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Suzanne Valadon Retrospective | The Centre Pompidou
Jan 15–May 26, 2025 (UTC+1)
French post-Impressionist female painter Suzanne Valadon was the first female member of the French Artists Association. She served as a model for Impressionist masters such as Renoir, Degas, and Modigliani of the Paris School. Legend has it that she taught herself to become a professional painter from a painter's model. She walked from behind the drawing board to the drawing board, cleverly and harmoniously, brightly and powerfully, and was not influenced by any school or style.
The exhibition will display more than 100 works, covering oil paintings, sketches and prints, plaster and bronze sculptures, etc. The relevant documentary materials play an auxiliary role in our review of the career of a female artist who played an important role in Paris, including her multiple interactions with the avant-garde art circles at the time.
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Suzanne Valadon Retrospective | The Centre Pompidou
Jan 15–May 26, 2025 (UTC+1)
French post-Impressionist female painter Suzanne Valadon was the first female member of the French Artists Association. She served as a model for Impressionist masters such as Renoir, Degas, and Modigliani of the Paris School. Legend has it that she taught herself to become a professional painter from a painter's model. She walked from behind the drawing board to the drawing board, cleverly and harmoniously, brightly and powerfully, and was not influenced by any school or style.
The exhibition will display more than 100 works, covering oil paintings, sketches and prints, plaster and bronze sculptures, etc. The relevant documentary materials play an auxiliary role in our review of the career of a female artist who played an important role in Paris, including her multiple interactions with the avant-garde art circles at the time.
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Suzanne Valadon | The Centre Pompidou
Jan 15–May 26, 2025 (UTC+1)
The Centre Pompidou dedicates a monograph to Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938), an iconic and bold artist, one of the most important of her generation. On the fringes of the dominant movements of her time—cubism and abstract art were emerging while she ardently advocated for the necessity of painting the real—she placed the nude, both female and male, at the center of her work, depicting bodies without artifice or voyeurism.
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Suzanne Valadon Retrospective | The Centre Pompidou
Jan 15–May 26, 2025 (UTC+1)
French post-Impressionist female painter Suzanne Valadon was the first female member of the French Artists Association. She served as a model for Impressionist masters such as Renoir, Degas, and Modigliani of the Paris School. Legend has it that she taught herself to become a professional painter from a painter's model. She walked from behind the drawing board to the drawing board, cleverly and harmoniously, brightly and powerfully, and was not influenced by any school or style.
The exhibition will display more than 100 works, covering oil paintings, sketches and prints, plaster and bronze sculptures, etc. The relevant documentary materials play an auxiliary role in our review of the career of a female artist who played an important role in Paris, including her multiple interactions with the avant-garde art circles at the time.
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VLP: Before/After | Fluctuart
Jan 16–Mar 9, 2025 (UTC+1)
VLP is a pioneering group of French street art, born in the early 1980s, and has had an important influence on the development of urban art. The exhibition covers their first spray painting in the Halles district to related exhibitions in museums and galleries, revealing the evolution of technology, media, symbols, etc. in their 40-year career.
L'Heure des Lucioles | Chez Prince Comedy Club
Mar 4, 2025 (UTC+1)
L'Heure des Lucioles est avant tout un voyage musical, humoristique, et poétique à travers la jungle des enjeux écologiques actuels. Entrez dans l'ambiance sur le site officiel où vous trouverez quelques extraits : https://ollam.me
Information Source: eventbrite
JEC Europe Composites Show 2025 | Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre
Mar 4–Mar 6, 2025 (UTC-5)
JEC World features ground-breaking solutions, unique manufacturing, and business opportunities, showing the latest innovations JEC World features ground-breaking solutions, unique manufacturing, and business opportunities, showing the latest innovations and how composites materials push the limits of your projects and ambitions. The show creates a creative space towards aeronautics and aerospace products and services, automotive products and services, construction and infrastructure products and equipment, marine services and accessories, mass transportation products and services, oil and gas products and accessories, pipes and tanks, sports and leisure products and services, wind energy technologies and other products.
Information Source: JEC Group | expotobi
Hans Hollein < transFORMS > | The Centre Pompidou
Mar 5–Jun 2, 2025 (UTC+1)
This monographic exhibition is dedicated to Austrian architect Hans Hollein (1934-2014), most commonly associated with the postmodernist movement following his participation in the inaugural Venice Architecture Biennale in 1980 and his colonnaded façade proposal for the Strada Novissima project. Bringing together the most emblematic pieces from an œuvre spanning over fifty years, the exhibition offers a fresh perspective on the coherence of his artistic and critical approach, viewed through the lens of his engagement with various movements that shaped the post-avant-garde from the 1960s to the 1980s—from informal art to conceptual art, including radical architecture.
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Hans Hollein < transFORMS > | The Centre Pompidou
Mar 5–Jun 2, 2025 (UTC+1)
This monographic exhibition is dedicated to Austrian architect Hans Hollein (1934-2014), most commonly associated with the postmodernist movement following his participation in the inaugural Venice Architecture Biennale in 1980 and his colonnaded façade proposal for the Strada Novissima project. Bringing together the most emblematic pieces from an œuvre spanning over fifty years, the exhibition offers a fresh perspective on the coherence of his artistic and critical approach, viewed through the lens of his engagement with various movements that shaped the post-avant-garde from the 1960s to the 1980s—from informal art to conceptual art, including radical architecture.
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PharmagoraPlus 2025 | Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Mar 8–Mar 9, 2025 (UTC-5)
PharmagoraPlus is an international event focusing on the overall development of the Pharmaceutical industries worldwide PharmagoraPlus is an international event focusing on the overall development of the Pharmaceutical industries worldwide. The event aims at increasing the overall domestic production along with the active participation of all stakeholders. The event supports by promoting all pharma products to be made and manufactured using industries. The event covers whole pharmaceutical processes from raw materials to its manufacturing. This event showcases product from Medical & Pharmaceutical, Scientific Instruments, Research & Development, Ayurvedic & Herbal industries.
Information Source: CloserStill Media Ltd | expotobi
Terre, Femmes et Résilience : La Pensée de Vandana Shiva | Espace Falguière
Mar 9, 2025 (UTC+1)
Soirée Dessin et Philosophie autour de Vandana Shiva, gardienne des graines Surnommée la Gandhi verte , Vandana Shiva s'inspire de la philosophie non violente pour lutter contre l'agriculture intensive et l'appauvrissement des sols et promeut une écologie respectueuse du Vivant. Cette soirée originale propose une partie de réflexion avec la philosophe Annaëlle Mehr, et une partie artistique avec la dessinatrice Angel Ip. Tarif unique : 10€ Nous trouver : Espace Falguière, 12 rue Falguière 75015 Paris Crédit photo : Frank Schwichtenberg, Global Citizen Festival Hamburg
Information Source: Nouvelle Acropole Paris 15 | eventbrite
David Claerbout | Musee de l'Orangerie
Mar 12–Jun 9, 2025 (UTC+1)
Since the 1990s, he has been developing a body of work centred on the passage of time, largely consisting of videos and related drawings, studies, storyboards and dissertations on various projects. Claerbout invites the viewer to explore the plurality of the experience of duration through perception of often miniscule changes. His film Boom (1996), for example, is a slow, attentive observation of a magnificent tree in the countryside. Only the air flowing through its leaves tells us that the image is in motion, prompting us to view it with a demanding yet contemplative eye. The image, simple and beautiful, exerts an unaccustomed fascination by depicting the self-evidence of the tree’s existence in the world.
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David Claerbout | Musee de l'Orangerie
Mar 12–Jun 9, 2025 (UTC+1)
Since the 1990s, he has been developing a body of work centred on the passage of time, largely consisting of videos and related drawings, studies, storyboards and dissertations on various projects. Claerbout invites the viewer to explore the plurality of the experience of duration through perception of often miniscule changes. His film Boom (1996), for example, is a slow, attentive observation of a magnificent tree in the countryside. Only the air flowing through its leaves tells us that the image is in motion, prompting us to view it with a demanding yet contemplative eye. The image, simple and beautiful, exerts an unaccustomed fascination by depicting the self-evidence of the tree’s existence in the world.
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David Claerbout | Musee de l'Orangerie
Mar 12–Jun 9, 2025 (UTC+1)
Since the 1990s, he has been developing a body of work centred on the passage of time, largely consisting of videos and related drawings, studies, storyboards and dissertations on various projects. Claerbout invites the viewer to explore the plurality of the experience of duration through perception of often miniscule changes. His film Boom (1996), for example, is a slow, attentive observation of a magnificent tree in the countryside. Only the air flowing through its leaves tells us that the image is in motion, prompting us to view it with a demanding yet contemplative eye. The image, simple and beautiful, exerts an unaccustomed fascination by depicting the self-evidence of the tree’s existence in the world.
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Les Rencontres du Pont Royal avec Laure Adler | Hôtel Pont Royal Paris
Mar 12, 2025 (UTC+1)
Au fil des éditions, « Les Rencontres du Pont Royal» ont trouvé leur place dans l’agenda des écrivains, des vignerons et autres hédonistes. Imaginées autour de rendez-vous mensuels qui associent la littérature, la gastronomie et l’oenologie, ces soirées littéraires, animées par le journaliste et écrivain, Olivier Barrot, honorent les fruits de la création et de l’imagination d’auteurs, de chefs et des amoureux de la vigne. La 6ème édition de cette saison 2024/2025, qui se tiendra le mercredi 12 mars 2025, accueillera Laure Adler. Une conscience, une voix. Elle défend depuis toujours la cause des femmes, par ses livres, par ses émissions de radio et de télévision. Engagée, Laure Adler sait évoquer des destinées de toute sorte, reflets de ses curiosités. Littérature, peinture, cinéma, philosophie, tout l'intéresse. Les convives embarqueront pour un voyage inédit autour d’un dîner signé par leChef Christophe Raoux, Meilleur Ouvrier de France 2015 et étoilé au Guide MICHELIN, subtilement accordé avec une sélection de vins d'un prestigieux Domaine. Pour parfaire ce moment, chaque participant recevra en cadeau le dernier ouvrage de l'autrice, ainsi que l'un de ses grands succès, qu’il pourra faire dédicacer en souvenir de cette soirée privilégiée.
Information Source: Hôtel Pont Royal Paris | eventbrite
Salon Mondial du Tourisme 2025 | Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Mar 13–Mar 16, 2025 (UTC-5)
Salon Mondial du Tourisme show for passionate travellers or just looking for a long weekend in love, you will find your happiness among all the travel trends Salon Mondial du Tourisme show for passionate travellers or just looking for a long weekend in love, you will find your happiness among all the travel trends offered at the show. under the tropical sun for a relaxing stay, at the top of the alps for a breath of fresh air skiing, or in the heart of the mountains of Vietnam, for a trek through the rice fields. This fair offers you a complete range of trips that meet all your desire to escape.
Information Source: COMEXPOSIUM | expotobi
Requiem de Mozart / Boléro de Ravel | Église de la Madeleine
Mar 14, 2025 (UTC+1)
Orchestre Hélios Direction : Matthieu Cabanes Chœur Hélios Éphémère Le Boléro De Ravel Le Boléro est l’œuvre de musique classique la plus jouée dans le monde avec une représentation toutes les 15 minutes. Lors de sa création, le compositeur avait donné les droits d’auteur à son jardiner sans prévoir son succès auprès du grand public. Cette œuvre est l’archétype de l’ostinato. La mélodie est reprise à tour de rôle par les différents instruments de l’orchestre sur une formule rythmique à la percussion. Le Requiem de Mozart Les circonstances particulières de commande de cette œuvre, et les conditions en quelque sorte tragiques de son écriture, sur le lit de mort de son auteur, en alimentent la légende. En juillet 1791, le comte Walsegg-Stuppach, sous le sceau du secret, commanda un Requiem à Mozart pour sa femme, morte en février. Le travail fut différé en octobre, dû au surmenage que connaissait le compositeur pris par la Clémence de Titus et par la Flûte Enchantée. A la mort de Mozart, le Requiem restait une œuvre inachevée. Dans la phase finale de sa maladie, Mozart avait écrit l’intégralité du « Requiem aeternam » : du Kyrie au Confutatis, seules les parties vocales et la basse continue était écrites. Pour le Lacrimosa, seulement les huit premières mesures de la voix et deux premières mesures des parties de violon et d’alto. Des esquisses de pièces supplémentaires ont été perdues. Alors qu’il était alité, des amis viennent chanter les parties du Requiem à son chevet. Dynamique et éclectique, l’orchestre Hélios s’est imposé depuis sa création en 2014. Son directeur artistique, Paul Savalle, favorise l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes musiciens par la pratique d’orchestre. Ainsi, de jeunes diplômés se mêlent aux musiciens d’orchestre, aux chefs et aux solistes expérimentés, dans des conditions de travail optimales. De la musique baroque à la musique contemporaine, les programmes sont variés. Quant au répertoire, il est à la fois symphonique et choral, l’orchestre s’associant aux chœurs départementaux et régionaux. Grâce à la collaboration de différents chefs, les musiciens abordent un répertoire très riche en élargissant leur palette d’interprétation. Ils sont tous issus des grands conservatoires français, certains appartenant à un orchestre national. Du quatuor à cordes à l’orchestre symphonique, en passant par l’ensemble de cuivres, l’orchestre élargit toujours son audience en modulant sa composition. La formation « cordes » se produit dans des endroits pittoresques qui ne sauraient accueillir un orchestre symphonique, ce qui permet au public de découvrir un patrimoine architectural très riche. En somme, grâce à sa formation à géométrie variable, l’orchestre Hélios aborde le répertoire le plus large avec une curiosité passionnée.
Information Source: orchestre Hélios - Classique à tout prix | eventbrite
Franchise Expo Paris 2025 | Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Mar 15–Mar 17, 2025 (UTC-5)
Franchise Expo Paris is the most international franchise show in the world, welcoming exhibitors and visitors from more than 101 countries Franchise Expo Paris is the most international franchise show in the world, welcoming exhibitors and visitors from more than 101 countries.
Information Source: Reed Exhibitions | expotobi