Best Restaurants in June in Furore (Updated 2024)

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6Trattoria Da Armandino

1 Reviews
Western-styleOpen Late
摆渡修行A beautiful meal was eaten in a restaurant in a small fishing village. The restaurant was found in advance, the seafood cuisine was particularly good, and you can see the sea and the paid beach on the side when you sit outside for dinner. - sauté di vongole: fried small dumplings, the meat is very tender. The soup is salty, it is recommended to eat with bread, neutral and salty. - gateau di patate: Potato cake is super super fragrant! The gluten of mashed potatoes is matched with a lot of masula cheese and some Parmesan cheese, each spoonful has a pull. There is also cooked ham inside, and the meat is delicious. - scialatielli gamberetti e rucola:scialatielli is a fresh pasta made by the restaurant. It is very chewy and has a high taste. The shrimp is sweet and tender, and then with a strong tomato flavor. The sesame dishes below are not the bitter taste that Germany has eaten, I like it. - fritto misto della Praiano: Fried seafood is absolutely, the noodles are thin, not oily and not heavy. The seafood in the plate is caught in the local sea. The salmon is very tender, and the shrimp is chewing in the mouth and there is a juicy feeling. There is also fried salmon inside. The fishyness of this thing depends on people. It feels fishy but it is still acceptable. - delizia al limone: Lemon cake is not sweet and greasy. I have already booked to reprint this dessert at home. I really like it. - babà cake: babà cake is used for the final clearing and finishing. The quality of seafood is very high, the ingredients used are fresh, and the cooking is delicious. Homemade fresh pasta is recommended for friends who love pasta. What I want to say is that the menu has confused the beard, because usually on the Italian menu * means that the dish uses frozen ingredients, and there are two signs in the pasta category * but it is to indicate that this pasta is homemade. Prices, 2 fore-courses + 2 main course + 2 desserts, a bottle of water, a cup of coffee and seating fee, total of 73 euros.