
Gerbang Samudraraksa

Samudra Raksa Gate is a new tourist spot in Yogyakarta that is viral on social media. This place is the entrance gate to the Borobudur Temple area. This place is set in the background of a ship with the outrigger Ocean Raksa. The exact location is in Klangon, Kalibawang District, Kulon Progo Regency#diyttrip2019 The Samudra Raksa Gate was built by the Ministry of PUPR as a guide for tourists to enter from the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA). Actually, the construction of the Samudra Raksa Gate is not yet 100 percent complete. According to the plan, the gate will be completed by the end of December 2020. However, the Samudra Raksa Gate has gone viral on social media. In fact, many residents have come to take pictures together or take selfies with the background of the Samudra Raksa Gate. The Samudra Raksa Gate is on the right side of the road if you are from Kulon Progo. The area is equipped with a rest area, as well as food stalls, souvenirs, and MSMEs. On the right side there is the inscription 'Welcome to the Borobudur Area'. There are 3 entrance gates to the Borobudur tourist area which were rebuilt in addition to the Samudra Raksa Gate. That Gate is Lion Gate, Gate #themeparks#nationalpark#lakes #diy #yogyakarta #jawatengah #kulonprogo
Posted: Aug 9, 2021
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