Featured Events in Berlin in October, 2024 (Continuously Updated)

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33, 34, 35, …wenn alles auseinander fällt | Brotfabrik

Oct 28, 2024 (UTC+1)
Im Juni 1933 werden Hunderte Menschen in Köpenick von der Straße weg oder aus ihren Wohnungen entführt und tagelang gefoltert – es gibt weit über 20 Todesopfer. Was ist damals geschehen, wie erinnern wir und was bedeuten die dramatischen Tage vom Juni 1933 für uns heute? Anhand von Dokumenten aus dem Köpenicker und Landesarchiv Berlin, Zeitzeugenberichten und nach eigenen Gesprächen mit Nachfahr*innen der Opfer haben die Künstlerinnen diese Inszenierung speziell für junge Menschen erarbeitet. Das Gastspiel wurde ermöglicht durch die KiA-Förderung des Bezirks Pankow Information Source: BrotfabrikBühne / Glashaus e.V. | eventbrite

Media Education in the Family 2024 | bcc Berlin Congress Center GmbH, Berlin, Germany

Oct 29, 2024 (UTC+1)
Mark the calendars and save the date for an unparalleled gathering that's bound to leave an indelible mark on attendees. The prestigious and much-anticipated Media Education in the Family 2024 is all set to take place on 2024-10-29, nestled in the heart of Berlin at the bcc Berlin Congress Center GmbH. This event promises to be an insightful experience, shedding light on the ever-evolving world of media and its impact on family dynamics. Attendees can expect a comprehensive exploration into the role of media in education, with experts from various fields providing valuable insights. As the digital age continues to shape the way families interact, learn, and grow, the significance of such an event has never been more paramount. With engaging discussions, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities, Media Education in the Family 2024 is tailored to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of media in today's society. Those present at the bcc Berlin Congress Center GmbH will witness a confluence of ideas and perspectives, all converging under the overarching theme of media literacy within family environments. Berlin, a city known for its rich cultural tapestry and progressive outlook, provides the perfect backdrop for an event of this magnitude and relevance. Event-goers are encouraged to partake fully and immerse themselves in what's bound to be a cornerstone event marking a pivotal moment in media education discourse.

Baguette Comedy Club #MARDI | Deriva

Oct 29, 2024 (UTC+1)
Le Baguette Comedy Club vous invite au Deriva-Neukölln-, le 29 Octobre 2024 (on commencera à l'heure, soit à 20h00) pour la nouvelle édition du Baguette Comedy Club - Artistes confirmés - Open Mic - Nouvelles vannes ! Céline et la troupe du Baguette Comedy Club vous présenteront le meilleur de l'humour d'expat' francophone à Berlin ! 🤗 L'Open Mic 🎤 vous tente ? Sautez le pas et montez sur les planches. Envoyez-nous vos candidatures en message privé via la messagerie de la Fan page. Réservation recommandée, puisque nous n'avons que 35 places disponibles. Donation: Pour faire vivre le 1er Comedy Club francophone de Berlin, une petite participation vous sera demandée ( recommandation 5€-15€). Les artistes vous en remercient. ⭐️ OUVERTURE DES PORTES ⭐️ Ouverture des portes à partir de 19:30Début du show 20:00Fin du show 22:00 ( pas trop tard, pour ne pas être trop fatigué le lendemain 😅)⭐️ TICKETS ⭐️ Réservation recommandée, puisque nous n'avons que 35 places disponibles.Donation: Pour faire vivre le 1er Comedy Club francophone de Berlin, une petite participation vous sera demandée ( recommandation 5€-15€). Les artistes vous en remercient.⭐️ THE VENUE ⭐️ Deriva -Neukölln- , Mainzerstraße 23, Berlin, Germany ⭐️ COMMUNITY ⭐ Viens comme tu es! - Notre scène est un espace sûr 🌈 Pour nous contacter et toujours recevoir nos dernières actualités, rejoignez-nous sur Facebook et Instagram @baguettecomedyclub Information Source: Baguette Comedy Club | eventbrite

Kreative Schreibwerkstatt - Campus Berlin | SAE Institute Berlin

Oct 29, 2024 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
In diesem Workshop lernen die Teilnehmenden durch verschiedene Schreibübungen sich im kreativen Schreiben auszuprobieren und ihren individuellen Schreibstil zu entwickeln. Ziel ist es, neben der Vermittlung der Grundlagen des Schreibens auch deren Perspektive zu erforschen und zu stärken. Im ersten Teil dieses Workshops geht es um den Einstieg ins Schreiben und das Finden von Worten für die eigene Lebenswirklichkeit, aber auch Beobachtungen außerhalb des eigenen Alltags. Im zweiten Teil befassen wir uns mit dem szenischen Schreiben und der Figurenentwicklung. Im dritten Teil verbinden wir die erlernten Ansätze und entwickeln die Grundlagen für Drehbuchideen. Für diese praxisorientierte Werkstatt benötigt ihr lediglich einen Stift und Papier. Dieser Workshop wird von Sedi Ghadiri geleitet, eine Auteur-Regisseurin mit umfangreicher Erfahrung im fiktionalen Schreiben. Mit einer abwechslungsreichen Karriere vom Studium der Nahostwissenschaften bis hin zu Filmregie und Drehbuch, hat Sedi stets soziale Barrieren gebrochen und außerhalb der Normen gearbeitet. Es ist ihr ein Herzensanliegen, Raum für vielfältige Geschichten zu schaffen und die künstlerischen Perspektiven der Teilnehmenden zu stärken. Information Source: SAE Institute Berlin | eventbrite

"Ugly Art" *Halloween* Drawing & Watercolour Painting Workshop! | Ohma Studio

Oct 30, 2024 (UTC+1)
Welcome to the Ugly Art Drawing & Watercolour Painting Workshop HALLOWEEN EDITION! Join us on Wednesday 30th October 2024 at 6:30pm at Ohma Studio in Friedrichshain for a fun and creative event! (It's the day before Halloween, so you can make cards/decorations!) *this workshop is held in English* Get ready to unleash your inner *SPOOKY* artist in this class as we dive into drawing and watercolour painting techniques. No experience necessary - just come with an open mind and a willingness to get creative! Our workshop will be led by Ness, an artist who will guide you through the process and help you create your own masterpiece. It's a great way to spend some time after work - surrounded by creativity and like-minded individuals. With only 8 seats, it's sure to be a cosy and intimate vibe! A unique opportunity to explore your artistic side, and play around with materials whilst making some **Ugly**+ SPOOKY art! **Cool art may also be made! Information Source: NessDoes Painting Workshops | eventbrite

Wer jagt die Hexen? | Brotfabrik

Oct 30, 2024 (UTC+1)
Im Mittelpunkt der Performance steht das große Ereignis der Hexenjagd. Das Ensemble Bobs & Bangs setzt dabei die tatsächliche Geschichte poetisch und abstrakt um, mit den Mitteln des visuellen Theaters, Puppenspiel und Tanz. Das Stück ist besonders geeignet für Schulkinder ab 13 Jahre, da sie diese Thematik in den Fächern Geschichte und Gesellschaftswissenschaft behandeln. Die drei Künstlerinnen von Bobs & Bangs möchten in dieser Geschichte auch über die Unterdrückung des weiblichen Körpers sprechen, und zwar anhand des Archetyps der Hexe, die für die Verbindung mit Erde und Natur steht. Information Source: BrotfabrikBühne / Glashaus e.V. | eventbrite

imaγia - Wer jagt die Hexen? | Brotfabrik

Oct 30, 2024 (UTC+1)
Unsere Heldin überschreitet die Schwelle von der Kindheit zum Erwachsenenalter, indem sie durch ein magisches Portal geht. Imaγia ist der Name für die Reise in die Zeit der Hexenverfolgungen und die Rückkehr in die Gegenwart mit all den Narben, die sie in unserem Körper hinterlassen hat. Imaγia ist auch der Name unserer Heldin, die die Kräfte, die Sorgen und die Liebe der Menschheit in sich trägt.visuelles-physisches Puppentheater ohne Sprache, Dauer ca. 55 Minuten für alle ab 12 Jahren. Information Source: BrotfabrikBühne / Glashaus e.V. | eventbrite

Kiezpoeten Slam Show | ART Stalker - Kunst + Bar + Events

Oct 30, 2024 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
Die Kiezpoeten Slam Show ist die großartigste Lesebühne, die die Berliner Poetry Slam Szene hervorgebracht hat – sagen die Kiezpoeten. Einmal im Monat bringen sie euch die Tränen in die Augen (wegen Lachen und aber auch wegen Rührung). Außerdem machen sie bescheuerte Bühnen-Spiele, als wären sie eine sehr unterhaltsame Fernsehshow, denn eigentlich sind sie das, nur halt ohne Kameras. Viel intimer und nahbarer nämlich: Hier lernst du die Poetry Slammer*innen des umtriebigen Berliner Kollektives einmal richtig kennen: Mit noch unveröffentlichten Texten. Und mit einem Glas Bier an der Bar. VVK 13,-€ / AK 15 € (sofern noch Tickets verfügbar sind wird es eine Abendkasse geben) Wir empfehlen den Vorverkauf zu nutzen. Tickets gibt es auch zu den Öffnungszeiten an der Bar im ART Stalker, hier fallen keine zusätzlichen online Gebühren an ART Stalker - Kunst+Bar+Events - Kaiser - Friedrich - Str. 67, 10627 Berlin / / / Büro 10 - 16 Uhr: 0163 7374 229 / Office (EN)10AM - 4PM: 0152 2644 2625 / Bar ab 19 Uhr: 030 - 220 529 60 / aktuelle Öffnungszeiten der Bar: DI - SA ab 19 Uhr Information Source: ART Stalker | eventbrite

Offene Klappe Comedy | Theater im Kino (tik)

Oct 30, 2024 (UTC+1)
Open Mic für Comedy und sonstigen HumorSchreiende Komik und mutige Versuche!Neben Stand up kann jeder Quatsch auf die Bühne kommen, der irgendwie witzig ist oder noch wird. Gute Stimmung ist garantiert, Lachen sehr wahrscheinlich.Für Comedians : Dauer je Spot ca. 7 min. Spontane Spots sind nur begrenzt möglich. Meldet euch zwecks Anmeldung gern bei stephen_blaubach@web.deDas tik ist ab ca. 19:30 Uhr geöffnet. Die Show beginnt ca. 20:30 Uhr. ................................................................................................................... Freier Eintritt. Trinkgelder werden akzeptiert Information Source: Offene Klappe Comedy | eventbrite

Monsters Circle | tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg

Oct 30, 2024 (UTC+1)
This event is part of the Becoming Monster festival organized by the emergence network. The Becoming Monster festival is an ecology of spaces to feel, share, experiment and practice opening ourselves to the unknown, the unthinkable and unsayable. The aim of the festival is not to identify or name monsters, nor to redraw hard lines around the right and the good. Becoming Monster isn’t a prescription to cure the world’s ills. It is an exploration into a different materiality of grief and care in a time of loss, a celebration of our failures to become, an invitation to reimagine, re-feel and re-intuit what else it might mean to be human beyond the carceral narratives of white modernity. Becoming Monster is a five-day festival with virtual, hybrid and in-person components hosted by ten (The Emergence Network) and a strange ecology of friends and partners (non-human and human alike) from around the planet. This event is a space held for grieving the losses that come with living into the end-times AND playing with ideas of fabulation, imagination and questioning: what else might the human be in our crumbling, entangled, pulsating, animist world(s). About the Monsters Circle. The Monsters Circle is a courageous, vulnerable and warm space to share all the emotions that we feel as we see ourselves transforming and shape-shifting, either voluntarily or unvoluntarily, to live in a world of climate instability. We will explore the emotions of becoming monsters, or feeling monstruous, in the sense that we cannot quite grasp who and what we are becoming in real time. We will welcome all emotions, including unfathomable emotions, and will encourage participating monsters or monsters-in-the-making to share their emotions through any media: spoken word, performance, visual or multimedia arts… What will be the format of the event? The Monsters Circle is participatory, embodied and artistic. It is open to all adults. It will be introduced in English but could evolve into conversations in German or any other languages shared in the room. The Monsters Circle will be based on the principles of improvised, uncensored sharing and deep listening. We are neither fostering a dialogue, nor trying to collectively make sense of our individual experiences. We are providing an opportunity to welcome, express and release all the emotions that accompany the shape-shifting process in a group that is not there to judge, advise nor solve anything. We are offering participants the opportunity to connect to each other through stories, and to possibly deepen their shape-shifting by unlocking an openness to change. This Circle is an embodied experimentation with emotions. The Monsters Circle is also a space for artistic/cultural expression, for those who identify themselves as artists and others. We will welcome the sharing of emotions through all artistic media, any language and any types of performances. Please come prepared to be in a brave space. We see this Monsters Circle as an ephemeral collective work of art. What felt experience do we wish to create? We want to give you the opportunity to feel that you can be whole without shame, and that you do not have to hide your perceived monstrosity. We would like to create an experience that feels like exploring a space you do not even know, being lost with others you have just met, and enjoying yourself still, while possibly being terrified. We want to create openness and spaciousness to a multiplicity of seemingly contradictory emotions and thoughts, while feeling that we are playfully touching upon a critical part of the deep cultural and societal transformation process that we need to address the climate crisis. Do you have to come prepared? Yes, in the sense that it is a space for free uncensored expression that may feel uncomfortable or triggering for some, as we welcome all emotions warmly. You are also welcome to come with a text, an image, a performance and/or a costume you would like to put on so as to share your emotions. Last, you're welcome to come without any idea of what you are going to share with the group, or how you are going to share it, and use this space for improvisation. The Monsters Circle is organized in collaboration with tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg. Photo credits: Tomas Sroka Painting credits: Krista Dragomer for the emergence network (ten) Information Source: One Resilient Earth | eventbrite

"HALLOWEEN KICK OFF" Matrix Club Berlin 31.10.2024 | Matrix Club Berlin

Oct 31–Nov 1, 2024 (UTC+1)
Matrix Club Berlin Party Every Night Donnerstag, 31.10.2024, Start 22 Uhr! HALLOWEEN KICK OFF DJ SIZE Hip Hop • House • R&B • Top40 • Deutsch Rap • Afro • Trap • Electro • Mombathon • Reggaeton Halloween Specials* : > Halloween Decoration > Horror Dance Shows > Flying Halloween Candys > Walking Acts Entry: 10.00 € Book your Table: Online: Call & WhatsApp: +49 30 365 07 365 E-Mail: Einlass ab 18 Jahren. Strictly 18+ Bring your ID! *no open bar & no flatrate Infos unter: _________________________________________________________________ ACHTUNG: Einlass unter Vorbehalt! Ein erworbenes VVK-Ticket ist keine Einlass-Garantie! Eine Rückerstattung der Tickets ist nur möglich, wenn der Einlass verwehrt wurde . Wir bitten vorab um Ihr Verständnis. Information Source: Matrix Club Berlin | eventbrite

Roast Battle Berlin - Round 4: Standup Comedy in English | Space Meduza

Oct 31, 2024 (UTC+1)
The Roast Battle Berlin is back for a second season! Buckle up, we are in for a ride! 16 of Berlin's best roasters will duke it out for a chance at the title. No topics are off limits, no insults are too low. It will be brutal, it will be wild and above all else, it will be funny as hell! Who will be crowned roast champion at the end? Let's find out! ENTRY: 10€ **non-smoking performance space** Venue: Space Meduza, Skalitzer Str. 80 Doors: 20:00 Show starts: 20:30 Intermission: 21:15-21:30 Show ends: 22:15 Follow IG @roastbattleberlin to see competitors in the running, group scores and battle clips Produced and hosted by Dave Adams @dave.adams.has.feelings and Christoph Schmid @topf.comedy Roast Battle Berlin started in 2019 by Dragos G and Pavlo V, was produced by Gino Christofaro and Dayne Brasher 2020 - 2021 and brought back by Anna Beros and Christoph June 2023. Information Source: Serial Killers Comedy | eventbrite

La Viruta Berlin 2024 | Ballhaus Rixdorf

Oct 31, 2024 (UTC+1)
Experience the elegance and passion of La Viruta Berlin 2024, a grand tango event featuring the renowned Horacio Godoy. Taking place in Berlin from October 31st to November 3rd, 2024, at the exquisite Ballhaus Rixdorf located at Kottbusser Damm 76, 10967 Berlin. Delight in the captivating lineup of Horacio Godoy & Maricel Giacomini, Juampy Ramirez & Daniel Arroyo, Dilara Ogretmen & Malachai Payne, Celecte Medina & Andrés Sautel, along with talented DJs Claire Deville, Francesco Cieschi, and Alma Mia. Dive deep into tango mastery at the Tango University with Horacio Godoy, offering insightful seminars on renowned figures like Osvaldo Pugliese and Ricardo Tanturi, as well as advanced workshops on the intricate art of countermelody. Immerse yourself in the enchanting milongas each evening, featuring mesmerizing shows and enchanting music. Tickets range from €38.47 to €246.23, with various workshop and festival ticket options available for a truly unforgettable tango experience. Don't miss the Monday afterparty at Tango Rouge, a perfect conclusion to this unforgettable event.

Cosy Comedy: English Standup Comedy *HALLOWEEN EDITION* | Brauhaus Neulich GmbH

Oct 31, 2024 (UTC+1)
*This will be a Halloween themed show* (You've been warned! ) 👻🎃 Welcome to Cosy Comedy!! The perfect night out for anyone who wants to escape their own inner critic for a hot second and go to a spooky comedy show (that's also funny). ⭐️We're also thrilled to announce that there will be a COSTUME CONTEST and the winner for best costume will get a fun prize! ⭐️ Hosted by Shari (@sharimari) and Rachel (@rachelhalper) Doors: 7pm Show starts: 7:30pm Tickets: Pay what you want. Limited capacity, so come early to get a seat! Location: Neulich Brauhaus, Selchower Str. 20, 12049 Berlin Comedians: sign up for spots on FB Information Source: Cosy Comedy | eventbrite

Guinga - Live in Berlin | Myer's Hotel

Oct 17, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Carlos Althier de Sousa Lemos Escobar (Rio de Janeiro, 10 de junho de 1950), mais conhecido como Guinga, é um compositor e violonista brasileiro. Profissionalmente, atuou como violonista com vários artistas renomados como Clara Nunes, Beth Carvalho, Alaíde Costa, João Nogueira e Cartola. Para além de compositor, Guinga formou-se em odontologia em 1975. Teve várias de suas músicas gravadas por Elis Regina, Cauby Peixoto, Michel Legrand, Sérgio Mendes, Chico Buarque, Ivan Lins, Leila Pinheiro e Ronnie Von. No álbum Catavento e Girassol, gravado pela cantora Leila Pinheiro, as quatorze músicas são de sua autoria. Como parceiros estão Paulo César Pinheiro, Aldir Blanc e Chico Buarque. Guinga tem dez discos solos gravados, todos bem recebidos pela crítica especializada, além de muitas parcerias com grandes nomes da música brasileira. O seu disco ”Cheios de Dedos”, recebeu prêmio Sharp como melhor disco instrumental de 1996. Em 2002, sua biografia, Guinga, os mais belos acordes do subúrbio , escrita pelo jornalista Mário Marques foi publicado pela Editora Gryphus. Em 2003, a mesma editora lançou o songbook A Música de Guinga , com partituras de grande parte da obra do autor. Information Source: Yaounde | eventbrite

Petty Problems: A Mock Trial Comedy Show (Berlin) | März Bar

Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
In this new format improvised comedy show, comedian & host Žana Fejzić (BIH/USA) with the help of local Berlin comics will determine how petty your problems are in a mock trial. You, the audience, get to play jury & decide on a guilty or innocent verdict. 👩🏼‍⚖️ Think Judge Judy minus the yelling & law ⚖️ Find out if the punishment fits the crime! 👩🏼‍⚖️ HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Before the show begins at the door you'll find a QR code to scan to submit your petty problem anonymously. Your problem remains anonymous unless you wish to state it's yours. 🗓️ WHEN: Every Thursday Show begins 20:30 Doors open 20:00 📍 WHERE: März Bar (downstairs) Greifenhagener Str. 17 10437 Berlin 🎟️ TICKETS: Reserve your seat & pay the rest at the door (cash or card): €8 for students with a valid ID or €10 general admission. €15 at the door without reservation (subject to availability) 💁🏼‍♀️ ABOUT ŽANA (BIH/USA): Born in Bosnia, raised in Florida, and living in Berlin, Žana’s comedy mirrors her eclectic cultural background and is best described as Balkan pessimism battling delusional American positivity sprinkled in with reggaeton flair. Within 5 months of starting comedy she became a finalist in the 2022 Berlin New Stand Up Awards and is now hosting & producing shows in Berlin & across Europe. She has opened for a variety of comedians across Europe such as Dragos Christian, Rob Anderson & Elena Gabrielle. You can catch her perform regularly in Berlin to hear her fresh take on the absurdity of immigration laws, her Balkan background, and growing up in Florida. Žana hosts & produces themed & interactive comedy shows in Berlin & beyond, such as the Berlin Comedy Dating Game Show, Funny Fortunes (a comedy & live tarot reading show), Comedy Confessions (an introvert-friendly themed interactive comedy show), Petty Problems (a comedy mock trial show), & more. IG @zanafejzic Information Source: Zana Fejzic Comedy | eventbrite

Hey Guys – A Dark Stand-Up Comedy Hour in English | Mysliwska

Oct 11, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Hey Guys! He did it! Christoph finally wrote enough jokes to fill an hour. And let me tell you, it gets pretty dark at times. I mean, this will keep therapists and scholars busy for at least half a century. Hey Guys is an english standup comedy night that will melt your face off from laughing. So get your affairs in order and buckle up for a wild ride of uncompromised, dark and absolutely hilarious comedy. *This show will cover sensitive topics and adult themes. THIS IS A DARK COMEDY SHOW so TRIGGER WARNING, JUST SAYIN! It is not intended for children unless you want to foot the bill for a good therapist. 18 + for purchase of alcohol. Where? Mysliwska Schlesische Str. 35, 10997 Berlin When? October 11th / Doors: 7:30 pm / Start: 8:00 - 8:45 pm / End: 9:15 pm How much? Early Bird Online: 8€ / Regular: 10€ Who? Christoph Schmid Christoph was born and raised in the faraway lands of Venezuela, he’s come all the way to Berlin to live the dream as a standup comedian and writer (Comedy Central, Prime Video). When someone asks, he has often been pointed out as that big dude over there, yes that one. His comedy has been described as very dark, kinda like oil covering a polar bear cub. He has performed all over the place but you can mostly find him in Berlin were he also co-runs the Roast Battle Berlin and Comedy Suicide Squad . Insta: @topf.comedy Information Source: Serial Killers Comedy | eventbrite

Bar Convent Berlin 2024 | Messe Berlin

Oct 14–Oct 16, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Bar Convent Berlin 2023 is Europe's large Bar and beverage, American Whiskey, award-winning bar-tender, famous Berlin nightlife and etc Bar Convent Berlin is Europe's large Bar and beverage, American Whiskey, award-winning bar-tender, famous Berlin nightlife and etc. It focuses on to offer bartenders, bar owners & managers, distributors, hotels and F&B managers as well as beverage producers and other industry professionals a perfect setting to get in touch and drive their business. Information Source: Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH | expotobi


Oct 17, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
DOORS OPEN: 6:30PM SHOW STARTS: 7:00PM CROWDWORK SPECIAL! : GET DATING/RELATIONSHIP/HOOK UP ADVICE FROM GAURI B Sure s3x is cool but have you gotten it in 6 months? Is he your soulmate or can he play one song on the guitar? Is she hot or is it it because she is violent? Do you need love or just xanax? No matter where you are in your love life, this one hour show will be packed with hilarious dating stories to help you ease your pain! Bring your single friends, your boyfriends/girlfriends or the fboy that wasn't anything serious. Bring his mom too! Join us for a night of unstoppable laughter, at Berlin's most hip comedy club! AUDIENCE REVIEWS: Fun show! Great host! Realized more than going to a therapy session :) - Ariana Ledezma Really lovely and very funny comedian. I almost fell from my chair laughing, thank you so much for the great time! 🙏 - Naddi Zschiesche What a brilliant show in Berlin tonight, Gauri is definitely going places. Spontaneous, natural with comedic timing and hilarious. - Raj K. I'd give you four thumbs up but sadly I have got only two!! - Swathi Vakamulla Comedian with amazing energy - Yasmin Nura ABOUT YOUR HOST Gauri B is an international standup comedian. Based in Berlin and born in India, she catches the nuance of dark humour. Magnetic to watch and easy to relate with, it is understandable why she has over 300k followers across Instagram and Tiktok ranging a global scale. Her natural charisma, sharp wit and ability to deliver morbid subjects with strong punchlines has won the hearts of audiences both on stage and on social media. Her act is packed and delivered with uproarious satire, thought provoking irony and hysterical personal anecdotes. Her material speaks to marginal bodies, to what they endure, accept and respond to. Dark comedy at its dirtiest. No one is safe. It’s a statement of zero f###s to give. She has succeeded in hosting one of the most popular comedy nights in Berlin, showcasing a diverse lineup of comedians. A middle finger to society, the night is aptly titled Hoes of Berlin. A safe space for us all. By buying the ticket you hereby give your consent to be photographed and/or filmed at the event and consent that the resulting recordings may be shared/published to various media outlets. Information Source: Gauri B | eventbrite

Träum weiter - Berlin, die 90er BERLIN ART BREAK & COFFEE | C/O Berlin

Sep 29–Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Fine Art
Wir laden Euch herzlich zu einer einzigartigen Zeitreise in das Berlin der 90er Jahre ein! Erlebt mit uns die spannende Umbruchphase nach dem Mauerfall, als die Stadt zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft schwebte. Diese Ära war geprägt von Aufbruchstimmung und Verlustängsten, von kreativen Freiräumen und dem Ringen um die Gestaltung der neuen Hauptstadt. Im Rahmen einer exklusiven Führung durch die Ausstellung Träum weiter — Berlin, die 90erim C/O Berlin erhaltet Ihr faszinierende Einblicke in die Arbeit der renommierten Agentur OSTKREUZ. Gegründet im Jahr 1990 von einer Gruppe engagierter Fotograf:innen aus der ehemaligen DDR, hat sich OSTKREUZ zu einer der bedeutendsten Fotoagenturen Deutschlands entwickelt. Die Ausstellung zeigt rund 200 Werke von neun Mitgliedern der Agentur, darunter viele bisher unveröffentlichte Fotografien, die den Geist der 90er Jahre auf besondere Weise einfangen. Begleitet uns auf eine Reise durch die wechselvollen Jahre des Berliner Wandels, festgehalten von Meister:innen ihres Fachs wie Sibylle Bergemann, Harald Hauswald, Anne Schönharting, Annette Hauschild und Ute Mahler. Die Fotografien reflektieren die vielfältigen gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen jener Zeit – von den ersten Schritten in die Freiheit über die blühende Technoszene bis hin zur Entstehung der neuen Hauptstadt. Neben dieser Ausstellung erhalten wir durch unseren Guide auch Einblicke in die aktuelle Doppelausstellung der beiden Preisträger:innen des After Natur Prize 24 Laura Huertas Millán und Sarker Protick. Im Anschluss an die Führung laden wir Euch herzlich zu einem entspannten Austausch bei Kaffee und Kuchen im Museums-Café ein. Lasst uns gemeinsam über das Gesehene und Erlebte diskutieren und die Eindrücke dieser bewegenden Ausstellung vertiefen - vielleicht sogar mit Euren eigenen persönlichen Geschichten aus den Neunzigern? Wir freuen uns auf Euch und einen inspirierenden Nachmittag! Im Eintrittspreis inkludiert ist: Eintritt ins C/O BerlinExklusive Führung durch die Ausstellung Träum weiter - Berlin, die 90er u.a.Kaffee & Kuchen im MuseumscafeBetreuung durch und Austausch mit dem Team von ART BREAKERS und anderen kulturbegeisterten MenschenFotocredits:OSTKREUZ, Jordis Antonia Schlösser, Sommerferienprogramm auf dem Reuterplatz, Neukölln, 2002, VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2024 I Harald Hauswald, Baustelle am Potsdamer Platz Berlin, Blick Richtung Osten, 1994 I Annette Hauschild, Am Rande der Love Parade Berlin, 1997 I Sibylle Bergemann, Mauerbrache am Potsdamer Platz Berlin, 1990 I Anne Schönharting, Berliner Jugend, Prenzlauer Berg Berlin, 1999 ART BREAKERS - Kultur gemeinsam erleben! Die ART BREAKERS GbR mit Sitz in Berlin, 2022 gegründet von der Marketingexpertin Andrea Kaul und der Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaftlerin Annette Schneider veranstaltet mit Begeisterung, Herzblut und Leidenschaft Kulturveranstaltungen online und vor Ort. Die als ART BREAK bezeichneten Events werden von sorgfältig ausgewählten professionellen Guides durchgeführt, die Inhalte unterhaltsam und lebendig vermitteln. ART BREAKS bieten immer auch die Gelegenheit zum Austausch innerhalb der Community und schaffen so gemeinsame, spannende Entdeckungsreisen in unterschiedliche Kulturwelten. Hinweis in eigener Sache: Damit Ihr immer über unsere aktuellen ART BREAKS informiert seid, nehmen wir Euch automatisch in unsere ART BREAKERS LIST auf, wenn Ihr über Eventbrite ein Ticket bei uns bucht. Solltet Ihr dies nicht wollen, schickt bitte eine Email an - Ihr könnt Euch auch jederzeit mit einem einfachen Klick von unserem Newsletter abmelden. Bei Fragen stehen wir sehr gerne zur Verfügung. Herzlichen Dank! Information Source: ART BREAKERS | eventbrite

dancewithme | Berlin

Oct 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
dancewithme Event Location: Berlin Hey there dance enthusiasts! Get ready to groove and move at our dancewithme event happening in the vibrant city of Berlin. Join us for a night filled with music, fun, and of course, lots of dancing! Whether you're a seasoned dancer or just looking to bust a move, this event is perfect for everyone. So grab your dancing shoes and come on down to dancewithme in Berlin. Let's dance the night away together! Information Source: eventbrite

Watercolor Workshop - Painting On Paper [Material Mixing] | CISpace Coworking Café

Oct 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Fine Art
About this courseThe total watercolor course consists of around 23 lessons that last 2 hours each. You can join at any time during the course. The lessons will happen almost every Tuesday at 19:00-21:00 in Berlin. This course is aimed at introducing the painting process with watercolor as the main medium. These lessons cover the various watecolor techniques and methodologies. It is suitable for beginners and or even professionals who want to rationalize the watercolor painting process. It is being hosted by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. How much does it cost?1st Lesson tryout costs 10€. You can do that only once. 4 x Lessons (2 hours each) cost 80€. 1 x Lesson (2 hours) costs 28€. In order to participate you need to prepay 4 lessons. You can pay either by cash or card at the event. Where is the venue?This happens at CISpace - Coworking & Weinbar Bugenhagenstraße 9, 10551 Berlin !Please double check that you are standing on the correct address, you might be 5 meters away from it. There is a big sign with CISpace written on it. Check the photo attached also. How do I subscribe?You need to reserve a spot here and come at the event. You can pay at the event. If there are no availiable tickets here, please send us a message. Please verify that you are attending so that we know and prepare accordingly with the art supplies. What do I need?Watercolors materials will be provided at the venue. You can also bring your own art supplies, it might be helpful to learn working with what you have. More InfoThis lesson is also known as Watercolor Painting Lesson . Learn more about the watercolor lesson plan here: Issues with the eventIf any issues occur you can contact us via: -Eventbrite -Instagram at @ icreativesessions -Website Contact Form at Refund PolicyO n case by case scenario. If you paid for a tryout session we can refund up to one day before the event starts. If you paid for the 4 lesson packet and used one of the tickets no refunds are possible. The photo below shows the entrance of the venue. Information Source: Creative Sessions | eventbrite

Painting Foundation with Acrylic Color | Allerstraße 38

Oct 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Painting Foundation with Acrylic ColorsUnlock your creativity and master the basics of painting with Painting Foundation with Acrylic Colors course! Over 3 engaging sessions, you will explore the essential techniques and skills needed to create acrylic paintings. This course is perfect for beginners and aspiring people who want to develop a strong foundation in acrylic painting. What You Will Learn: Understanding Acrylics: Get to know the properties of acrylic paints, including color mixing, blending, and brushwork.Fundamental Techniques: Learn the basics of brush control, layering, and texturing to bring your artwork to life.Creating Your First Masterpiece: Apply your new skills to create a complete painting by the end of the course.Course Highlights: Three Interactive Sessions: Hands-on practice with personalized feedback.Step-by-Step Guidance: Easy-to-follow instructions for all levels.Fee : 35 Euro / time 100 Euro / 3 times Class Schedule : Tuesday 1, 8, 15 October 18:30 - 20:30 Information Source: Manita's Art Class | eventbrite

"Ugly Art" Drawing & Watercolour Painting Workshop! (Friedrichshain) | Ohma Studio

Oct 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Welcome to the Ugly Art Drawing & Watercolour Painting Workshop! Join us on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 6:30pm at Ohma Studio in Friedrichshain for a fun and creative event! *this workshop is held in English* Get ready to unleash your inner artist in this class as we dive into drawing and watercolour painting techniques. No experience necessary - just come with an open mind and a willingness to get creative! Our workshop will be led by Ness, an artist who will guide you through the process and help you create your own masterpiece. It's a great way to spend some time after work - surrounded by creativity and like-minded individuals. With only 8 seats, it's sure to be a cosy and intimate vibe! A unique opportunity to explore your artistic side, and play around with materials whilst making some **Ugly** art! **Cool art may also be made! Information Source: NessDoes Painting Workshops | eventbrite

Vernissage Men and Fish - von Saskia Barth | Galerie Streulicht Berlin

Oct 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Fine Art
Die Arbeit Men and Fish von Saskia Barth ist Ende 2023 in dem großen Fischereihafen von Essaouira an der marokkanischen Atlantikküste entstanden. Jenseits der üblichen Genres wie Reportage, Portrait oder Stilleben findet Barth eindringliche Bilder. Die Idee des Portraits – einer Person, eines Objekts, einer Handlung – bildet den Grundton der Serie. Anschnitt und Aufsicht lösen die Szenen aus einem Funktions-zusammenhang und lassen sie bildhaft werden. Starke visuelle Kraft entwickeln dabei die verschiedenen Konstellationen von Fischen, sei es in fließenden Linien geordneter Schichtungen und gedrängten Häufungen oder dem geometrischen Raster der Transportkisten. Einen kraftvollen, fast schockartigen Höhepunkt setzen zwei Farbaufnahmen ausgenommener Fische. Detail- und kontrastreich wirken sie ambivalent: Blut und Inneres als Zeichen von Gewalt und Tod stoßen ab und aktivieren zugleich eine instinktiv forschende Neugier. Wie sieht etwas aus, das in unserer Verwertungskette heute optisch eher verborgen bleibt? Über die präzisen Bilder hinaus gibt die Serie Men and Fish den Anstoß, über die ökonomischen wie ethischen Zusammenhänge der Fischerei nachzudenken. Carolin Förster Information Source: Galerie Streulicht Berlin | eventbrite

Below Deck Comedy (English Comedy on a Boat) + Popcorn and FREE SHOTs | Historisches Schiff Helene

Oct 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
BELOW DECK COMEDY! English Standup on a BOAT Hop aboard the historic MV Helena for a night of laughter, drinks, and some tasty Popcorn! BELOW DECK COMEDY.... Join us aboard the historic MV Helena EVERY WEDNESDAY for some jokie jokes. Each week features some of Berlin's hilarious international comedians working out their favourite new jokes, and making you laugh! If you're looking for a cool location to sit back, relax, and enjoy a drink with a side of giggles then this is the show for you. You can even grab food before the show at the boat's café. We've got limited seating on our comedy vessel. So be sure to RESERVE YOUR SEATS ahead of time so that you don't get turned away! We offer a special 3€ seat reservation so that you can guarantee your spot at the show and we don't have to turn you away because we are full. It's free seating and first come first serve, so show up early for the seats with the best views. Additionally, we offer a special 13€ ticket for seats in the back with tables and table service. You pay 3€ in advance and the remaining 10€ at the door (card/cash). We'll head BELOW DECK to the cozy stage area inside of the boat. So no matter how cold outside, we can bring you some warm laughs. Our beautiful and historic venue has a full bar with loads of hand crafted cocktails, cold beer, and a selection of wines. You can also come down early and enjoy dinner or some snacks from the kitchen on the stern of the boat (that's the back for the nautically challenged) before the show begins. One important note: the café and the bar are both card only! Where? The historic MV Helena! Just steps away from the U Märkisches Museum and S+U Jannowitzbrücke stations, and directly on the Spree. (Märkisches Ufer 34, 10179 Berlin) When? Every Wednesday. Seating for the show begins at 7.30pm and the show itself starts promptly at 8pm. The dining & drinks area of the boat is open from 5pm. Why? Because laughter is nice, and you want something to do on a Wednesday. So why not do it on a boat! This is a donation based show with suggested donations of 12-15€ if you have made a reservation, 15-20€ if you have not. We take cash or card, but the boat's bar is card only. Seat reservations are only valid till 7.45pm. Please come to the venue before then. No refunds for people who arrive after the show started. Your host for this show will be the wonderful Patrick Moore. Check out his instagram here. If you've made it all the way down here, just reserve a seat already. What more do you want from us?! Geez! Also, here are some more shows of us: Propaganda Comedy Information Source: Propaganda Comedy | eventbrite

Painting Workshop - Oil Colors, Acrylics [The Painting Surface] | CISpace Coworking Café

Oct 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Fine Art
About this courseThis is a painting workshop with the goal of teaching people how to create paintings using either oil colors or acrylics. The total subject lessons consists of around 23 lessons that last 2.5 hours each. You can join at any time during the course. On each lesson the first part will be about theory and exercise and the second one about canvas time. Each participant will have the chance to work on canvas and start making paintings as artworks. All materials are provided by us. Each lesson has a subject. We do not follow a particular order, and every lesson is actually unique and many times personalized. This means that every time the attendess will have to do something new and different. You do not have to paint on canvas and with the mentioned art materials, you can also choose to use any of your wish. Most of the observations and exercises work well with all art materials. It is suitable for beginners and or even professionals who want to rationalize the canvas painting process. It is being hosted by the visual artist Miltos Despoudis. How much does it cost?First lesson try-out costs 15€. You can do that only once. 4 x Lessons Packet(2.5 hours each) cost 120€. In order to participate you need to prepay 4 lessons. You can pay either by cash or card at the event. 1 x Lesson (2.5 hours) costs 38€. Materials: A ll of the materials are included within the ticket reservation except the canvases. You can paint anything on a canvas we will provide you free but if you want to keep the canvas you will have to purchase it at the same cost we bought it. Canvases range from 2 to 5 Euros. How do I subscribe?You need to reserve a spot here and come at the event. You can pay at the event. If there are not availiable tickets here, please send us a message. Please verify that you are attending so that we know and prepare accordingly with the art supplies. Where is the venue?This happens atCISpace - Coworking & Weinbar Bugenhagenstraße 9, 10551 Berlin !Please double check that you are standing on the correct address, you might be 5 meters away from it. There is a big sign with CISpace written on it. Check the photo attached also. What do I need?The art materials will be provided at the venue. You can also bring your own art supplies, it might be helpful to learn working with what you have. Keep in mind that working with colors might make your clothes dirty, but in general we try to be clean. More InfoThe workshop happens almost every Wednesday. Learn more about the lesson plan here: Issues with the eventIf any issues occur you can contact us via: -Eventbrite -Instagram at @ icreativesessions -Website Contact Form at Refund PolicyOn a case by case scenario. If you paid for a tryout session we can refund up to one day before the event starts. If you paid for the 4 lesson packet and used one of the tickets no refunds are possible. This is the entrance of CISpace. Information Source: Creative Sessions | eventbrite

Die Wand (DE) | tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg

Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Ein (Bewegungs-)Chorprojekt mit Frauen nach dem Klassiker von Marlen Haushofer. Von Catherine Jodoin & kainkollektiv in Kooperation mit der Bürger*innen Bühne Dresden. Eine Frau findet sich eines Morgens im Gebirge durch eine unsichtbare Wand von der Zivilisation abgeschottet. Die ambivalente Situation aus Sicherheit und Bedrohung entfaltet ein Spektrum an Bezügen, von feministischer Selbstermächtigung bis zur aktuellen weltpolitischen Situation. An der Grenze zwischen Individuum und Kollektiv setzen sich die Darstellerinnen mit ihren persönlichen ‘Wänden’ auseinander. Was führt zum Bruch zwischen uns und der Welt? Welche Ereignisse verändern plötzlich alles für alle? Based on Marlen Haushofer’s modern classic “The wall”: In the mountains, a woman is suddenly shut off from the world by a mysterious wall. The ambivalence of safety and threat reflects on female esistance and political uncertainty. Information Source: tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg | eventbrite

Learn to draw / Zeichnen lernen | Nachbarschaftszentrum

Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Fine Art
Drawing class Open for absolute beginners and intermediate. - individual approach - corrections during class - a small group of up to 8 peopleClasses are in English. For german speaking participants, there will be explanations in german as well. In one month of a customized program, you will delve into the basics of drawing still life, portraits, figure, getting to know old master's drawings, and copying them. What will you learn? - Basics about drawing material - How to measure and transfer what you see on the paper? - Long time drawing 2h and quick sketches 3-5 min - Portrait drawing / basics & intermediate - Figure drawing / basics & intermediate - Getting to know drawings of old masters - How to make the value of lines and shadows? Where? Nachbarschaft Zentrum, Brunnenstraße 145, Berlin MitteWhen? Every Thursday from 19:00 till 21:30 How long? (once a week / 4 times a month) You can either take your drawings home each time after the class or on the last day.Material is included in the price (Easels with boards, different white and tone papers up to 60x42cm size, charcoal 3 different soft B pencils and erasers).You can bring your own drawing materials as well. You can make registration over: - FB - Email at: - Call or write a message on: +49 162 71 77 372. (also through whats up, Viber, Telegram, Signal) You can send us your email address with your name and date when you would like to start. Afterwards you will get a confirmation with an invoice in your email. By request, you can get a printed invoice before or after the class. In case you have any questions feel free to ask.Cancellation policy in case you paid in advance: up till 48h before class starts, you get the whole amount back up till 24h before class starts, you get half the amount on the day starting class is not possible to have money back.If you have any questions, please contact us at the following e-mail address: or by phone at 0162 71 77 372 (also through whats up, Viber, Telegram, Signal) _________________ Deutch: Grundlagen zum Zeichnen Offen für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Der Unterricht findet in englischer Sprache statt. Für deutschsprachige Teilnehmer gibt es Erklärungen auch in deutscher Sprache.In einem Monat des individuellen Programms werden Sie in die Grundlagen des Zeichnens von Stillleben, Porträts, Figuren und dem Kennenlernen alter Meisterzeichnungen eingewiesen. Was wirst du lernen? - Grundlagen zum Zeichenmaterial - Wie wird gemessen und übertragen, was Sie auf dem Papier sehen? - Langzeitzeichnung 2h und kurze Skizzen 3-5 min - Grundlagen der Porträtzeichnung - Grundlagen der Figurenzeichnung - Zeichnungen alter Meister kennenlernen - Wie man Linien und Schatten wertet Wann? Jeden Montag von 19:00 bis 21:30 Uhr Wie lang? 4 Mal im Monat für 2,5 Stunden (insgesamt 10 Stunden) Sie können Ihre Zeichnungen entweder nach dem Unterricht oder am letzten Tag mit nach Hause nehmen. Das Material ist im Preis enthalten (Staffelei mit Brettern, verschiedene weiße und farbige Papiere bis zu einer Größe von 60x42 cm, Holzkohle, drei verschiedene weiche B-Stifte und Radiergummis).Sie können auch Ihr eigenes Zeichenmaterial mitbringen. Kleingruppen von 6-8 Personen max. Anmeldung: Die Anmeldung kann über erfolgen: - FB - E-Mail an: - Rufen Sie an oder schreiben Sie eine Nachricht an: +49 162 71 77 372. (auch über whats up, Viber, Telegram, Signal) Sie können uns Ihre Emailadresse mit Ihrem Namen und Datum, wann Sie beginnen möchten, schicken.Sie erhalten dann eine Bestätigung mit einer Rechnung in Ihrer Email. Auf Wunsch erhalten Sie vor oder nach dem Kurs eine gedruckte Rechnung. Falls Sie noch Fragen haben, können Sie uns diese gerne stellen.Stornierung: Bis 48 Stunden vor Kursbeginn erhalten Sie den vollen Betrag zurück. Bis 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn erhalten Sie die HälfteAn dem Tag, an dem der Unterricht beginnt, ist es nicht möglich, Geld zurück zu bekommen _________________Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an folgende E-Mail-Adresse: oder telefonisch unter 0162 71 77 372 Information Source: Vedran Vražalić | eventbrite

RUN-N-RAVE x Oatly at Berlin Coffee Week | Oatly Berlin

Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Remember that time we woke up at the crack of dawn, went for a park run and glowed like supernovas with our friends? OUR FRIENDS FROM OATLY HEARD ABOUT THE MORNING MAGIC, AND THEY INVITED US TO GET DOWN WITH THEM TO CELEBRATE COFFEE WEEK BERLIN!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THURSDAY AND THE ADVENTURE OF YOUR MORNING! THE BREAKDOWN: 8AM we meet at the Oatly Office for a 20 min run that will SUPERCHARGE YOU and a 20 min GLOWTASTIC workout that will leave you SHINING LIKE A DISCO BALL 9AM back to Oatly for COFFEE, PASTRIES, and a MOVE YA BODY DANCE PARTY SO GRAB YOUR SNEAKERS BRING YOUR BEST DANCE MOVES AND LETS GET BACK TO Outdoor workouts Sweaty sunrises Glowing with friends Magic of movement BREAKFAST IS LIMITED TO 50 SPOTS THIS TIME SO SIGN UP QUICK YOUR TICKET COVERS MOST UNFORGETTABLE warmup jog of your life WORKOUT that'll make you feel like you can conquer the world BREAKFAST PLATTER fit for royalty (enough for everyone!) RAVE that'll make your heart sing (and your legs sore - but in a good way) Information Source: RUN-N-RAVE | eventbrite

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