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Trip.Best Popular Performances in Luoyang [2024]

Catch the best live performances in Luoyang! Enjoy world-class acts and unforgettable shows.
Updated Jun 2024
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    975 Review
    "The actors are very professional and dedicated, and the whole process is divided into several themes for about 90 minutes. Maybe the expectations are too high and it feels not as good as expected. Going out of the Wenchuang store can be picky, and the workmanship is still exquisite."
    Luoyang.Longmen Station/Municipal government
    2.9km from downtown
    No. 2 of Family-friendly Attractions
    Highlights: "Luoshui Tangtang, one Sichuan history, one Sichuan culture."BLACKBOW draws on "Luoyang Charm" as its spiritual symbolBased on Heluo cultureTelling the story of Luoyang using science and technology and artConstructing China’s first digital immersive performing arts"Looking for the Luo Shen Fu" is directed by Wang Zhiou, visual effects director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, and BLACKBOW, the visual effects chief production team of the opening ceremony, serves as the chief producer. The venue uses a combination of digital imaging, mechanical devices, and live performances to show the story of reincarnation in the ancient capital of Luoyang. It integrates digital immersive performances, immersive museums, and multi-dimensional digital performances to comprehensively display the cultural history of Luoyang.Expert teamBlack Bow BLACKBOW specially invited Pan Lusheng from the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Guan Jun, Dean of the Calligraphy Court of the Chinese Academy of Arts, Sun Xiaochun, Dean of the School of Humanities of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Geng Shuo, associate professor of the School of Humanities of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, as experts on "Looking for the Luo Shen Fu". Based on Heluo culture, from the historical perspective of "ancient, present and new", we deeply explore the history, culture and humanities art of Luoyang "among the world", as well as the "radiation" and spread of Luoyang culture to the world.Digital immersive performing artsBy highly refining the core cultural symbols of Luoyang, Heigong breaks the traditional theater viewing model, uses non-linear narrative and a combination of full-dimensional three-dimensional performance areas, breaks through the limitations of time and space, and brings multi-dimensional sensory stimulation and emotional resonance to the audience.Experience the fully immersive traveling performance mode and walk in different time and space. Explore the long-dusted story of Luoyang from a new perspective, and get a glimpse of the origins of Hetu and Luoshu. Witness the encounter between Cao Zhi and Luo Shen, experience the melancholy of a wanderer searching for his roots, and explore the state of mind of a man of letters...Saints, masters, and famous poets gathered together in Luoyang across thousands of years. The story of Chinese civilization begins here - the beginning of Xia and Shang Dynasties, when they cast tripods and carved inscriptions; the Duke of Zhou established his capital and made rituals and music; the Three Kingdoms and the Jin Dynasty were both literary and military; the Buddhist capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty was the wonder of Jialan; the prosperous Sui and Tang Dynasties, when all nations came to court; the Northern Song Dynasty In Xijing, celebrities gathered.immersive museumThe immersive museum relies on the form of "digital" cultural exhibitions to fully and three-dimensionally reproduce the glory of the ancient capital Luoyang. Combining digital art, real-time interactive exhibits and live performances, we will experience a journey through time and space. Pursue the origin of civilization, enter the time and space dimension of history, explore and practice the cross-border innovation of "cultural relics + technology", and unfold the "pictures" drawn by Luoyang's unique cultural symbols one by the worldHetu and Luoshu are here today; Chinese civilization originated here; Duke Zhou made his assessment of the shadows and established his capital here. The wheels of history are slowly passing by, and civilization has been flowing for thousands of years. We will return to the "world under heaven" in the minds of the ancients, awaken the sleeping Chinese civilization under this land, and trace the origins of civilization and explore the center of the world amidst the changing times and vicissitudes of life.ThonglorLuoyang was also the crossroads of transportation in ancient China, the intersection of water and land. The Sui and Tang Dynasty Canals, the Wanli Tea Road, the Prairie Silk Road, the Desert Silk Road, and the Maritime Silk Road were all transportation arteries from different periods that converged in Luoyang, forming a "five-way road to Luoyang" transportation pattern. They were not only economic and trade roads, but also cultural exchanges. The road has injected a steady stream of living water into the historical process of Luoyang's prosperity for thousands of years.Cultures collide and merge in exchanges. We will transform into ancient people, listen to the camel bells in the desert, walk through the ancient sand and sea roads, meet merchants and dealers in boats and carts, retrieve the "treasures" left behind by our predecessors along the way, and return to the "Five Roads" "Luo" the wonders and prosperity.God is a dream"If you ask about the prosperity and failure of ancient and modern times, please just look at Luoyang City." Looking back at Luoyang for thousands of years is like a dream. Today, we will pick up the fleeting moments scattered in the long river of history one by one, immerse ourselves in this shining historical memory, return to the prosperous days of the ancient capital, and jointly pursue the dream of the divine capital.The beauty of the countryPeony has accompanied Luoyang for thousands of years. What does the world in her eyes look like? From the perspective of peony, in the cycle of four seasons and the flow of time and space, we can explore the beauty of the country and feel the growth and decline of all things. We can see the scene of peonies in full bloom, which "moves the capital in blooming season", and experience flowers blooming step by step and poetry waving with sleeves like a giant.Heluo holds the lanternThe twenty-four solar terms are an important part of traditional culture. They reflect the wisdom and romantic feelings of ancient Chinese people, and embody the long history and profoundness of Chinese culture. In the "Heluo Lantern" session, Hei Gong integrates iconic Chinese culture such as Luo Shen Fu and the twenty-four solar terms into the outdoor space. It combines multi-level performing arts forms and uses technological aesthetics to subvert tradition and make you feel like you are in the world. Fantasy dreamland, encounter the goddess of Luoshui. "24 Solar Terms" is like a long scroll of history unfolding slowly. With the yearning for the charm of Luoyang, we walk into the wonderful night of Luoyang the long scroll of timeLuoyang painted scenes of historyI am also drawing each one nowIt will also draw futures one by one……The journey of "looking for traces" never endsLet us set foot on this landGo explore, see, and experience!
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What are some Performances in Luoyang?
Some Performances in Luoyang include:XUN JI LUO SHEN FU
What are some highly-rated Performances in Luoyang?
Some highly-rated Performances in Luoyang include:XUN JI LUO SHEN FU:4.7
At what locations in Luoyang can Performances in Luoyang be found?
The Performances in Luoyang are mainly located in:XUN JI LUO SHEN FU:Luoyang