Best Restaurants in July in Yining County (Updated 2024)

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CAD6Xinjiang Cuisine
喜欢旅游的博主 🤩 In summer, many treasures come to Yili to play~ Yining in addition to sharing some attractions of city walk to Baozimen before 🏞️ This time I will share some locals who will also eat local food! 🍱🍝🍲🍡🥘 Quick code if you need it! 😎 🌟 Highlights: ① Tefeng Caught Rice (15 Small Shop) 📍 Building 2 of Yi'an Homeland Community, Yilihe Road, Yining City [35 per capita can eat very full~ recommend their lamb leg grazing, lamb chop grazing, lamb chop meat, and free small cold dishes to relieve greasy] ✌️ ② Shen Pai Xiyu Restaurant 📍 2F, Tailong Building, No. 168 Jiefang West Road, Yining City [about 80 per capita, if you haven't tried nine bowls of three-line banquets, you must try it! And their fruit yogurt is also very good] 👍 ③ Old lady secret • Jiao Maji Head Office 📍 No. 229 Jiefang West Road, Yining City Renhe Yiju Yixinyuan No. 105 (20 meters in the alley opposite the state passenger station) [The hemp and spicy chicken of pepper is just right! And the meat is very solid, and the noodles are very satisfying! Remember to have another cup of kavas ~] 🥃 ❹ Old Character • Hometown Barbecue Shop (Head Office) 📍 No. 12 Stalin East Road, Yining City (About 910m walk from Kazanqi Folk Tourism Area) [The barbecue here is really delicious 😋, many locals and tourists will come, the price is very cost-effective, a string of lamb skewers is only 4 yuan, and it is a big skewers! Be sure to eat with a roasted bag! It’s just fragrant, you can also try the cold noodles. It’s a local yellow cold noodles. 🍜 Very strong] ❺🥛 Local yogurt-bacteria Muyuan 📍 There are many places, and some restaurants also have [as long as 5 yuan/cup, very thick dairy products, very thick, You must not miss ❌]📍 Yining has a lot of food~ The above is the food recommended to the treasures according to personal taste! You can also tell me what else you think Yining has to eat~✌️ #Xinjiang Yili #Yining Food Sharing


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CAD9Fast Food
小苹果1️⃣雪域牧场老吐烧烤📍乌鲁木齐推荐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️来新疆的第一顿正餐 就已经不同寻常了❗️这家算是新疆农家乐吧 位置略偏 不在市区内我们早上11点到达 感觉还太早了 服务员们还在打扫卫生 看来午饭的正确打开方式应该是1点后😲点菜直接拉去“肉档” 按羊腿称来给你烤肉串 现选现称现切现烤 不要太爽了黄面也要尝 蔬菜解腻 皮牙子不辣带点甜 凉拌沙葱太好吃了 我就是个沙葱脑袋吧2️⃣麻一嘴大盘鸡📍奎屯推荐⭐️⭐️⭐️跑了一天的行程 第一顿的正餐必须来顿硬菜 这家大盘鸡的精髓是在小花卷上吧 咸香口 和辛辣味道不太一样 对我这个不太能吃辣的广东胃很友好3️⃣六根棍面馆📍伊宁推荐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️第一次听说过油肉拌面还是在【我的阿勒泰】里 没想到这么快就吃上了 真好吃啊!面条非常劲道甚至弹牙 过油肉就是羊肉过油后和蔬菜一起炒 看似普通但味道会开启你的美好一天😊还有咸奶茶 包子 酸奶 缸缸肉 都很值得一吃4️⃣谷哩骨力📍伊宁推荐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️这家可以说是整个旅程中吃到最满足且惊艳的餐厅 一路上羊肉没少吃 但吃牛肉的机会倒不多这家的牛骨头看着颜色不深 但一口下去肉香都要溢出嘴巴了 特别特别软糯 爱好骨髓的还能疯狂吸馕坑烤肉的羊肉串块头很大 馕不硬而且里面夹了青辣椒 我太喜欢了老板还免费送了我们西瓜吃 太满足了 重点是性价比超高 人均50元吃的舒舒服服 甚至吃不完 强推!5️⃣8号抓饭📍巩留推荐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️这一路吃过最好吃的抓饭 第一天晚上8点多到的 已经只剩下牛肉抓饭了 我们把最后剩的全吃光了 肉特别软糯 饭比肉还香 所以我们第二天决定再吃一顿 终于吃到了羊腿手抓饭 太太太好吃了!水煎包也很好吃 里面的肉馅都是实打实的羊肉块 而且才2元一个 不要太实惠了老板是9点开始卖水煎包 11点开始卖手抓饭 大家注意时间哦 不要跑空了 因为手抓饭一般都是当地人中午会吃的 所以晚上太晚有可能就卖光了


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喜欢旅游的博主 🤩 In summer, many treasures come to Yili to play~ Yining in addition to sharing some attractions of city walk to Baozimen before 🏞️ This time I will share some locals who will also eat local food! 🍱🍝🍲🍡🥘 Quick code if you need it! 😎 🌟 Highlights: ① Tefeng Caught Rice (15 Small Shop) 📍 Building 2 of Yi'an Homeland Community, Yilihe Road, Yining City [35 per capita can eat very full~ recommend their lamb leg grazing, lamb chop grazing, lamb chop meat, and free small cold dishes to relieve greasy] ✌️ ② Shen Pai Xiyu Restaurant 📍 2F, Tailong Building, No. 168 Jiefang West Road, Yining City [about 80 per capita, if you haven't tried nine bowls of three-line banquets, you must try it! And their fruit yogurt is also very good] 👍 ③ Old lady secret • Jiao Maji Head Office 📍 No. 229 Jiefang West Road, Yining City Renhe Yiju Yixinyuan No. 105 (20 meters in the alley opposite the state passenger station) [The hemp and spicy chicken of pepper is just right! And the meat is very solid, and the noodles are very satisfying! Remember to have another cup of kavas ~] 🥃 ❹ Old Character • Hometown Barbecue Shop (Head Office) 📍 No. 12 Stalin East Road, Yining City (About 910m walk from Kazanqi Folk Tourism Area) [The barbecue here is really delicious 😋, many locals and tourists will come, the price is very cost-effective, a string of lamb skewers is only 4 yuan, and it is a big skewers! Be sure to eat with a roasted bag! It’s just fragrant, you can also try the cold noodles. It’s a local yellow cold noodles. 🍜 Very strong] ❺🥛 Local yogurt-bacteria Muyuan 📍 There are many places, and some restaurants also have [as long as 5 yuan/cup, very thick dairy products, very thick, You must not miss ❌]📍 Yining has a lot of food~ The above is the food recommended to the treasures according to personal taste! You can also tell me what else you think Yining has to eat~✌️ #Xinjiang Yili #Yining Food Sharing