5th Floor, North District, Suzhou Central Shopping Center 05-09B / 11/12 (A)
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What travelers say:
When eating in Suzhou Center, you have to queue up in every restaurant. After the epidemic, everyone comes out to eat and play. This is my second time to eat at Yunhaixiang. The impression is the same as always. I feel that the price and portion are seriously mismatched. The most obvious thing is the three very small pieces of highland barley cakes are too small, which is a bit incomprehensible. The grilled tilapia with lemongrass is more delicious. The merchant is recommended to provide a straw for the single original steamed chicken, otherwise it is a bit difficult to drink the soup. I suggest the boss to try it himself. At noon that day, I sat at table 27 and might be facing the window, but the overhead light was bright and dazzling, which was very uncomfortable. The chopped black three is recommended to be served with white steamed buns or wowotou.