
Zheduo Mountain Review

4.6 /5369 Reviews
我要一步一步往上爬,但是爬到山顶的时候,才发现你不在那里。这么多年来,有了一段又一段故事,每个故事都有起点和终点,可是当我笑着和我心中的天使聊完起点的时候,才发现,我写不出结局,大抵是不愿意吧。昨天早上一大队人马一起从折多塘出发前往新都桥,前面一路都是上坡,连平地都没有,山路十八弯,放眼望去,看不出任何希望,甚至不知道山顶在哪里。 一路上,遇到了很多人,大家都是走走停停,因为太累了,不过老天还是很照顾我们的,没有大太阳,清风拂面,云朵遮挡着太阳,所以我们出汗不多,也是我水消耗最少的一天。 但是,因为从海拔3200米一直往上升,所以我们开始不同程度的出现高原反应,我开始咳嗽,胸闷,但是都还在可接受范围内,其他小伙伴也差不多。所以这一路,大家休息的次数很多,抵达海拔4050米的时候,遇到了救援站,大家就在这里停下来了。这里有好喝的自制的酸奶,所以我们每人来了一杯,挺好喝的,听说翻过折多山还会有很多酸奶喝。在救援站,一个三口之家在询问医生自己的孩子有没有必要买氧气瓶,医生问多大了,那个爸爸竟然说半岁,医生只得说最好还是下山,不要再往后走了。婴儿一旦高反,抢救的时候,基本上整个救援站的氧气给他也不够。所以那个爸爸也无奈的选择往回走。 看到氧气瓶,我也好想吸一口,但是就怕上瘾,毕竟后面还有好远的路要走。 之后我们一鼓作气爬上了折多山,海拔4300米,游客还算多,所以我们在这个高海拔停留了一个小时拍照,休息。从停车的地方到山顶的亭子还有几百个台阶,真的是每走几步就要休息一下,太不适应了,又冷又气喘。从山顶看着山下我们爬过的坡,真是佩服自己,这都能坚持下来,所以之后的路一定要走完,自己选择的路,爬着也要走完嘛。前天还和麦子讨论信仰的问题,在这一路上,处处都有转经筒,还有五颜六色的旗子。路上的路人也都会冲我们喊加油,扎西德勒。有信仰是幸福的,因为不会贪恋,不会出格。 在下山的43km下坡时,我们看到了山坡上大大的“康定情歌”四个字,每次我都会跟麦子说,这是什么鬼,哈哈。 因为从高海拔往下走,氧气不断增多,出现醉氧症状,所以大家都是下坡下的想睡觉。在一片风景秀丽的背景下骑行,忽然飞驰而过一辆汽车,扔出一袋垃圾,在路边,瞬间影响了我的心情。说实话,这一路,骑行的大家都在相互劝说彼此,不要乱扔垃圾,要擦亮天路,正因为如此,藏民们才会对我们那么友好。所以我们都是把垃圾带到下一个站点再扔掉。对于开汽车的我就不理解了,明明垃圾先在汽车上放一会无大碍,干嘛要扔出来,还是个女孩,想不通,希望以后大家无论在哪里,都把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。困困的抵达了桐花里客栈,我已经没力气了,头也开始发热了,发烧了,我一直在想是不是在救援站的时候一个骑行的老乡给我倒的蜂蜜,由于过敏才发烧的。所以在晚饭的时候我一点食欲都没有。晚上一共16个人,一个老爷爷是从西藏骑行过来的,要往成都方向骑,剩下的我们都是要去拉萨的,然后就在聊好玩的,聊高反,老板也开始强调注意事项。 我头疼的厉害,饭量不及以往五分之一,然后直接上楼睡觉了,睡的是昏天暗地,捂得严严实实的,直到晚上12点烧退了,热醒了。喉咙难受的很,整一副死人样的瘫坐在床上,直到天亮。早饭也没胃口,就一直在吃桃子。然后决定今天听下休整,这种状态应对不了后面的行程。九点去新都桥镇医院看病,前面都是高反的患者,医生已经无奈死了,想必已经习惯了,也懒得说了,其实都没大事,就是不适应,最大的建议就是坚持不了就往回走。到我的时候我干脆就说给我开点止痛药吧,我就是头疼,嗓子也不舒服,所以医生三下五除二开完药就结束了。其实我睡了一晚上已经恢复的差不多了,所以中午食欲大增,和几个小伙伴去旁边的饭店吃饭,饭量是以往的两倍,照这样看,明天可以开心的出发了。回到客栈,看着院子里的格桑花,我忽然愈发坚定我要骑行到拉萨,因为这可能是最后一次机会了,我不想放弃。格桑花,陪我在高原盛开好吗? 越过一座又一座山丘,我永远为你而等候,要幸福,我的朋友们。

Zheduo Mountain

Posted: Dec 22, 2017
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  • 西门吹雪2
    Original Text

    Zeduo Mountain is located in Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, at an altitude of 4,298 meters, and is the first pass of Kangba. Zeduo Mountain is also an important geographical dividing line. The west is the plateau uplift zone, with the Yaqi River, the right is the alpine canyon zone, and the Dadu River.

    Posted: Sep 12, 2023
  • 迷茫72
    Original Text

    This is a mountain on the famous 318 National Road Sichuan-Tibet line. The national road runs through the mountain road, with a steep slope and steep slope, more than 4,000 meters above sea level. There are multiple viewing platforms, alpine canyons, snow-capped grasslands and seas of flowers, and pleasant scenery.

    Posted: Aug 4, 2023
  • 果汁分你一半✔
    Original Text

    Zeduo Mountain is located in Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, at an altitude of 4,298 meters, and is the first pass of Kangba. Zeduo Mountain is also an important geographical dividing line. The west is the plateau uplift zone, with the Yaqi River, the right is the alpine canyon zone, and the Dadu River. Dadu River Basin is in a transitional zone in terms of ethnic and cultural forms, mainly distributed with the Tibetan branch known as "Jiarong". Its area can go north to the size of Jinchuan in Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province. The east of Zheduo Mountain is a mountainous area, and the west of Zheduo Mountain is the east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the real Tibetan area. "Zheduo" means curved in Tibetan, and it is written as Chinese and the word "Zheduo". Zeduo Mountain is located in Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, a vein of snowy mountains, is an important geographical dividing line, the west is the plateau uplift zone, there is the Yaqi River, the right is the alpine canyon area, there is the Dadu River. The highest peak of Zeduo Mountain is 4962 meters above sea level, and the altitude of Lukou is 4298 meters. The altitude gap with Kangding City is 1800 meters. It is the first alpine Lukou on the Sichuan-Tibet line that needs to be crossed, so it is called "Kangba First Pass". Zeduoshan is both the watershed of Dadu River and Yaqi River basin, and the boundary of Han-Tibet culture. After crossing the Zeduoshan, it officially entered the Kangba Tibetan area. "Folding more" in Tibetan means curved, written in Chinese is the word "folding more". The winding road of the mountain is indeed nine curves and eighteen bends. The winding back and forth is like the word "multi". It is a turn and a bend. No wonder the locals have a sentence: “The mountain of Erlang that scares the dead, and the mountains that turn over the dead.”

    Posted: Aug 3, 2023
  • 枕一落花香
    Original Text

    [View] I went in mid-February. The scenery of the snow-capped mountains is quite spectacular. You can see the Gongga Snow Mountain from afar. The scenery is pleasing to the eye and shocking. [Fun] The mountain can hang the Sutra and Salongda, the price is not expensive, it is a good way to pray. [Cost-effective] Very cost-effective, no expensive tickets, the price of potatoes and ham on the mountain is 5-10 yuan, remember to prepare oxygen tanks when you come from the plain area, it is difficult to walk without oxygen 😢 tips: remember to prepare emergency toilets, the bathroom in the scenic area may not open the door

    Posted: Feb 14, 2023
  • 胡亚玲4288
    Original Text

    Kangdingzhe Mountains ⛰️ more than 4,000 meters above sea level, the scenery is beautiful, it is worth a visit!

    Posted: Sep 1, 2023
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