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Trip.Best Popular Summer Outings Near Gong County [2024]

Escape the heat and plunge into cooling waters at these fun, water-filled activities
Updated Jul 2024
  • 󰺂6.3
    603 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 6 reviews
    "It's fun, you need to book in advance, and you can relax for an hour, and the time is a bit short. Some play tips can be set up midway. Others can, the scenery is beautiful, you can't swim, and children over 90 can play. . ."
    >100km from Gong County
    Highlights: Nanjiang Canyon is situated in Kaiyang County to the northeast of Guiyang. It is famous for its spectacular karst landscape and crystal-clear rivers and waterfalls. Visitors can enjoy the scenery from a cliff-edge walkway or go white water rafting.
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  • 󰺂9.2
    30154 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 627 reviews
    "It is worth going. Huangguoshu Waterfall is really shocking. The Tianxing Bridge and Silver Chain Falls are also very spectacular, with their own characteristics and different beauty. Fast passages and VIP cars save time and effort, providing convenience for the elderly to visit."
    Guanling.Huangguoshu Waterfalls
    >100km from Gong County
    Highlights: The Huangguoshu Waterfall was a filming location for the 1986 television production Journey to the West. It gets its name from the “huangguo trees” that grow along the riverbanks. The waterfall is surrounded by lush vegetation, gorges, limestone caves, stone outcroppings, and rock pillars in a classic karst landscape. Centered around Huangguoshu Waterfall, 18 unique waterfalls line this stretch of river. Known for their power, strength, treacherousness, and beauty, they comprise one of the world’s great groups of waterfalls.
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  • 󰺂7.0
    1076 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 195 reviews
    "Huanglongxi's price/performance ratio is really high. I feel that one person can play very well. Transportation: We are driving by car. There are people who greet us to park all the way. Finally, we parked outside a street shop. A car for 15 yuan is still in the shade. 🎈 Shopping: Huanglongxi wreath is recommended. There are aunts picking and selling all the way. You can compare it more. The aunt we met only sold 5r! And it is all flowers, beautifully made, I think it is the best-looking garland in the whole street, hehe 😁🍜 Food: the most famous is no noodles, it is very easy to find, because the handsome guy in that store is just around the corner, very eye-catching. In addition to noodles and powder, there are many restaurants on the street and by the river, and there will be many people soliciting customers. It is recommended to say hello to the price, and the price is more than three. ⛲ Play: ① Main Street: The waterway is full of people playing in the water, and the whole body is wet. The water fight is super lively hahaha. Stay away on the street and be careful of the children's water guns. ② Side Street: There are many small shops, sachets, herbal pillows, jade, and original old teahouses. ③💗 Cruise 💗: Super recommended project! 40r one, about 30 minutes. The master will play very suitable music, really enjoy it, and gave me a brand new perspective to observe Huanglongxi, recommend it, friends! recommend!"
    Chengdu.Huanglongxi town/Happy Pastoral Scenic Area
    >100km from Gong County
    Highlights: The ancient town of Huanglongxi is located roughly 40 kilometers from Chengdu and boasts a history of over 1700 years. There are cobbled streets from the Ming and Qing dynasties, along with ancient memorial archways, temples, buildings and houses. A traditional festival is called the Fire Dragon Festival. The event is so well known that Huanglongxi is nicknamed the "the village of the Chinese fire dragon". The village is used as a set for films today, including films like Hibiscus Town (Fu rong zhen). The local snacks of Huanglongxi are also well-known. One-strand noodle, crispy pork legs, pearl tofu pudding and braised yellow catfish are all worth a taste!
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  • 󰺂5.6
    176 Review
    "Overall, the play experience is quite good, that is, the drifting exit is a bit too far from the entrance. I hope I can add some traffic cars, or more shifts. Overall, I was very surprised that the driver brought a lot of friends together."
    >100km from Gong County
    Highlights: Taoyuan River Canyon Ecological Tourism Area mainly promotes rafting, water park and leisure hall, and has become a rafting Attraction with a reputation of "convenient and fast, brand-new rafting, complete facilities, exciting and interesting, and affordable". The earliest magic rafting project in the country is particularly fascinating. The Taoyuan River rafting river has a total drop of 192 meters and the river is turbulent, making it a place for rafting adventures. The "China Magic Rafting" and Guizhou's earlier "Water Park" are particularly ingenious and were established earlier in China. They are known as "the first rafting in Qianzhong" and "a paradise on earth". Rafting river section: The drop is 170 meters, the water is clear, one after another, and there is no danger. Along the way, you can enjoy beautiful natural landscapes such as lakes, mountains, rivers, caves, springs, waterfalls, and gorges. After the first half of the rafting, you can have a meal at the middle rafting pier. The high-altitude bicycles and children's banana water park next to the reception center square provide a good place for children to come and play. There is a tea lounge on the cliff next to the Surfing pool. While sipping tea, you can not only look out over the three waterfalls, watch the magic drifting warriors rushing down, but also look down at the joyful scene of canyon Surfing fighting in the waves. After rafting, Surfing and playing, tourists can take the Attraction sightseeing bus and return to the parking lot along the sightseeing lane on the bank of the rafting river to avoid running around.
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  • 󰺂6.0
    36 Review
    "When you arrive in Jiayang, you must go to the next mine and dig a few shovels of coal. It is a great experience. I felt the sound and light experience of gas explosion. I took a monkey car and learned about the history and development process of mining. I saw a lot of mining machinery. In addition to taking a monkey car, it took a lot of time to queue up. The whole process was very happy. Although the onion mine was tired from climbing out in the end, it was still very interesting. I also saw a big doll fish."
    Qianwei County
    >100km from Gong County
    Highlights: Jiayang's Suoluo Lake was created after the construction of a hydropower dam on the Mabian River. The lake features a broad surface and very clear water. You can take a tour boat onto Suoluo Lake and enjoy the scenery with green hills on both banks, a perfect scenic vista of lake and mountain. When you reach the Suoluo Ravine, you will find the ravine covered in lush suoluo trees (spinulose tree fern), which sway gently in the breeze. The Jiayang Suoluo Lake Tourism Scenic Area is like a virgin old-growth forest, quiet and beautiful.
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  • 󰺂6.6
    1756 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 78 reviews
    "Tiantai Mountain is a place full of natural scenery that allows you to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a peaceful life. This place has natural resources, including beautiful landscapes and unique landform features, where you can enjoy the charm of nature."
    Qionglai.Tiantai Mountain Scenic Spot
    >100km from Gong County
    Highlights: Introduction to Chengdu Tiantai Mountain Scenic AttractionChengdu Tiantai Mountain Scenic Attraction is located in Qionglai, the first city west of Chengdu on the ancient Southern Silk Road. It is about 110 kilometers away from Chengdu city. The main peak, Yuxiao Peak, is 1,812 meters above sea level. It is a world natural heritage of the Sichuan Giant Panda Habitat, a national scenic spot, a national forest park, a national AAAA-level tourist Attraction, and one of the eight major firefly viewing sites in the world. Tiantai Mountain was formerly known as Dongmeng Mountain. It is said that it was the place where Dayu offered sacrifices to the sky when he was controlling floods. There is a saying that "Yu Gong Mengshan". In history, the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism shared the mountain. During its heyday, there were more than 100 temples, Taoist temples and official houses on the mountain. The Attraction is a box-shaped syncline mountain. The whole mountain is roughly in the shape of the English letter U, shaped like a "chair" sitting west to east. The mountain body forms three levels of terraces from low to high: Tiantai, Ertiantai and Zhengtiantai, presenting three characteristic scenic spots of "one layer of Tiantai, one layer of heaven, and nine heavens on Tiantai". The Attraction is famous for its "strange mountains, strange rocks, beautiful water, secluded forests and charming clouds". It has "90 miles of long rivers, 800 streams, 9,000 strange rocks and 2,000 peaks", a forest coverage rate of about 95%, and a wide variety of animals and plants. "How high the mountain is, how high the water is", Jinlong River meanders down from the highest peak, Yuxiao Peak, and transforms into many waterscapes such as long beaches, cascading streams, waterfalls, and lakes, as well as low mountain sea of ​​clouds, Buddha light and other wonders. It enjoys the reputation of "no water after returning from Jiuzhaigou, no water after returning from Tiantai", and is a mountain-type summer resort featuring high mountain water and night firefly viewing, a biodiversity science popularization natural Attraction, and the first mountain west of Chengdu on the Southern Silk Road.The Attraction includes Changhong Waterfall, Xiangshuitan Waterfall, Shenfeng Cave, Guanyin Bridge, Daoxie Stone, Yinfeng, Small Mill, Huashilin, Sandaowan, Leiyin Temple, Fir Forest Aerial Plank Road, Hydrangea Sea, Xiushui Three Rhythms, Shibali Vanilla Valley, the Red Army Long March Qionglai Memorial Hall, Sichuan Red Army Long March Digital Exhibition Hall and other attractions.Recommended one-day tour routes for Mount Tiantai Attraction(Interesting landscape): Visitor Center → (take a bus) → Xiaojiawan Mountain Gate → (walk) → Dengle'an → (take a bus) → Sandaowan → (take a bus) → Zhengtiantai → (walk) → Eighteen-mile Xiangcaogou/Xiushui Sanyun → (walk) → Zhengtiantai → (take a bus) → Visitor Center. Recommended two-day tour routes for Attraction Tiantai(Firefly themed study): Day 1: Visitor Center → (take a bus) → Xiaojiawan Mountain Gate (Firefly Weibo Museum, Firefly Research Institute) → (walk) → Xiangshuitan Waterfall (themed study course) → (walk) → Xiaojiawan → (take a bus) → hotel → (take a bus) → firefly viewing point → hotelDay 2: Hotel → (take a bus) → Firefly Research Institute (participate in the research and experience course) → free time to visit the Attraction → (take a bus) → visitor center.
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  • 󰺂7.5
    1601 Review
    "The fare in this scenic spot is very cheap, it seems to be about 10 yuan, and the whole scenic spot can drive by itself, and drive the car wherever you play. This is very suitable for the travel combination of the elderly and children. The whole mountain is very large, and there are many cattle, sheep and horses eating grass and letting the wind on the mountain. You can go horse riding, there are many mountain people who are open for business, the price can be bargained, and the distance can also be chosen. There are large windmills that are very beautiful, and the blue sky and white clouds are set off, and the photos will be very beautiful. The ultraviolet rays on the mountain are strong and need to be sunscreen. But the wind is very strong and cool."
    >100km from Gong County
    Highlights: Located in the north of Pan County, the Wumeng Grassland boasts a cool, comfortable climate that makes it a great summer retreat. Here, verdant grass stretches to the horizon, and you can enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities - horseback riding, archery, camping, barbecuing, and more - making it a great travel destination. Experience the beautiful life of the grasslands. In the morning, soak up the sun or take a horseback ride. At noon, come to an outdoor barbecue. Camp in the evening and view the stars and moon.
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  • 󰺂8.1
    7557 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 52 reviews
    "The best in the cave is not only the cave, but also the feeling of the underground palace. It is very worth going to, especially if you feel that the Dragon Palace is not interesting. You must go to the cave if you are very disappointed."
    >100km from Gong County
    Highlights: Located in Zhijin County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, Zhijin Cave is a trove of precious cave resources, full of stalagmites and stone pillars of every form creating an incredibly varied karst cave setting. The sheer variety of stalactites here enchants the eyes. Entering the cave is like entering a multi-colored fantasy world, a breathtaking work of art by nature.
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  • 󰺂6.1
    89 Review
    "The seaside city shopping center used to be my favorite shopping center, everything! But now why is there no wife, less points to redeem, no points to play the turntable, no water to redeem, even movie tickets to add money. The Haohai Water Cube in the shopping center is a national 4A-level scenic spot, but the tickets are a bit expensive."
    Chengdu.The seaside city/Shuangliu Sports Center
    >100km from Gong County
    Highlights: Chengdu Jiaolong Port Seaside City is located at the intersection of the main road of Shuangnan Avenue and Shuangwen Road in Chengdu, with a total construction area of 270,000 square meters. The project covers Haohai Cube Aquarium, Helicopter Club, Simulated Flight Experience, Ouyuezhen Ice Rink, Seaside Food Exchange It is an urban complex integrating professional experience, catering, leisure, entertainment and other functions.
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  • 󰺂7.7
    4347 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 179 reviews
    "Today I went to Qianling Mountain Park. The overall park is free. The ropeway is also very good value. It only costs 20 yuan a way. We take the ropeway up the mountain and go down the mountain. There are a lot of monkeys along the road. Very cute."
    Guiyang.Qianling Park Area
    >100km from Gong County
    Highlights: Qianling Mountain is a famous park in Guiyang. You can go hiking in the park and visit the zoo. If you like climbing, there is a temple on the hill that was built in the Qing Dynasty. It is said that the praying in the temple will make your wishes come true. Hiking up a mountain road after passing by the Hongfu Temple, you can see a building called Xiangwangling Pavilion. You can overlook the entire city at the pavilion, which is a good photography shooting point.
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What are some Summer Outings near Gong County?
Some Summer Outings near Gong County include:Nanjiang Canyon, Huangguoshu Waterfall, Huang Longxi, Taoyuanhe Mohuan Drifting, Jiayang Suoluo Lake Tourism Scenic Area
What are some highly-rated Summer Outings near Gong County?
Some highly-rated Summer Outings near Gong County include:Nanjiang Canyon:4.5, Huangguoshu Waterfall:4.5, Huang Longxi:4.5, Taoyuanhe Mohuan Drifting:4.2, Jiayang Suoluo Lake Tourism Scenic Area:4.3
Where are Summer Outings near Gong County located?
The Summer Outings near Gong County are mainly located in:Nanjiang Canyon:Kaiyang, Huangguoshu Waterfall:Guanling, Huang Longxi:Chengdu, Taoyuanhe Mohuan Drifting:Xiuwen, Jiayang Suoluo Lake Tourism Scenic Area:Qianwei County