
Guan Yin Temple in Changzhi, Shanxi | Suspended sculptures are ingeniously crafted

Guan Yin Temple was established between the ninth and eleventh years of the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1581-1583). The existing main hall is the original piece from that year, while the rest were built during the Qing Dynasty. The gilded plaque of 'Guan Yin Temple' by Gao Qinli from the eleventh year of the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty hangs on the lintel of the main hall, which is very rare to be preserved to this day! Guan Yin Temple is a temple that worships Guan Yin as the main deity, and at the same time integrates Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. In 2001, it was announced as the fifth batch of cultural preservation units. The suspended sculptures of Guan Yin Temple are masterpieces in ancient Chinese sculpture art. There were originally more than 800 colored clay suspended sculptures, and there are currently more than 500. The large ones are about 2 meters, and the small ones are only 2 centimeters. All kinds of immortals loved by the people, such as Guan Gong, Luohan, Jade Emperor, Eight Immortals, Confucius's seventy-two virtuous people, etc., are included. The sculpting techniques include suspended sculpture, round sculpture, group sculpture, floating sculpture, convex sculpture, and attached sculpture. Animals, trees, immortals, and more than 30 ancient architectural pavilions, platforms, buildings, and pavilions run through it, just like a 3D spatial worldview. Main attractions, mythological stories: Behind the three Bodhisattva statues: Shancai Tongzi's fifty-three visits Behind the south side arch: Eight Immortals celebrating longevity Fourth layer of the south wall: Tang King welcoming sutras, Leiyin Temple West side of the fourth layer of the north wall: Burning the White Goose Temple Lintel of the west wall: Western Great Achievement Teaching Ticket: The ticket is 10 yuan, and the explanation is 30 yuan. After the explanation, you can enter the door to watch at close range Address: Liangjiazhuang Village, Daxinzhuang Town, Changzhi City Best time: 11-15 o'clock when the sun is good, suitable for viewing
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Posted: Feb 8, 2024
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