Featured Events in Berlin in October, 2024 (Continuously Updated)

Event Status
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Numismata Berlin 2024 | Messe Berlin

Oct 26–Oct 27, 2024 (UTC-5)
Numismata Berlin 2024 is a highly anticipated numismatic event featuring an extensive collection of coins and medals spanning ancient civilizations to the present day. This prestigious event is a must-visit for enthusiasts and collectors alike, showcasing an impressive array of primitive money, banknotes, historic securities, shares, and much more. Numismata Berlin 2024 will take place at the esteemed Messe Berlin, located at Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Germany. Mark your calendars for October 26 to October 27, 2024, as this is an opportunity not to be missed. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of numismatics and explore the rich history and cultural significance behind these fascinating objects. Whether you are a seasoned collector or just starting your numismatic journey, Numismata Berlin 2024 promises to be an unforgettable experience. Join us in Berlin, where a treasure trove of numismatic wonders awaits.

Yasiin Bey "Beyondoom" exklusive German show | Huxleys Neue Welt

Oct 22, 2024 (UTC+1)
Zum ersten Mal in Deutschland wird Yasiin Bey (FKA Mos Def) seine einzigartige Interpretation der Musik des großartigen MF DOOM aufführen. Eine ganzer Abend in Gedenken an Reime Viktor Vaughan, auch bekannt als The Villain, King Gheedorah oder einfach DOOM, der am 31. Oktober 2020 viel zu früh verstorben ist. Dies ist seine Hommage an seine Lieblingslieder aus dem Katalog. Auf der ganzen Welt in Minuten ausverkauft hat Berlin nun die Möglichkeit einen der Hip Hop Ikonen mit einem einzigartigen Bühnenprogramm live zu erleben. /////// englisch version /////// for the first time in Germany, Yasiin Bey (FKA Mos Def) will perform his unique interpretation of the music of the great MF DOOM. A whole evening in memory of Reime Viktor Vaughan, also known as The Villain, King Gheedorah or simply DOOM, who passed away far too early on October 31, 2020. This is his tribute to his favorite songs from the catalog. Sold out all over the world in minutes, Berlin now has the opportunity to experience one of the hip hop icons live with a unique stage program. Information Source: Wiesenland | eventbrite

The VENUS Berlin 2024 | Messe Berlin

Oct 24–Oct 27, 2024 (UTC-5)
The VENUS Berlin 2023 features film producers, love toys and lingerie, there are also traders on location presenting furniture, clothing and alcoholic beverages for example, in the exhibition halls under the Funkturm The VENUS Berlin features film producers, love toys and lingerie, there are also traders on location presenting furniture, clothing and alcoholic beverages for example, in the exhibition halls under the Funkturm. Information Source: VENUS Berlin GmbH | expotobi

SMASH COMEDY meets KIEZ COMEDY | Kulturfabrik Moabit e.V.

Oct 26, 2024 (UTC+1)
SMASH COMEDY meets KIEZ COMEDY! Hamburgs queerfeministische Stand Up Comedy Show geht auf Tour, und feiert die Frauen, FLINTA* & Queers der deutschen Comedyszene - für mehr Sichtbarkeit marginalisierter Gruppen, Personen und Themen, die auf konservativen Comedybühnen kaum stattfinden. SMASH COMEDY ist eine alternative Show mit den etwas anderen Perspektiven und Witzen übers Leben, die Gesellschaft und das Menschsein. Eine Bühne ohne toxische Maskulinität, Misogynie und Rassismus, Queer- und Transfeindlichkeit - eine Bühne für Queers, Nichtbinäre, Frauen, Lesben, Transpersonen u.a. - ein Safe(r) Space, auch fürs Publikum. Motto: Mit maximalem Spaß und Diversity Power gegen Diskriminierung. Unsere Stand Up Comedy ist kein politisches Kabarett, und doch ein politischer, ein kulturaktivistischer Akt. Solidarisiert euch, educate yourself, trainiert eure Empathie-Muskeln und kommt in unsere Shows, wir freuen uns! Falls du selbst FLINTA* oder queer bist und mal Stand Up Comedy ausprobieren willst, schreib uns eine Mail an, und du kriegst einen Spot in unserer Show! Information Source: Smash Comedy Club | eventbrite

Tag der offenen Tür bei Kieser Berlin-Wilmersdorf | Kieser

Oct 12–Oct 19, 2024 (UTC+1)
Sports & Fitness
Wir möchten Sie einladen, sich selbst ein Bild zu machen: Einfach am 12. Oktober 2024 in unser Studio kommen, 200 Euro Startrabatt sichern und mit einem kostenlosen Einführungstraining loslegen. Unser ganzes Team steht an diesem Tag für Sie bereit, um Ihnen zu zeigen, was stark macht. Bringen Sie gern Familie und Freunde mit. Wir freuen uns auf Sie. Ihr Kieser-Team Wilmersdorf Information Source: Kieser | eventbrite


Oct 15–Oct 18, 2024 (UTC+1)
Strategy for Combining Text and Movement with Dani Brown ***This workshop is 3 days and includes 15 hours of instruction. This intensive will get sweaty and loud, it will get creepy and glorious, delicious and unnerving. A big part of my artistic practice is concerned with the potential dimensions of combining text and movement, and how uncanny juxtapositions between physicality, voice and textual content function to bring about a complexity of poetics in the eye of the viewer. Every day will begin with an intense physical and vocal preparation followed by practices to introduce my strategies for combining text and movement. Participants will develop monologue material with a strategic combination of voice and physical quality. The main objective of this intensive is not only that participants gain practical experience developing text and movement combinations, but also to inspire their own practice, research and development of strategies in this area. Information Source: DANI BROWN | eventbrite

Cyanotypie • analoges Photoverfahren | Druckgraphik Atelier

Oct 17–Oct 18, 2024 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
Eine der ersten Fotografinnen weltweit — Anna Atkins — veröffentlichte bereits 1843/44 das erste Buch, das ausschließlich photographisch bebildert war. Sie nutzte hierfür eine reizvolle Technik der analogen Photographie: die Cyanotypie. Mithilfe dieser können sowohl Foto-Negative als auch Objekte, Materialien, oder Schablonen mit UV Licht belichtet und auf Papier gebannt werden. Man erhält in relativ kurzer Zeit einen interessant in Blautönen gefärbten »Abdruck« der belichteten Vorlage. Die Teilnehmenden werden in die Technik der Cyanotypie eingeführt. Im Workshop wird zunächst eine lichtempfindliche Flüssigkeit auf ein planes Material aufgetragen. Bei diesem Vorgang wird bereits eine wichtige gestalterische Entscheidung getroffen. Daher ist Tag 1 dem Erarbeiten des Motivs, dem Auftragen der Flüssigkeit und ersten Belichtungstests gewidmet. Am zweiten Tag des Workshops kann eine Auflage gedruckt und mit diversen Experimenten gearbeitet werden. Es kann bis zum Format Din A3 gearbeitet werden. Information Source: Druckgraphik Atelier | eventbrite

Berlin Tech Job Fair 2024 | Techspace Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany

Oct 17, 2024 (UTC-5)
The Berlin Tech Job Fair 2024 is set to be an unparalleled opportunity for tech enthusiasts and professionals alike. Taking place on October 17th at the renowned Techspace Kreuzberg in Berlin, Germany, this event promises to be a hub of innovation and career advancement. Attendees can expect to network with leading tech companies, discover cutting-edge job opportunities, and engage in insightful discussions on the latest industry trends. With a focus on fostering connections between employers and talent, the Berlin Tech Job Fair 2024 is the ideal platform for those looking to make significant strides in their tech careers. Mark the calendar for a day filled with potential and growth in the heart of Berlin's vibrant tech scene.

Stand Up Comedy Roast von Kinan Al II | Mehringhof-Theater

Oct 18, 2024 (UTC+1)
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 Nach dem unvergesslichen ersten Roast von Kinan Al im April gehts nun in die zweite Runde – natürlich mit 6 anderen Comedians. 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 Sei live dabei, wenn sich No-Name-Legenden der Berliner Stand Up Comedy Szene gegenseitig roasten.😹 🗣️ Diese Comedians lassen an diesem Abend ihre Würde zuhause 🏠 - und wer sie doch versehentlich dabei hat, dem wird sie höchstwahrscheinlich um die Ohren fliegen.💥 Sei dabei, wenn die Grenze zwischen Spaß und Ernst im Nebel der Roasting-Lines verschwindet... Alles, was du deinem herablassenden Chef, dem unfreundlichen Nachbar oder deiner ehemaligen Chemie Lehrerin am Liebsten auch mal ins Gesicht gesagt hättest – 🤭 Roast Master Passun Azhand eröffnet den Ring 🤝 für unsere 7 one-day-maybe-Legenden. Ein Abend voller Schenkelklopfer und Beleidigungen, an dem du dich getrost zurücklehnen darfst, mindestens mit purer Erleichterung darüber, selber nicht im Ring zu stehen. Lass deine Menschlichkeit & Empathie gegen die Wand fahren, weil du dein Lachen doch nicht mehr zurückhalten kannst. Es ist okay. Am 18.10 hast du die offizielle Erlaubnis in Schadenfreude zu baden. Lass deine dunkle Seite sich entladen. Mit dabei sind Ahmed Aly, Hendrik Brehmer, Niclas Amling, Ezra Khalili, Matilde Keizer und Sinan Kutscher. Alle sehr gute, unbeachtete, glanzlose Comedians. Noch. Wir freuen uns auf dich! 🚀 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Der ermäßigte Ticketpreis gilt für Schüler, Studierende, Arbeitslose, Schwerbehinderte und Berlin-Pass Inhaber. Information Source: Lachkater Comedy | eventbrite

Berlin | ورشة ستاند أب كوميدي بالعربي مع عمار دبا | Leonorenstraße 85

Oct 18–Oct 27, 2024 (UTC+1)
بتحبوا الستاند أب كوميدي؟؟ حضرتوا عرض ستاند أب وتمنيتوا تعملوا نفس الشي؟ تفرجتوا على عرض ستاند أب عالتلفزيون وحلمتوا توفقوا عالمسرح؟؟ إذا أي من الأسئلة اللي فوق بتعبر عن وضعكون، معناتا هالورشة بتهمكون: رح نعمل ورشة للستاند أب كوميدي العربي مع الكوميديان عمار دبا، رح تتناول الورشة أساسيات الستاند أب كوميدي ورح تحطون على المسار الصحيح لتتابعوا بالستاند أب كوميدي. شو بتقدم الورشة؟ المنهج رح يتناول الجوانب النظرية التالية: مفهوم الستاند أب كوميدي ولمحة تاريخيةما مصدر النكتة ؟بناء النكتةقواعد الستاند أب كوميديوكمان رح نتناول الجوانب العملية التالية: الإلهام الكوميديفن المبالغةتكوين المواد الكوميديةالأداء على خشبة المسرحالتعامل مع المايكروفونالتعامل مع الجمهورتحويل الموهبة لعملالتحضير للعرض الأولالورشة رح تستمر على مدى 6 ساعات ولمدة 6 أيام هنن: الجمعة 18 أكتوبرالسبت 19 أكتوبرالأحد 20 أكتوبربعدين 4 أيام استراحة ونتابع الجمعة 25 أكتوبرالسبت 26 أكتوبرالأحد 27 أكتوبررح ننهي الورشة بعرض تخرج للطلاب يقدموا فيه المواد الكوميدية اللي اشتغلوا عليها خلال الورشة. رح نتواصل مع الأعزاء اللي سجلوا عالورشة للتنسيق قبل بداية الورشة تكلفة الورشة 200 يورو للشخص (أي شخص ممكن يواجه صعوبة بتأمين المبلغ يتواصل معنا على الإيميل ورح نحاول نساعد قد ما منقدر ملاحظة: عمر المشاركين لا يجب أن يقل عن 18 سنة. الورشة باللغة العربية لأي استفسارات بتقدروا تتواصلوا على نفس الإيميل Information Source: Ammar Daba | eventbrite

Guerilla Slam | Mulackei

Oct 18, 2024 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
Herzlich Willkommen beim Guerilla Slam! Der Guerilla Slam ist ein Poetry Slam, also ein moderner Dichter*innen-Wettstreit. Bei einem Poetry Slam treten verschiedene, teils internationale Künstler*innen mit ihren selbstgeschriebenen Texten gegeneinander an. Die Auftretenden haben 6 Minuten Zeit, das Publikum zu begeistern und von sich zu überzeugen. Kostüme und Gesang sind nicht gestattet. Entschieden wird der Abend durch das Publikum, das die Performance durch Applausabstimmung bewertet. Die Mulackei liegt zwischen U Rosenthaler Platz und U Weinmeisterstraße. Vorverkauf: 13€ regulär, 10€ ermäßigt - zzgl. Gebühren Abendkasse Empfehlung 15€ regulär, 12€ ermäßigt Doors 18:15 Uhr, Beginn 19:00 Uhr Instagram: kunst_und_krawall_ Kultur für alle! An unseren Abendkassen gilt das Prinzip: jede*r gibt, was er*sie kann und wer kann, gibt gerne mehr! Denn unsere Veranstaltungen sollen trotz steigender Preise für alle Menschen zugänglich bleiben. Das bedeutet: 1. Unsere Abendkassenpreise sind Richtwerte. 2. Jede*r gibt, was er*sie kann. Unser Einlasspersonal fragt nicht nach, wenn ihr weniger gebt. 3. Am Einlass gibt es eine Soli-Kasse. Wer mehr geben kann, kann uns gerne ein kleine Spende da lassen für Leute, die es sich weniger leisten können, und für die Kultur. Information Source: Kunst&Krawall | eventbrite

Intuitive dance & improvisation to westafrican drum rhythms | Groove - Zentrum für Percussion

Oct 19, 2024 (UTC+1)
A space of experience for free dance in dialogue with djembé and dunduns (bass drums) and the wonderful voice of Toumany Fofana. An inner impulse finds expression in an outer movement, becomes visible in dance. Feel the joy and well-being of letting go of everything through dance and finding your own expression in movement. No specific dance experience necessary - let yourself be guided by your inner feeling, your resonance to the music and the rhythm of the drums. Description of what to expect: We start with guided bodywork on the floor and from here we find a transition into personal creative movement development and dance improvisation in the space. You can be for yourself or meet the others in the group. Afterwards, the dance intensifies again in the dialogue of each dancer with the drummers. Carried by the energy of the group and the powerful rhythms, you deepen your own expression of movement and expand your variety of dance movements. Live-Music: Toumany Fofana and Wolfram Blechner I am looking forward to seeing you! Information Source: Amrit Quandte | eventbrite

There and Back Again: English Stand-up About Travel & Expat Life 19.10.24 | Oblomov Kreuzkoelln

Oct 19, 2024 (UTC+1)
Line-up: Gino Christofaro (BRA/GER), Moe Singleton (USA), Abi Mohanty (IND), Younes Benslaoui (MAR). ! ! Our Saturday shows have been SOLD OUT almost every time, so PLEASE book online and don't take chances ;) !! Neukolln's favorite (by popular vote) comedy club East-West Comedy presents the new, topical show all about travel & expat life! Berlin is full of immigrants and travellers with stories to share, and this is the perfect comedy show to listen to some of the best local and visiting performers, telling jokes and twisted stories of their fish-out-of-the-water experiences. 4 headliner-level* comedians from USA, UK, Europe, Asia and more will make you laugh, feel and think (with occasional flashes of cringe, wanderlust and homesickness). *headliner-level comedians are professional comedians who regularly headline different comedy clubs with 20-30 minute performance, and often go on tour their own 60-90 minute solo shows. Google rating (130+ reviews): 5.0 / 5.0 ★★★★★ “Laughed a lot, will come again for sure” Oliver, UK ★★★★★ “A cozy place with high quality live comedy!” Joanna, Hong Kong ★★★★★ “Great comedy show, talented comics and very nice atmosphere” Mariia, Ukraine ★★★★★ “Comedians were good, beer was good, ambiance was super nice!” Gaelle, Lebanon ★★★★★ “The humour hit us right on the spot!” Eve, China ★★★★★ “Perfect evening of laughter” Igor, Croatia ★★★★★ “Cozy stand-up venue with hilarious international artists and audience!” Elvira, Russia ★★★★★ “Great new shows at one of Berlin’s coolest venues!” James, USA Doors: 7:30 PM Show:8:00 PM Entry: Pay What You Want* (seat reservation required): you reserve your seat for free, and Pay What You Want at the end of the show, depending on how much you think the show is worth (recommended fee: €10-15). Reservations expire 10 minutes before the start of the show. *It is not within our principles to promote a show as Free Entry and ask for a not-so-voluntary donation at the end. This show is paid - we just let you decide the price ;) Information Source: East-West Comedy | eventbrite

Learn to dance in One Day - Swing Dance Workshop (Lindy Hop BEGINNER) | Berlin

Oct 19, 2024 (UTC+1)
Swingdance Workshop (Lindy Hop beginner) Join us on Saturday, 19 October, for an exhilarating Lindy Hop workshop designed for intermediate and advanced dancers! Elevate your swing dance skills and have a blast with us! Time: 10:00 – 13:00 (beginner) Price: 45,00€ single person or 80,00€ if you register as a couple! Don't miss out on this exciting workshop - sign up now! For more infos, i.e. the final info for the location, visit our webpage: Information Source: Let It Swing | eventbrite

Showstoppers: Faux Katya | Tipsy Bear, Eberswalder Straße, Berlin, Germany

Oct 19, 2024 (UTC+1)
ACCESSIBILITY AND SAFETY: this event, like any event at Tipsy Bear Berlin, is a safer space designed and operated by and for LGBTQIA+ people and BIPOC. We stand firmly against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and hate of any kind. We stand FOR abundance, consensual pleasure, communal joy, and full presence. Come with respect and kindness. Our bar is wheelchair accessible. We are a smoking bar, guests must be 18+ to enter. Doors open at 18h everyday. Happy Hour from 18h-19h30 daily. NOTE: A ticket for this event does not guarantee your stay or entry. Our staff has the final say. If you are not respectful to our safer space - if there is any complaint from our staff, artists, or guests - then you will be turned away or asked to leave and your ticket will be refunded. -------------- On Saturday June 29th, the deliciously talented shapeshifter, Faux Katya, returns to Tipsy Bear Berlin for a night of stunning drag artistry. PERFORMANCE LINEUP ANNOUNCED SOON! Doors at 18h Happy Hour 18h-19h30 Show 20h-22h Entry 10 Euro (cash entry available at the door) Fun All Night ;) Information Source: Tipsy Bear Berlin | eventbrite

Swing Dance Workshop (Solo Jazz - open level) | Berlin

Oct 19, 2024 (UTC+1)
Swingdance Workshop (Solo Jazz open level) Join us on Saturday, 19 October, for an exhilarating Solo Jazz workshop designed for all dancers! Elevate your swing dance skills and have fun with us! Time: 10:00 – 13:00 (beginner) Price: 45,00€ Don't miss out on this exciting workshop - sign up now! For more infos, i.e. the final info for the location, visit our webpage: Information Source: Let It Swing | eventbrite


Oct 19, 2024 (UTC+1)
Sports & Fitness
Express Your emotions through pure movement and feel free.‍ DNA. Art Club present ''CONTEMPORARY DANCE''‍ Isais a professional dancer with a lifelong passion for movement: ‍ ''With a diverse background in various dance styles, I have been working professionally for years and hold a degree in dance and education, specializing in contemporary, improvisational and jazz dance.'' We will develop floorwork skills, dive into different techniques and explore the depths of Our physicality to connect with Our emotions.‍‍‍WHEN: 19 10 2024, Saturday 12 to 2 pm ‍ DURATION: 2 h ‍ WHERE: DNA. Art Club Alte Münze Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin ‍ *Entrance from Moneta ‍ WHAT DO YOU NEED: Comfy clothes :) ‍ LEVEL: Open level - movement experience ‍ INCLUDED IN PRIZE: Dance Class Water ‍ LIMITED SPOTS. SAVE YOUR TICKET NOW :) ‍ ‍ See Us soon. Love, Isa& DNA. For more info see: / follow us on IG: :) ***NOTE:By purchasing a ticket for this event, you grant us permission to integrate your contact data into our Database. This allows us to securely save and utilize your contact information to keep you updated about event details, relevant communications and future events. Your privacy and data security are important to us, and we assure you that your information will be handled with the utmost care and in accordance with our privacy policy = see Thank You for Your understanding and support. Information Source: DNA. | eventbrite

Stuzubi Berlin 2024 | Mercure Hotel MOA Berlin

Oct 19, 2024 (UTC-5)
Education & Career
Stuzubi Berlin 2023, will features Universities, universities, as well as regional and regional companies and institutions provide information about their study and training opportunities as well as job prospects at Stuzubi 2020 Stuzubi Berlin, will features Universities, universities, as well as regional and regional companies and institutions provide information about their study and training opportunities as well as job prospects at Stuzubi. Providers for stays abroad and voluntary services, theses and traineeships are also represented at the fair. Information Source: Stuzubi GmbH | expotobi

Stuzubi Berlin 2024 | Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Oct 19, 2024 (UTC-5)
Stuzubi Berlin 2024, set to take place on October 19th in the vibrant city of Berlin, promises to be an unmissable event for students and young professionals. Held at the centrally located Berlin - Berlin, Berlin, Germany, this event serves as a pivotal platform for career guidance and educational opportunities. Attendees can expect a comprehensive array of exhibitors, ranging from universities and vocational schools to leading companies offering internships and apprenticeships. With expert talks, workshops, and one-on-one consultations, Stuzubi Berlin 2024 is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and resources needed to make informed decisions about their future careers. This event stands as a beacon for those seeking to navigate the complex landscape of education and employment, making it an essential date on the calendar for anyone serious about their professional development.

Black Wedding Comedy Club - English Standup Comedy | BLACK WEDDING BAR

Oct 20, 2024 (UTC+1)
Welcome to the newest comedy club in Berlin, right in the heart of Wedding 👰 It's an open mic show with seasoned comics to semi pro to beginners, some trying their new jokes some polishing their old jokes. Come to our show for guaranteed laughs with delish cocktails and great Beers . 🕜 WHEN: Doors open 7:00pm Show starts 7:30pm 🎟️ TICKETS: Seat reservations on Fienta. Please arrive before 7:15pm for guaranteed seating: Show is PAY WHAT YOU WANT, which means at the end you can choose what you'll pay. That means no minimum (or maximum). 📍LOCATION: Two blocks away from U-Bahn Pankstraße. Walk along the river till you find us next to Bibliothek am Luisenbad. Information Source: Sorry Not Sorry English Standup Comedy | eventbrite

The Epic Comedy Berlin Open Mic | Z-Bar

Oct 20, 2024 (UTC+1)
★★★ DOORS 8PM SHOW 8:30★★★ ★★★COMEDY IN ENGLISH★★★ The Epic Comedy Open Mic is just what it sounds like. Take the best comedians featured on the Epic Comedy Showcase and give them an open mic of equally Epic proportions! So expect something a little different from the polished perfection of our Friday night showcase. Here, you get to see future sets come to life. The atmosphere of a true blue open mic is very much its own thing. The comedy is rawer, more free form and everything is charged up by the simple knowledge that anything can happen! This is a donation-based show (Recommended donation 10-15 Euro) so entry is free but we recommend you reserve your seat as seating is limited (reservations valid until 15 minutes before the show starts.) So join us this Sunday at Z-bar and experience the energy of an open mic for professionals. Information Source: Epic Comedy Berlin | eventbrite

Comedyshow • 20 Uhr • Fast Spontan • in Friedrichshain | The Wall Comedy

Oct 20, 2024 (UTC+1)
KONZEPT Fast Spontan ist die wildeste Comedyshow der Stadt. Punkt. In der ersten Hälfte spielen die besten Comedians der berliner Comedyszene Teile ihrer Programme, um euch und uns in Stimmung zu bringen. In der zweiten Hälfte fallen dann alle Hüllen, vor allem die Emotionalen!Jeder Comedian bekommt fünf Begriffe und dann wird improvisiert. Sie wissen nicht, was wir ihnen vorsetzen und sehen die Begriffe im selben Augenblick wie ihr. Ein einzigartiges Konzept, was euch so nur die Hauptstadt der Comedy bietet! COMEDY CLUB Der THE WALL COMEDY CLUB hat sich in den letzten Jahren als alternative und treibende Kraft der Berliner Comedyszene etabliert. Mitten im Schmelztiegel für Kunst und Kultur (direkt am Boxhagener Platz) macht der Comedy Club mit fast spontan seinem Namen alle Ehre und etabliert damit ein Format, was fortgeschrittenen Comedians die Möglichkeit bietet an Ihren Witzen zu arbeiten, bevor es damit auf Tour oder ins Fernsehen geht. COMEDIANS werden noch bekannt gegeben. ZEIT Am Sonntag wird pünktlich gestartet, sodass ihr auch am Wochentag noch zu einer vernünftigen Zeit nach Hause kommt. • Einlass 19:30 Uhr • Showbeginn 20:00 Uhr • Dauer: max. 90 Min. (inkl. kurzer Pause) EINTRITT Der Eintritt zur Show ist frei, wir freuen uns am Ende über eine Spende. RESERVIERUNG Ihr könnt euch einen Sitzplatz reservieren solange das Kontingent reicht - max. bis 19:30Uhr am Veranstaltungstag. (siehe Link zu Eventbrite.) Seid fair und reserviert euch nur einen Platz, wenn ihr auch wirklich vorhabt zu kommen. Die Reservierungen verlieren 10 Minuten vor Showbegin ihre Gültigkeit, sodass die Plätze weiter vergeben werden, an Personen, die bereits vor Ort warten. Wir freuen uns auch eine schöne Show mit euch! Information Source: The Wall Comedy | eventbrite

KUNDALINI ACTIVATION with Hemma Open Class 20th October | b23 Space, Berlin, Deutschland

Oct 20, 2024 (UTC+1)
Kundalini Activation is a unique and transformative energy transmission that initiates the awakening of Kundalini energy within you. Unlike other Kundalini practices that rely on self-generation through willful effort, Kundalini Activation offers a path of surrender. Through this direct energy transmission, the life force descends from the crown chakra, gradually activating the Kundalini energy at the root chakras, and establishing a harmonious flow in both directions. This natural and powerful process unfolds gradually, leading to a profound awakening. Kundalini Activation is considered to be a very safe practice, as the intelligent energy involved in the process provides each participant with precisely what they need in that moment, neither more nor less. During a Kundalini Activation session, individuals may experience spontaneous movements. Some describe it as a cathartic journey, while others find themselves gaining deep insights and realizations. These experiences, however, are just some of the possible side effects that can occur. With regular exposure to this energy there is a profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system. This process leads to a rediscovery of your true essence and a harmonious integration of the awakened energy into your life. The real adventure begins after the session, as you navigate the transformative effects of the energy in your everyday experiences. for videos and more info head over to my instagram HemmaIs a trauma informed energy worker and spaceholder working in Berlin with sound, energy, kundalini and transformative bodywork. @lightforce.activation.hemma Information Source: Hemma | eventbrite

Stars & Sternchen der Standup-Comedy-Szene ⭐Gratis ⭐Comedy Show ⭐ Kreuzberg | Madonna Bar

Oct 21, 2024 (UTC+1)
⭐ Infos & Reservierungen zu vielen weiteren Comedy Shows: ⭐ ⭐ MADONNA COMEDY ⭐ Live Standup Comedy Show powered by KalleforniaProfis & Newcomer bieten euch eine abwechslungsreiche Show in uriger Atmosphäre - Getreu dem Motto “Dit is’ Berlin!”Freier Eintritt (Spende erwünscht, Vorschlag: ca. 7-10 €)In der Madonna Bar, Wiener Str. 22, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg (Mindestalter für die Bar: 18 Jahre!)★ Reservierung empfohlen (aber nicht notwendig): ca. 19:00 Uhr Einnahme der Sitzplätze mit Reservierung (genügend Zeit für das Stöbern in der umfangreichen Getränkekarte: u.a. 250 Whisk(e)y-Sorten, 150 Rum-Sorten, 7 Biere vom Fass)Der Anspruch auf die kostenlose Sitzplatz-Reservierung verfällt nach 19:30 Uhr!19:30 Uhr Einnahme der Sitzplätze ohne Reservierung (falls noch freie Plätze vorhanden sind)20:00 Uhr Show-Beginn22:00 Uhr Show-Ende★ Euch erwartet eine abwechslungsreiche Standup Comedy Show: Bei Madonna Comedy kommen Profis aus Funk, Fernsehen und Internet oder auch Anfänger vorbei um neues Material zu testen oder an bekannten Routinen zu feilen. Beides ist nicht nur äußerst unterhaltsam, sondern durchaus amüsant anzuschauen.Moderiert wird das Ganze von Untergrundlegende Kalle Zilske(bekannt aus: Quatsch Comedy Club, Nightwash, Comedy Central etc.)⭐ Show-Empfehlungen ⭐ Das Kallefornia Comedy Open Mic (gratis) gibt es jeden Samstag (gratis) um 20:00 Uhr in der Bar Mein Freund Harvey sowie auch jeden Donnerstag (gratis) um 18:30 Uhr & 20:00 Uhr im Comedy Club Mad Monkey RoomJeden Montag ab 20 Uhr erwarten euch auch bei Madonna Comedy in Kreuzberg wieder Stars & Sternchen der Standup-Comedy-SzeneInfos & Reservierungen zu diesen und vielen weiteren Shows auf: ➡️www.kallefornia.berlinMadonna Bar Wiener Str. 22, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg (Mindestalter für die Bar: 18 Jahre!) Information Source: Martin Halla | eventbrite

Dörty4 Türkçe Stand-up - Berlin | Galerie & Bar Tor218 Artklub

Oct 21, 2024 (UTC+1)
Biz 82Berlin , göçmenlerden oluşan yeni Türkçe stand up komedi topluluğuyuz. Kim miyiz? Yazar, influencer, podcaster gibi mizahın farklı dallarından çıkıp Almanya'da bunca zamandır niye yoktu yahu dediğimiz Türkçe standup şovları için bir araya gelmiş bir grup insanız. 82Berlin olarak, en iyi komedyenlerimizin, en iyi şakalarıyla oluşturduğumuz Dörty4 ile şehrine geliyoruz! Dört Komedyenimiz sahneye çıkıp, 20 uzun dakika boyunca sadece ama sadece EN İYİ şakalarını yapacaklar. Kimisi ailesini fazla fazla paylaşacak, kimi felsefi ve dini yolculuğunu. Belki onların çocukluk travmalarına daha derinden bakacağız, belki de ne kadar berbat bir insan olduklarından bahsedecekler. Kapı Açılışı: 19:30 Başlangıç saati: 20:00 Etkinlik Kuralları: (LÜTFEN OKUYUNUZ) - Etkinligimiz +18 ögeler içermektedir. - Hassasiyetlerinizi etkinliğe girerken ücretsiz vestiyerimize bırakıp, etkinlik çıkışında sağ salim teslim alabilirsiniz. - Gösteride fotoğraf çekip @82berlinstandup Instagram hesabını etiketleyebilirsiniz. Ancak video ve ses kaydı almanız bizi üzer, silmenizi rica ederiz. - Burada yaptığınız rezervasyonlarınız gösteri başlangıcından 15 dakika sonrasına kadar geçerli olacaktır. Herkesin birbirini ghostladığı bu şehirde, komedi şovunu da ghostlamayıp gelirsiniz diye düşünüyoruz. - Gösteri esnasında sigara içmek yasaktır. Öncesinde, arasında ve sonrasında sigara içme alanları mevcuttur, dilediğiniz tütün ve türevini tüketebilirsiniz. - Dışarıdan yiyecek içecek lütfen getirmeyiniz. - Sahnedeki komedyenleri ve şovu sabote etmeden gönlünüzce eğlenebilirsiniz. Görüşürüz, Öptük <3 Information Source: 82Berlin Stand Up | eventbrite

ORANIENPLATZ COMEDY - Stand Up Comedy Show Kreuzberg | Oranienpl. 15

Oct 21, 2024 (UTC+1)
🎤 ORANIENPLATZ Comedy – Lachen garantiert! 🎤 Bock auf einen Abend voller Lacher? Dann schnapp dir deine Freund:innen und komm zur Oraneinplatz Comedy! Hier erwarten dich erfahrene Comedians mit ihrem neusten Material – und das alles in gemütlicher Atmosphäre in der Oranienberger Bar! KONZEPT: Es erwarten euch 4 bis maximal 6 erfahrene Comedians die jeweils 10-15 Minuten ihres Materials an euch testen! In der Mitte gibt es eine Pause und wer weiß - vielleicht werdet ihr zufällig Preview-Zuschauer:innen von Comedians bevor sie mit dem Material auf große Tour gehen können! 👉 WANN: Jeden MONTAG! 👉 WO: Oranienberger Bar, Oranienplatz 15, 10999 Berlin 👉 EINLASS: 19:30 Uhr 👉 SHOWBEGINN: 20 Uhr - Früh da sein sichert die besten Plätze! 👉 DAUER: ca. 100 Minuten 🎟️ EINTRITT: Der Eintritt ist kostenlos. Wir freuen uns am Ende über eine kleine Spende 🏮 RESERVIERUNGEN: Ihr könnt euch einen Sitzplatz reservieren solange das Kontingent reicht - max. bis 19:30Uhr am Veranstaltungstag. (siehe Link zu Eventbrite.) Seid fair und reserviert euch nur einen Platz, wenn ihr auch wirklich vorhabt zu kommen. Die Reservierungen verlieren 10 Minuten vor Showbegin ihre Gültigkeit, sodass die Plätze weiter vergeben werden, an Personen, die bereits vor Ort warten. Wir freuen uns auf eine schöne Show mit euch! Information Source: Ezra Khalili | eventbrite

KAKTUS COMEDY: Comedy with female, non-binary, trans & queer Comedians | interkosmos - café. bar. utopie

Oct 22, 2024 (UTC+1)
Kaktus Comedy – The Stand-Up Comedy Open Mic for female, trans, non-binary and queer comedians! 🌵🎤 This Kaktus Show is in English on Tuesday October 22, 8pm at Interkosmos. Hosted by Kaktus-founder Marie Harnau. The goal? We’re creating a space for female, non-binary, trans and queer comics to showcase and celebrate their comedy talents. 🏳️‍🌈❤️ A stage without hetero-cis men – right in the heart of Berlin’s comedy scene. Dreaming of trying out stand-up comedy yourself? Then Kaktus Comedy is the perfect place for your first performance! Just reach out via Instagram at: @kaktus.comedyy and become part of Kaktus Comedy. We can’t wait to see you and share lots of unforgettable laughs! 🌟 The show is free and donation-based. 🎫 Reserve your spot to secure a seat. ⏱️ Start: 8:00 PM - End: around 10:00 PM 🚨 Attention: Please arrive before 7:50 PM. Reservations expire after that. Just keep laughing! Kaktus Comedy looks forward to seeing you! 🌵 More info on Instagram @marie.harnau and @kaktuscomedyy. Information Source: FLINTA* und Queer "Kaktus Comedy" | eventbrite

Eine Stunde spielen | Verbindungsraum | Alina Klisch - Systemisches Coaching

Oct 22, 2024 (UTC+1)
**English version below Eine Stunde kollektiv Quatsch machen, mit Mr. Ernst tanzen und kopflos herumrennen - in diesem Playshop ist SPIELEN Programm. 🤸‍♀️ Also lass deinen Alltagstress hinter dir, vergiss gestern und auch Morgen, denn hier gibt es nur das HIER UND JETZT. In aktivierenden und körperbasierten Theater- und Gruppenspielen lädt dich Kathi dazu ein, in einen Moment voller Spiel- und Freude einzutauchen - ohne Nachdenken, ohne Grübeln, ohne Analysieren. Hol dir deinen Energiekick für die Woche, lass dein inneres Ver-Rücktes raus und schüttel das ab, was du eigentlich nicht brauchst. Hossa! 🌈🤹‍♀️ Über die Workshop-Leitung: Kathi ist angehende Theatertherapeutin, Medien- & Theaterpädagogin und Künstlerin. Aber allem voran ist sie eine Spielerin. Mit einem riesigen inneren Kinderherzen immer auf der Suche nach der nächsten Möglichkeit, die Welt auf den Kopf zu stellen und sich das Leben zu erspielen. _______________________________________ **English version: An hour of collective silliness, dancing with Mr. Serious, and running around aimlessly – in this Playshop, PLAY is on the agenda. 🤸‍♀️ So leave your daily stress behind, forget about yesterday and tomorrow, because here, there is only the HERE AND NOW. Through energizing and body-based theater and group games, Kathi invites you to dive into a moment full of play and joy – without thinking, worrying, or analyzing. Get your energy boost for the week, let your inner craziness out, and shake off everything you don’t really need. Lets play! 🌈🤹‍♀️ About the workshop leader: Kathi is a budding drama therapist, media and theater educator, and artist. But above all, she is a player. With a huge inner child’s heart, she is always searching for the next opportunity to turn the world upside down and play her way through life. Information Source: Alina Klisch & Kathrin Reindl | eventbrite

Watercolor Workshop - Painting On Paper [Figures] | CISpace Coworking Café

Oct 22, 2024 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
About this courseThe total watercolor course consists of around 23 lessons that last 2 hours each. You can join at any time during the course. The lessons will happen almost every Tuesday at 19:00-21:00 in Berlin. This course is aimed at introducing the painting process with watercolor as the main medium. These lessons cover the various watecolor techniques and methodologies. It is suitable for beginners and or even professionals who want to rationalize the watercolor painting process. It is being hosted by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. How much does it cost?1st Lesson tryout costs 10€. You can do that only once. 4 x Lessons (2 hours each) cost 80€. 1 x Lesson (2 hours) costs 28€. In order to participate you need to prepay 4 lessons. You can pay either by cash or card at the event. Where is the venue?This happens at CISpace - Coworking & Weinbar Bugenhagenstraße 9, 10551 Berlin !Please double check that you are standing on the correct address, you might be 5 meters away from it. There is a big sign with CISpace written on it. Check the photo attached also. How do I subscribe?You need to reserve a spot here and come at the event. You can pay at the event. If there are no availiable tickets here, please send us a message. Please verify that you are attending so that we know and prepare accordingly with the art supplies. What do I need?Watercolors materials will be provided at the venue. You can also bring your own art supplies, it might be helpful to learn working with what you have. More InfoThis lesson is also known as Watercolor Painting Lesson . Learn more about the watercolor lesson plan here: Issues with the eventIf any issues occur you can contact us via: -Eventbrite -Instagram at @ icreativesessions -Website Contact Form at Refund PolicyO n case by case scenario. If you paid for a tryout session we can refund up to one day before the event starts. If you paid for the 4 lesson packet and used one of the tickets no refunds are possible. The photo below shows the entrance of the venue. Information Source: Creative Sessions | eventbrite

chocolate milk [free shots! free entry!] | Vettern Bar

Oct 23, 2024 (UTC+1)
dudes and dudettes! take a break from existential dread and boring workdays and come enjoy a big tall glass of berlin's fresh and delicious entertainers! free shots at the door to warm you up. free floating hilarity and good vibes in the air to keep you warm. free-king awesome prizes for the most amusing interactions , interactive trivia with comics and whatever entertaining shit i come up with on that particular day! and yeah... laughter... an intoxicating amount of laughter. and... AND! surprise drop-in performances from musicians, magicians, poets and all kinds of other weirdos! get your straws and pajamas and meet me in NEUKÖLLN at VETTERN BAR for all the laugh-tose, joke-olate and shitty-witty wordplay you can consume in one sitting! seats are limited so reserve now! and yeah... remember... it's chocolate milk. always in jest... with a pinch of salt ;> Information Source: yomommy_thecomedy | eventbrite

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