
Zilu Temple Review

4.3 /516 Reviews
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Stop the speech seven days, hand in the mobile phone, the whole process of meditation and breathing-based meditation camp ended, the moment of taking the phone back can not help but feel the thousands of stop words meditation is really worth every psychological person to experience once. The world is amazing, full of unknowns, and in how "theory learning" translates into daily "behavioral management", the power and effect of religion far exceeds imagination, and it is full of awe and sacredness. grateful

Zilu Temple

Posted: Aug 8, 2021
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  • 惊奇队长1
    Original Text

    The Lulu Temple is close to Qishu Lake. The scale is large, the temple environment is refreshing and deep. The newly built Lulu Temple Tangfeng Huiyun still exists. The pink walls and tiles are simple and magnificent, and the few people are clean. It is a good meditation place.

    Posted: May 23, 2020
  • annyannyhe
    Original Text

    The Lulu Temple near Qishu Lake in Hongcun, Jixian County was originally built in Tang Huichang for 3 years (843 AD). It was a large-scale Zenmen ancient temple at that time. It was already more than 5 pm when we drove to the Lulu Temple. When we came, the temple gate was closed, but friends did not give up. Find the side door and push a surprise to find that you can go in, according to friends, we are all destined people. Because the ancient temple has been damaged over the years, the current Lulu Temple began to rebuild in 2003. I feel very grand. The building also maintains the characteristics of Tangfeng Huiyun. The traffic is not very convenient. If you are not driving, you can take the bus to and from Hongcun to Jixian County and walk under Qishu Lake for more than 20 minutes. Minutes to reach Jixian County, take the car directly to Hongcun for about 30 minutes, get off at Lingtou Station. Then walk 20 minutes to the monastery.

    Posted: Apr 6, 2019
  • haruxu

    梓路寺的历史可追寻至唐代,旧址因年久失修而坍塌,如今的寺宇为中坤集团在2003年无偿捐赠重资重建, 位于世界文化遗产地——宏村约3公里的梓岭山湾里,在黄山奇墅仙境中坤国际大酒店附近,从酒店步行过去大概十几分钟,不收门票。寺宇建筑有着典型的唐朝风韵,气魄宏伟,布局严整,俊美而不张扬,古朴而不呆板,正如那个朝代所彰显的精神,主要分为宗教生活区、禅修区和学苑区三大部分。里面的九层罗汉塔很高,登上去俯瞰,远处奇墅湖波平如镜,近看绿树葱茏,梓路寺的大殿错落有致,融于自然的空灵之中。寺庙最大的特色在于禅修,据说每年夏天梓路寺会开办禅修课,当时去的时候正值夏天,特地体验了下,在寺庙如用法师的指导下,我们盘腿打坐,静心修禅,吐纳呼吸,适才还一身疲惫大汗淋漓的我们,闭目禅修几分钟后,顷刻间感觉整个世界骤然清凉,固然是因为傍晚的微风吹来了凉意,我想那种心静下来的舒展才是我们感觉身心清爽的最大真谛。禅修的同时,寺里还提供红茶,清冽爽口,这才觉察原来从杂念中抽离之后,远去的不仅是喧嚣,佛门之地的禅意也随一杯简茶,沁入心脾。梓路寺还有个素斋食堂,提供一些简单素食,吃饭的时候大家都很安静,食不言寝不语,感觉很安静。梓路寺禅修给了我一个出乎意料的惊喜,原以为寺庙游览走的都是常规的烧香拜佛,宣扬的皆是佛门大道理,而梓路寺,让我们体会到了佛教的本质,放下尘世是非,追寻内心的纯粹,禅修营造的也正是这样一个淡泊俗事宁静致远的禅意境界。

    Posted: May 23, 2016
  • 大大去哪浪


    Posted: Nov 18, 2018
  • 山在穷游

    梓路寺离宏村不远 在门口租个自行车就可以骑到这里 不过要注意的是这里的上下坡比较多 因为过来的时候已经是傍晚 所以也没有进入看看 但是从外表上来看这个寺庙是经历过重新建筑的

    Posted: Jan 31, 2019
  • M16***73


    Posted: Aug 24, 2018
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