchan Temple Review

4.7 /5237 Reviews
它自千年岁月中而来,自远古梵音中而来,自高僧一念间而来。它古老深远,历经沧桑。多少兴衰荣败,多少轮回过往,多少生死无常,皆已堪破。它古朴大气,既有佛教文化的庄严肃穆,又具自然生态的原始灵性。  它建于东晋年间,距今已有1600多年。它是一本穿越时空、写满历史的书。  空山踏遍觅禅踪,唯见水月弄清泉。  它便是中国杭州千年古刹--永福禅寺。  也许很多人并不知道永福禅寺,来杭州,第一感觉就是必须去灵隐寺走一走呀。灵隐寺景区在大部分游客的印象中就是灵隐寺和飞来峰,如果跟团,的确导游是只带你走过这两个地方。但是如果你有时间,强烈建议再往里面走一走,位于灵隐寺的后侧,有着更幽静的永福禅寺和韬光寺。  永福寺就在灵隐寺往前再走100米,然而相对于灵隐寺的游人如织,这里却又格外的静谧。领略过灵隐寺的恢弘,两相对照,觉得永福寺实在太过精巧,每一处院落都如此恰到好处,所有的建筑都依山势而建,分别是:普圆净院,迦陵讲院,福泉禅院,资严慧院。与灵隐寺一样的年代久远,距今已经1600余年,常在想,这些历史的遗迹,看惯了来来往往 的不同人生,如果他能说话,又会说些什么?  穿过这一排舍利塔,便来到永福禅寺的大门。  而里面牌匾上的四字却是“常住真心”,那一刹那,鼻子突然一酸,短短四字,概括人生真谛,是呐,常住真心。  没有灵隐寺的拥挤,慢慢的走过那一座座殿堂,附身叩拜,心里极其宁静。愿今后的人生顺遂平安,不求大富大贵,只愿常住真心。  而居然在寺院中,还有一方茶园,此次来杭州,最大的感慨是居然在市中心也能见到大片的茶园,这在大都市里基本是不可想象的。而永福寺里的这片小小的茶园,更令人觉得放佛时光静止,眼前只有这片翠绿。细一打听,原来永福寺内还有一个茶苑,如果时间充裕,我想我会坐下来喝一杯,品茶有时似品人生。  而随着山势的逐渐往上,突然眼前豁然开朗。远远的还能望见西湖。  这个跟灵隐寺一样有着悠久历史的古寺,却比人山人海的灵隐寺更有韵味。一分禅意,一分休闲,不多不少,只在这里。幽幽清泉边,独守一方净地。如一位结茅而居的隐僧,出离世间的繁华,抚琴煮茶,打坐参禅。等你来探!  鸭鸭指路:  景区名称:永福禅寺  地理位置:灵隐之西约一华里处的石笋峰下,灵隐寺往内走100米  门票:需缴纳灵隐寺飞来峰景区大门票45元,永福禅寺免门票

Yongfuchan Temple

Posted: Jun 9, 2017
18 person liked this
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  • 山在穷游
    Original Text

    Many friends will leave in a hurry after punching in Lingyin Temple. This is also the consistent route of the tour group. In fact, after Lingyin Temple, there are many niche temples. It is worth everyone to go around. Today, the recommended for everyone is Qiantang's first Fudi Yongfu Temple. Out of the gate of Lingyin Temple, not far to the right, you can see the gate of Yongfu Temple. The area of Yongfu Temple is actually not large, but you will find that you are walking all the way to the mountain. And the scenery also starts from the step by step up the mountain road. The Yongfu Temple in spring is full of flowers, and the Yongfu Temple in autumn is not willing to show weakness. Some leaves that can turn yellow have a gorgeous autumn color, which is different from coming here in spring and summer. It is cooler to come here in autumn. Even if the sun is shining on the face, you will not feel the heat. This is the most comfortable season in the entire Yuhang area. In another month, you will experience a long winter. You must know that Yuhang in winter is actually a bad time to visit Yongfu Temple. It is free. There is also a tea hall halfway up the mountain. If you want to drink tea, friends can order a cup of tea here, quietly in a daze, feel the style of the mountain temple.

    Posted: Dec 6, 2023
  • 率土之滨2869
    Original Text

    Hangzhou Yongfu Temple is located at the foot of Shiqi Peak in the west of Lingyin, and has a history of more than 1600 years since the East Jin Huili Zen Master opened the mountain. According to the 32nd "Temple View" of Hangzhou Fuzhi during the Qing Kangxi period, Yongfu Temple is located at the foot of the Shaosheng Mountain opposite the Hupe Cave of Feilaifeng. The old two temples are divided into two temples, and the temples such as the temples of the Tianyu (oldly called the Fanjingyuan), which were created by Huili Zen Master. According to reports, in the first year of the East Jin and the first year (326), the West Indian high monk Huili came to Hangzhou Zhuo Xizhuo, and successively built ten dojos such as Lingyu, Lingyin, etc., Yongfu Temple is one of them, which has a history of more than 1600 years. Fuchan Temple covers an area of more than 300 mu. The building community starts from the mountains. The temple is divided into five open courtyards such as Puyuanjingyuan, Jialing Lecture Courtyard, Ziyan Huiyuan, Guxiang Temple, Fuquan Tea House, and has seven entrances, five halls, three halls, two pavilions, two floors, five pavilions, and more than 1,000 ancient trees. It is one of the largest monasteries in the Buddhist community in Hangzhou.

    Posted: Sep 11, 2023
  • xc***j
    Original Text

     Yongfu Temple is known as the most beautiful temple in Hangzhou. It is a garden architecture style in Jiangnan. It combines Buddhist culture and natural ecology perfectly with courtyards. Each courtyard is hidden in the jungle smog, and the temple Buddha statue is solemn and sacred.

    Posted: Sep 3, 2023
  • 早春二月-_-
    Original Text

    There are three temples in Lingyin Scenic Area. Lingyin, Yongfu and Shuguang all the way up. The whole scenic area takes a one-ticket ticket, which is 40 yuan. Visiting Lingyin Temple will receive a temple ticket for 30 yuan, and Yongfu Temple and Shuguang Temple are free. Compared with Lingyin Temple, the scenery of Yongfu Temple is quieter and there are relatively fewer tourists. On this day, I was fortunate to listen to the morning class of the monks in the temple, so I also wanted to bathe the Buddha number as early as possible.

    Posted: Jul 8, 2022
  • Shirley Diary
    Original Text

    Lingyin Temple came out and continued to go inside. You can go to Suiguang Temple and Yongfu Temple. In fact, I went to Yongfu Temple several times, but I still want to see it at different times. It is catching up with the early spring season, the weather and warm, although it is cloudy but the temperature is comfortable, the cherry blossoms, purple alfalfa, and knot fragrance in the temple are all blooming, it is really a time to climb the mountain, enjoy the flowers, and take pictures.

    Posted: Mar 23, 2023
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