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Lingyin Temple - the oldest temple in Hangzhou

Lingyin Temple was built during the Eastern Jin period, the first year of Ham Hoa (326 CE). From that time until now, 1681 years of mainland Chinese history have passed. This is not only a highly historical temple but also has a prime location on a charming mountain river. Near the pagoda area there is a lake and in the middle are rolling hills and mountains. Therefore, this place has long been "favored" by many Central kings as well as officials and people. This is also the reason why when Su Dongpo worked as a governor in Hangzhou - Zhejiang, he often came here to enjoy, drink tea and write poetry. Linh An Temple is open almost every day and there is an entrance fee. So you can choose any time of year to visit and explore. However, because the terrain here is located in the valley of a mountain, surrounded by trees, mountains, and lakes,... When traveling, you should choose clothes that are both comfortable and safe. The fine customs and traditions of the pagoda - a sacred place of worship. Wearing sneakers instead of high heels or sandals... will be more convenient for walking.
Posted: May 24, 2024
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Lingyin Temple

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