Featured Events in Berlin in September, 2024 (Continuously Updated)

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Sep 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Ahmed Soura führt die Teilnehmer*innen seines Workshops zuerst in verschiedene traditionelle Tänze Burkina Fasos, Westafrika ein. Workshop mit Live-Trommelmusik von Ahmed Soura Ahmed Soura führt die Teilnehmer*innen seines Workshops zuerst in verschiedene traditionelle Tänze Burkina Fasos, Westafrika ein. So stellt er u.a. Tänze der Ethnien Gouroussi, Turka, Fulfulde, Gourrmatchéma, Warba oder Samo vor. Die Teilnehmer*innen entwickeln Choreografien, in denen sie traditionelle Tänze in den African Contemporary Dance integrieren. Kraftvolle Rhythmen und abwechslungsreiche Tempi vermischen sich mit der Lebensfreude Burkina Faso. African Contemporary Dance verbindet zeitgenössische und traditionelle Stile, aber es finden sich auch Elemente von Streetdance, Maskentanz und Modern Dance darunter. Sprache: Englisch Tanzniveau: für Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene Barrierefreiheit: nicht barrierefrei Information Source: Kuyum Arts | eventbrite

A QUEER GUIDE TO GLORY | Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte

Sep 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience a unique movement workshop in Berlin that embraces spontaneity, imagination, and transformation. A Queer Guide to Glory, held at Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte on September 29, 2024, celebrates the beauty of individual differences. Immerse yourself in this event where creativity and self-expression converge, with ticket prices ranging from 9,70 € to 13,96 €. Join this transformative experience and celebrate diversity in a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Dancing Arena | Berlin Brandenburg Airport

Sep 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Welcome to the Dancing Arena! Get ready to dance the night away at the Berlin Brandenburg Airport. Join us for a night filled with music, fun, and great vibes. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or just looking to have a good time, this event is perfect for everyone. Come and show off your best moves on the dance floor and enjoy the electrifying atmosphere. Don't miss out on this epic event - grab your dancing shoes and get ready to party! Information Source: eventbrite

Memo Pimiento, electrocumbia at Rotbart Berlin! | Rotbart

Sep 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Memo Pimiento, electrocumbia at Rotbart Berlin! Get ready to dance the night away with Memo Pimiento's electrifying electrocumbia beats at Rotbart Berlin! Join us for a night filled with infectious rhythms and energetic vibes. Don't miss out on this unforgettable live performance that will have you moving and grooving all night long. Grab your friends and come party with us at Rotbart Berlin! Information Source: eventbrite

Träum weiter - Berlin, die 90er BERLIN ART BREAK & COFFEE | C/O Berlin

Sep 29–Oct 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Fine Art
Wir laden Euch herzlich zu einer einzigartigen Zeitreise in das Berlin der 90er Jahre ein! Erlebt mit uns die spannende Umbruchphase nach dem Mauerfall, als die Stadt zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft schwebte. Diese Ära war geprägt von Aufbruchstimmung und Verlustängsten, von kreativen Freiräumen und dem Ringen um die Gestaltung der neuen Hauptstadt. Im Rahmen einer exklusiven Führung durch die Ausstellung Träum weiter — Berlin, die 90erim C/O Berlin erhaltet Ihr faszinierende Einblicke in die Arbeit der renommierten Agentur OSTKREUZ. Gegründet im Jahr 1990 von einer Gruppe engagierter Fotograf:innen aus der ehemaligen DDR, hat sich OSTKREUZ zu einer der bedeutendsten Fotoagenturen Deutschlands entwickelt. Die Ausstellung zeigt rund 200 Werke von neun Mitgliedern der Agentur, darunter viele bisher unveröffentlichte Fotografien, die den Geist der 90er Jahre auf besondere Weise einfangen. Begleitet uns auf eine Reise durch die wechselvollen Jahre des Berliner Wandels, festgehalten von Meister:innen ihres Fachs wie Sibylle Bergemann, Harald Hauswald, Anne Schönharting, Annette Hauschild und Ute Mahler. Die Fotografien reflektieren die vielfältigen gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen jener Zeit – von den ersten Schritten in die Freiheit über die blühende Technoszene bis hin zur Entstehung der neuen Hauptstadt. Neben dieser Ausstellung erhalten wir durch unseren Guide auch Einblicke in die aktuelle Doppelausstellung der beiden Preisträger:innen des After Natur Prize 24 Laura Huertas Millán und Sarker Protick. Im Anschluss an die Führung laden wir Euch herzlich zu einem entspannten Austausch bei Kaffee und Kuchen im Museums-Café ein. Lasst uns gemeinsam über das Gesehene und Erlebte diskutieren und die Eindrücke dieser bewegenden Ausstellung vertiefen - vielleicht sogar mit Euren eigenen persönlichen Geschichten aus den Neunzigern? Wir freuen uns auf Euch und einen inspirierenden Nachmittag! Im Eintrittspreis inkludiert ist: Eintritt ins C/O BerlinExklusive Führung durch die Ausstellung Träum weiter - Berlin, die 90er u.a.Kaffee & Kuchen im MuseumscafeBetreuung durch und Austausch mit dem Team von ART BREAKERS und anderen kulturbegeisterten MenschenFotocredits:OSTKREUZ, Jordis Antonia Schlösser, Sommerferienprogramm auf dem Reuterplatz, Neukölln, 2002, VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, 2024 I Harald Hauswald, Baustelle am Potsdamer Platz Berlin, Blick Richtung Osten, 1994 I Annette Hauschild, Am Rande der Love Parade Berlin, 1997 I Sibylle Bergemann, Mauerbrache am Potsdamer Platz Berlin, 1990 I Anne Schönharting, Berliner Jugend, Prenzlauer Berg Berlin, 1999 ART BREAKERS - Kultur gemeinsam erleben! Die ART BREAKERS GbR mit Sitz in Berlin, 2022 gegründet von der Marketingexpertin Andrea Kaul und der Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaftlerin Annette Schneider veranstaltet mit Begeisterung, Herzblut und Leidenschaft Kulturveranstaltungen online und vor Ort. Die als ART BREAK bezeichneten Events werden von sorgfältig ausgewählten professionellen Guides durchgeführt, die Inhalte unterhaltsam und lebendig vermitteln. ART BREAKS bieten immer auch die Gelegenheit zum Austausch innerhalb der Community und schaffen so gemeinsame, spannende Entdeckungsreisen in unterschiedliche Kulturwelten. Hinweis in eigener Sache: Damit Ihr immer über unsere aktuellen ART BREAKS informiert seid, nehmen wir Euch automatisch in unsere ART BREAKERS LIST auf, wenn Ihr über Eventbrite ein Ticket bei uns bucht. Solltet Ihr dies nicht wollen, schickt bitte eine Email an - Ihr könnt Euch auch jederzeit mit einem einfachen Klick von unserem Newsletter abmelden. Bei Fragen stehen wir sehr gerne zur Verfügung. Herzlichen Dank! Information Source: ART BREAKERS | eventbrite

English Stand Up Comedy in Neukolln - Normal Dysfunctional Family Comedy | Valentin Stüberl, near Rathaus Neukolln

Sep 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
🎤 Welcome to Normal Dysfunctional Family, the comedy show where 'open mic' isn't just a format, it's a therapy session! In this rib-tickling comedy open mic, we dive into the hilariously twisted world of family life, mental health, and the inevitable traumas that make us all charmingly unique. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Picture this: an open mic where every comedian takes you on a laughter-laden journey through the quirkiest corners of their family dynamics. From overbearing parents to siblings who could've starred in a sitcom, our open mic comedians bare it all. It's the kind of show where you'll find yourself nodding along and saying, That's just like my crazy aunt! 💬 At Normal Dysfunctional Family, our open mic stage is a haven for comedic explorations of therapy sessions that went hilariously off-script, and mental health anecdotes that are too funny to keep to ourselves. It's the comedy show where Freudian slips are encouraged and laughing at our shared dysfunction is the best medicine. 🌟 Remember, in this comedy show, 'normal' is just a setting on the dryer. Join us for an open mic night filled with absurdly relatable stories, a dash of therapeutic humor, and a whole lot of family-inspired fun. Let's redefine 'family bonding' one comedy open mic at a time! 🎭 So, grab a seat, and maybe a therapist, and get ready for an evening where comedy, show, and open mic collide to celebrate the wonderfully wacky world of family life. Normal Dysfunctional Family isn't just a comedy show; it's an open mic extravaganza where every quip is a trip down someone else's memory lane! TicketI t's NOT A FREE SHOW. It's Pay What You Want. You just decide the amount you want to pay AFTER the show. Artists deserve to be paid. If you plan to not pay at all, please don't come to our show!! 💰 We suggest a donation of 10€ - 15€. 💰 Students & unemployed 7€ - 10€. 💰 We accept cards & cash. Where & When?⏰ Doors open: 8pm; Show time: 8.30 - 10pm 📍 Valentin Stüberl, Donaustraße 112, 12043 Berlin near Rathaus Neukolln Line-up❓ What is an Open Mic ?An Open mic is a stand-up comedy night where performers of all levels of experience from newbies to professionals come to work out their material. They might do completely new jokes that have never been told before or they might polish their existing jokes. As an audience member, attending an open mic can be a fun and entertaining way to spend an evening. You'll get to see a variety of different performers and styles, and you might even discover a new favorite comedian or artist. It's important to keep in mind that open mics are often a place for new and aspiring performers to test out their material, so the quality of the performances can vary. However, that's part of what makes them so exciting – you never know what you're going to get! Overall, if you're looking for a unique and engaging form of live entertainment, attending an open mic can be a great choice. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! ❓ This sounds like a great show but I can't make it, when it's the next one ?This show happens every 4th Sunday of the Month. Follow Mihai Tartara Eventbrite page to get notified for future events. Information Source: Stoopid Comedy by Mihai Tartara | eventbrite

English stand-up: Sunday Comedy Party 29.09.24 | Oblomov Kreuzkoelln

Sep 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Line-up: TBA !! Welcome to Berlin's most attended Sunday night comedy show! For the 2024-25 season we have installed 10 extra seats to extend capacity, but still PLEASE book online and don't take chances - it's SOLD OUT almost every week ;) !! Our full schedule & info at:; subscribe to for updates! There are millions of ways to have a great time on a Sunday evening in Neukölln, but one beats them all! Come watch top class English stand-up by 6 experienced comedians from Europe, UK, USA, Asia, South America and more, in Berlin's cult theater-style venue with a bar. Artisan cocktails, great local beers and many other drinks will make your Sunday evening even warmer. Come one, come all! Google rating (160+ reviews): 5.0 / 5.0 ★★★★★ “Laughed a lot, will come again for sure” Oliver, UK ★★★★★ “A cozy place with high quality live comedy!” Joanna, Hong Kong ★★★★★ “Great comedy show, talented comics and very nice atmosphere” Mariia, Ukraine ★★★★★ “Comedians were good, beer was good, ambiance was super nice!” Gaelle, Lebanon ★★★★★ “The humour hit us right on the spot!” Eve, China ★★★★★ “Perfect evening of laughter” Igor, Croatia ★★★★★ “Cozy stand-up venue with hilarious international artists and audience!” Elvira, Russia ★★★★★ “Great new shows at one of Berlin’s coolest venues!” James, USA Show will consist of 2 halves with an interval. Doors: 7:30 PM Show: 8:00 PM Entry: Pay What You Want* (seat reservation required): you reserve your seat for free, and Pay What You Want at the end of the show, depending on how much you think the show is worth (recommended fee: €10-15). Reservations expire 10 minutes before the start of the show. *It is not within our principles to promote a show as Free Entry and ask for a not-so-voluntary donation at the end. This show is paid - we just let you decide the price ;) Information Source: East-West Comedy | eventbrite

Improv Games (in the park) | Tiergarten

Sep 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
(New! We're announcing our events now also on We all improvise all the time! ​It's coming up with a story to tell someone. Making up an excuse when you are late to work. Having to do a presentation when you have lost all your notes. Improvising is also coming up with a joke or a pickup line on a date. ​Improvising can be challenging, but it can be fun. It involves spontaneity and creativity. Whether or not you think you are good at improvising doesn't matter. You may surprise yourself. So join us for an evening of improv games where we certainly will have fun! ​--- ​The event starts at 14:00 and lasts up to 2.5 hours, with a 15-minute break in between. You'll find us in Tiergarten at the following spot: The communication beforehand happens in this Telegram group here: This is also where we post a selfie once we're at the location, so we recommend you join. Information Source: talkin'berlin | eventbrite

Intro to Drawing & Watercolour Painting Workshop (Beginner friendly!) | Ohma Studio

Sep 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Welcome to the Drawing & Watercolour Painting Workshop (Food Theme)! Join us on Sunday 29th September 2024 at 11am at Ohma Studio in Friedrichshain for a fun and creative event! **This event is held in English** Have you ever thought you wanted to do a bit of drawing and painting, but don't know where to start? One of the hardest things is just starting, and in this workshop Ness will show you how to jump straight in to creating, without stress and judgement! We will follow a tried-and-tested approach to get you into your creative self, and learn a thing or two about how to draw & paint using watercolours along the way! No experience necessary - just come with an open mind and a willingness to get creative! Our workshop will be led by Ness, an artist who will guide you through the process and help you create your own personalised artwork, ready for you to take home! It's a great way to spend your Sunday morning - surrounded by creativity and like-minded individuals. With only 8 seats, it's sure to be an inclusive and intimate vibe! A unique opportunity to explore your artistic side, and play around with materials whilst making a cool piece of art to take home! Information Source: NessDoes Painting Workshops | eventbrite

Comedyshow • 20 Uhr • Fast Spontan • in Friedrichshain | The Wall Comedy

Sep 29, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
KONZEPT Fast Spontan ist die wildeste Comedyshow der Stadt. Punkt. In der ersten Hälfte spielen die besten Comedians der berliner Comedyszene Teile ihrer Programme, um euch und uns in Stimmung zu bringen. In der zweiten Hälfte fallen dann alle Hüllen, vor allem die Emotionalen!Jeder Comedian bekommt fünf Begriffe und dann wird improvisiert. Sie wissen nicht, was wir ihnen vorsetzen und sehen die Begriffe im selben Augenblick wie ihr. Ein einzigartiges Konzept, was euch so nur die Hauptstadt der Comedy bietet! COMEDY CLUB Der THE WALL COMEDY CLUB hat sich in den letzten Jahren als alternative und treibende Kraft der Berliner Comedyszene etabliert. Mitten im Schmelztiegel für Kunst und Kultur (direkt am Boxhagener Platz) macht der Comedy Club mit fast spontan seinem Namen alle Ehre und etabliert damit ein Format, was fortgeschrittenen Comedians die Möglichkeit bietet an Ihren Witzen zu arbeiten, bevor es damit auf Tour oder ins Fernsehen geht. COMEDIANS werden noch bekannt gegeben. ZEIT Am Sonntag wird pünktlich gestartet, sodass ihr auch am Wochentag noch zu einer vernünftigen Zeit nach Hause kommt. • Einlass 19:30 Uhr • Showbeginn 20:00 Uhr • Dauer: max. 90 Min. (inkl. kurzer Pause) EINTRITT Der Eintritt zur Show ist frei, wir freuen uns am Ende über eine Spende. RESERVIERUNG Ihr könnt euch einen Sitzplatz reservieren solange das Kontingent reicht - max. bis 19:30Uhr am Veranstaltungstag. (siehe Link zu Eventbrite.) Seid fair und reserviert euch nur einen Platz, wenn ihr auch wirklich vorhabt zu kommen. Die Reservierungen verlieren 10 Minuten vor Showbegin ihre Gültigkeit, sodass die Plätze weiter vergeben werden, an Personen, die bereits vor Ort warten. Wir freuen uns auch eine schöne Show mit euch! Information Source: The Wall Comedy | eventbrite

Berlin Marathon Expo 2024 | Flughafen Tempelhof

Sep 29, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
BMW BerlinMarathon Expo is all about running, wellness & lifestyle, sports medicine, nutrition and healthy living, spas, fitness, relaxation, and active vacations, inline village (inline skating, Nordic inline skating, services), and activities for the whole family. BMW BerlinMarathon Expo is all about running, wellness & lifestyle, sports medicine, nutrition and healthy living, spas, fitness, relaxation, and active vacations, inline village (inline skating, Nordic inline skating, services), and activities for the whole family. Information Source: SCC Events GmbH | expotobi

bestdencing | Berlin

Sep 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
bestdencing Event in Berlin Welcome to the bestdencing Event in Berlin! Come join us for a night of dancing, music, and fun in the vibrant city of Berlin. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or just looking to have a good time, this event is perfect for everyone! Get ready to move your body to the beats of talented DJs and enjoy a lively atmosphere surrounded by fellow dance enthusiasts. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to show off your dance moves and make unforgettable memories. Mark your calendars and spread the word to your friends - the bestdencing Event in Berlin is an experience you won't want to miss. We can't wait to see you there! Information Source: eventbrite

bestdancing | Berlin

Sep 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Welcome to **bestdancing**! Come join us in **Berlin** for the best dancing event of the year! Get ready to groove to the hottest beats and show off your moves on the dance floor. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just looking to have some fun, this event is perfect for dancers of all levels. Don't miss out on the chance to dance the night away with fellow dance enthusiasts in the vibrant city of Berlin. Mark your calendars and get ready to bust a move at **bestdancing**! Information Source: eventbrite

Berlin Coffee Week "C 8 H 10 N 4 O 2" Koffein unterm Mikroskop Vernissage | Firstcrack Coffee Roasters & Cafe Pakolat Berlin

Sep 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Fine Art
C 8 H 10 N 4 O 2 Koffein unterm Mikroskop Fotoausstellung Vernissage Willkommen zur Vernissage der Fotoausstellung C 8 H 10 N 4 O 2 Koffein unterm Mikroskop! Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt des Koffeins, präsentiert in atemberaubenden Bildern. Entdecke die Schönheit und Vielfalt dieses Moleküls, das unseren Kaffee so besonders macht. Wann: 30.09.24 Start: 19:00 Wo: Firstcrack Coffee Roasters & Cafe Pakolat Berlin Sei dabei und lass dich von den einzigartigen Perspektiven von Koffein inspirieren. Dazu werden wir unsere Cocktailshaker auspacken und reichen leckere hausgemachte Kaffee Cocktails. Ein Muss für alle Kaffeeliebhaber und Fotografie-Enthusiasten! Wir freuen uns auf deinen Besuch. Information Source: Firstcrack Roasters Berlin | eventbrite

Read Wedding: Berlin Open Mic for Poetry & Storytelling | Vagabund Brauerei Kesselhaus

Sep 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
**New location starting August 2024, due to the Vagabund Brauerei Taproom location shutting its doors. We will miss our home, but look forward to where we'll go to continue sharing with each other. For the August location (a trial at the larger Vagabund location), please note that there are three entrances to Osram-Höfe, a large internal courtyard with a number of buildings housing dance studios, offices, and the Vagabund Brauerei Kesselhaus. Please note that after certain hours of night, the hof entrance on Oudenarder Str. is the only one left open. Info for those not aware with us and our format! Whether you're poetry-curious or a seasoned performer, join us for our monthly open mic night at Vagabund Brauerei in Wedding. Share your work (or that of writers you admire) & meet fellow enthusiasts. All written works & languages are welcome. Format - 3 sections: Sections 1 & 2: 12 performers (6 per section)Section 3: Optional writing session with sharing opportunity. Priority to those who haven't read earlier in the evening & to newbiesRSVPs​ & Sign Up: RSVP via Meetup, Eventbrite, or just show up. Online RSVPs DO NOT save performance spotsSign up at the door between 19:00-19:305-minute performance slots. Please respect this limit to avoid cutting off your workNo bigotry, racism, transphobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, etc.Donation​s: Sliding-scale donations encouraged to cover event costs. We are grateful for your support & every bit helps!Donate here via Eventbrite or at the door. Eventbrite donations are perfect for those who cannot attendExperience the magic of live storytelling and poetry with us. Information Source: Matt Brooks | eventbrite

Першокласна комедія | Black Room Escape Room

Sep 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Першокласна комедія Вітаємо! Готуйтеся до шаленого веселощів! Першокласна комедія обіцяє бути справжнім феєричним додатком до вашого життя. Чудова можливість розслабитись, насолодитись гумором та зарядитись позитивом. Головне правило - грати на половину сили і сміятись без усяких обмежень. Де: Möllendorfstraße 49 Коли: 30 вересня Не пропустіть цю унікальну можливість підняти собі настрій та весело провести час разом з друзями чи родиною. Гарантовано - посмішки до вух! Information Source: Першокласная комедія це - клуб де молоді і екстравагантні коміки жартують. Чекайте на опенмайки та концерти ! | eventbrite

Andrei Irimia - Lights & Shadows - Live in Berlin | Passionskirche

Sep 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Andrei Irimia - Lights & Shadows - Live in Berlin Kommen Sie und erleben Sie einen unvergesslichen Abend mit Andrei Irimia, wenn er seine faszinierende Show Lights & Shadows live in Berlin aufführt! Begleiten Sie uns in der wunderschönen Passionskirche für ein unvergessliches Live-Event. Lassen Sie sich von Andreis unglaublichem Talent mitreißen und tauchen Sie ein in eine Nacht voller Musik und Magie. Verpassen Sie dieses einzigartige Erlebnis nicht! Information Source: Andrei Irimia | eventbrite

English Stand Up Comedy Show in Friedrichshain - Manic Monday Open Mic | Lauschangriff

Sep 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
What's the show ?The ultimate cure for your Monday blues and the perfect continuation of your weekend right in Friedrischain. 😂🌃 Every Monday night, we transform the mundane into the extraordinary with a dazzling array of stand-up comedy that promises to start your week on a high note.🤣🎙️ Why settle for a dull Monday? Instead, join us at Manic Monday . 😊 We bring together a crew of comedians – from seasoned pros to fresh newcomers each armed with their unique brand of humor. 🎭 Whether you're a local or just passing through, come and get your weekly dose of comedic therapy, a place where you can unwind, laugh out loud, and embrace the spirit of Berlin's infamous nightlife. 🍹✨ 🎤 Host by Mihai Tartara 🇷🇴(IG: @mihaithewerewolf) Mihai was a finalist at Berlin Stand-up Comedy Award 2022 and has performed at international festivals doing sold-out runs at the largest art festival in the world the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with his shows A walking disaster , Normal Dysfunctional Family , Unique perspective (The Wee Review). Where & When?📍 Venue: Lauschangriff, Rigaer Str. 103, 10247 Berlin near Frankfurter Tor 📅 Date: : Every Monday ⏰ Time: Doors open at 8 PM, laughs start at 8:30 PM TicketsI t's NOT A FREE SHOW. It's Pay What You Want. You just decide the amount you want to pay AFTER the show. Artists deserve to be paid. If you plan to not pay at all, please don't come to our show!! 💰 We suggest a donation of 10€ - 15€. 💰 Students & unemployed 7€ - 10€. 💰 We accept cards & cash. Line-up❓ What is an Open Mic ?An Open mic is a stand-up comedy night where performers of all levels of experience from newbies to professionals come to work out their material. They might do completely new jokes that have never been told before or they might polish their existing jokes. As an audience member, attending an open mic can be a fun and entertaining way to spend an evening. You'll get to see a variety of different performers and styles, and you might even discover a new favorite comedian or artist. It's important to keep in mind that open mics are often a place for new and aspiring performers to test out their material, so the quality of the performances can vary. However, that's part of what makes them so exciting – you never know what you're going to get! Overall, if you're looking for a unique and engaging form of live entertainment, attending an open mic can be a great choice. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! ❓ This sounds like a great show but I can't make it, when it's the next one ?This show happens every Monday and Friday. Follow Mihai Tartara Eventbrite page to get notified for future events. ❓ I also want to perform, how can I sign up ?This show is an open mic, so if you're interested in trying stand-up comedy for the first time this is the best place to do it. In order to sign up please go to the following link, in the discussion page of the Facebook event write Spot please and a one-sentence introduction. Events Information Source: Stoopid Comedy by Mihai Tartara | eventbrite

Fabelhaft Comedy: Stand-Up Comedy in Berlin Mitte | Z-Bar

Sep 30, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
🎤 DIE SHOW 🎤 Bei Fabelhaft Comedy teilen sich die großen Talente der Berliner Comedy-Szene eine Bühne, um ihre neuesten Jokes zu testen und alte Gags rund zu spielen. Freut euch auf authentische Stand-Up-Comedy mit gestandenen Profis und hungrigen Anfängern. EINLASS: 19:00 SHOWBEGINN: 19:30 Die Show ist spendenbasiert: Wir freuen uns über 5 - 10 Euro, die uns dabei helfen, weiterhin Shows zu organisieren. 🪑 RESERVIERUNGEN 🪑 - Ihr könnt über den Eventbrite-Link Plätze reservieren - Ihr könnt auch ohne Reservierung vorbeischauen, allerdings sind die Plätze begrenzt und die Tickets heiß begehrt - Reservierungen verlieren ihre Gültigkeit um 19:15, danach machen wir die Bude voll mit Fußvolk 🍸 DIE LOCATION 🍸 Die Show findet im schnuckeligen Kino der großartigen Z-Bar in Mitte statt. Kommt bereits vorher vorbei oder gönnt euch im Anschluss ein paar Drinks an der Bar. Adresse: Z-Bar Bergstraße 2, 10115 Füßläufig erreicht ihr die Bar z.B. von den Stationen ROSENTHALER PLATZ (U8, M1, M8) und ORANIENBURGER TOR (U6, M1). 👨‍🚀 MODERATION 👨🏻‍✈️ Moderiert wird die Show von den Berliner Comedians Rasmus & Josef Grinspun. Kommt vorbei, wir freuen uns darauf, euch kennenzulernen. Information Source: Fabelhaft Comedy | eventbrite

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