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Trip.Best Popular Best Things to Do Near Hongya [2024]

Updated Jul 2024
  • No.1
    74796 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 6637 reviews
    "It was a very worthwhile experience. Miss Sister used the shortest path to experience all the classic content, help me quickly find the panda, help me take pictures, and help me get things, which is much more reliable than the breaking strategy on a sweet potato."
    Chengdu.Panda base/Theatre General Hospital
    >100km from Hongya
    Highlights: You can watch adorable pandas up close
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  • No.2
    49838 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 850 reviews
    "Cheng purchase tickets is convenient and fast. The staff service attitude is very good. After arriving at the station, directly swipe the ID card to take the car to Leidongping. It takes 2 hours to walk for a while. Take the ropeway to Jinding to see the Buddha statue inside Puxian. It is very solemn. The original road returns to Leidongping and takes the car to Wuxiangang. To see the monkey, you have to walk 5-6 kilometers of mountain road, and there is a line of sky and other attractions on the way. Eating is not expensive and will come again."
    Emeishan.Qingyin Pavilion-Wannian Temple
    37.5km from Hongya
    Highlights: A fairyland-like Buddhist holy place
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  • No.3
    35915 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 843 reviews
    "The Dujiangyan is an ancient irrigation system in Dujiangyan city,Sichuan,China. It is originally constructed around 256 BC by the state of Qin as an irrigation & flood control project ,still in use today. The system’s infrastructure develops on the Min river ,the longest tributary of the Yantze."
    Dujiangyan.Dujiangyan Scenic Area
    >100km from Hongya
    Highlights: A 2,000 year-old water conservancy project
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  • No.4
    17053 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 820 reviews
    "This ancient temple complex, dedicated to the famous statesman Zhuge Liang and the heroes of the Three Kingdoms period, is steeped in rich cultural heritage. The beautifully preserved architecture, serene gardens, and intricate carvings transported me back in time. Strolling through the peaceful pathways, I admired the historical relics and learned about the stories and legends of the Three Kingdoms."
    Chengdu.Wuhou Temple Commercial Area
    >100km from Hongya
    Highlights: Explore the historical relics of the Three Kingdoms, as well as the wonders of ancient buildings and water conservancy
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  • No.5
    9243 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 186 reviews
    "Samsung Dui has been swiping videos on the Internet for a long time. This time I finally had the opportunity to visit the field. The first feeling is really shocking. All kinds of unprecedented bronze masks feel like aliens. Especially the last bronze god tree is so spectacular!"
    >100km from Hongya
    Highlights: Explore the ancient Shu civilization thousands of years ago
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  • No.6
    20489 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 797 reviews
    "今天我以一个退役军人的身份,薅了国家两次羊毛。游玩杜甫草堂和金沙遗址博物馆均凭军人优待证免费入园,省多少门票钱不重要,身份感暴棚了身份证的价值取向,有几分光荣,些许得瑟,一小撮优越感,坐享了多半天特权主义。出馆后,不考虑坐公交车地铁了,一伸手打个车,结果免单的门票钱全给出租车司机交油钱了。我就是这样经常干一些捡芝麻丢西瓜的事。完了还不忘用阿Q精神开导自己,想开点,上年纪了,钱不花是纸,花了才是钱,钱💰是身上的垢夹搓了还有,故,应当及时行乐来调侃一下自己。 进了杜甫草堂,这才想起来,对于我收获的小确幸,应该吟[嘴唇]几句李白的《将进酒》[啤酒]来表达一下我沉醉优待的心情, 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月,千金散尽还复来,方显应景。杜甫草堂,除了自然景观,园林绿化,几乎全是复建,复修,复仿的建筑,但能看的出来全是史料中记载中的文献铺垫出的真实还原。每一处都有着正史的佐证以及几代文人笔耕不缀的努力和探索,为杜甫诗圣的遗风和文学贡献做着岁月的沉淀,留一份非物质文化遗产永享人间。景区的前世今生,杜甫的诗作.生平,百度,书籍均有,更全面更详细,我无需再费笔端,逐一着墨。 杜甫,字自美,号少陵野老,现实主义诗人,被世人尊为诗圣。杜甫草堂的栖息地,是他人生暂时路过偏安一隅的地方,尽管经历了野无遗贤,终不得志的一生,但在兵荒马乱颠沛流离时选择安居乐业的草堂和他笔端下的诗一样,画意,情意,安逸,飘逸,俊逸,惬意,意义具全。 忘记杜甫草堂的名字,我以为我置身于一所寺庙,清心寡欲,淡泊无为。我们家老太太出景区时,一本正经的问我,这座寺庙怎么没人上香,也看不见僧人。我逗她说,全开会去了。她还来了一个,噢。看他煞有介事的问答,直接让我笑不活了。 草堂里的青竹林,错落有致,腰身挺拔,俊朗洒脱,一副君子相。给老太太拍照时,我对她说,虽然你没上过一天学,大字不识几个,但此刻,你是长安.竹林妻闲,从今天开始也是个文化人儿,老太太兴奋的跟刚大学毕业似的。虽然她不知道竹林七贤原来都混哪里,姓甚名谁。我也不知道,管他呢,眼下的老娘,老小老小,咋高兴咋哄着来。 其实,我想表达的是,尽管杜甫草堂不是上香礼佛之处,初涉此地,宁静致远,心静如水的感受不自觉的由然而生,我想,这是杜甫的人格魅力。"
    Chengdu.Du Fu thatched cottage/Sichuan people's Hospital
    >100km from Hongya
    Highlights: Former residence of Du Fu, a Chinese Tang Dynasty poet
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  • No.7
    17109 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 1123 reviews
    "The steps in the front mountain are very annoying, wide or narrow, relatively slippery, but it is okay if there are not many people. Many thatched pavilions in the middle have been in disrepair for a long time, and the risk coefficient is relatively high. The whole experience, the ecological environment is very good, the quality of tourists is very high (the roadside does not see garbage), the humanistic experience is relatively rich, and the degree of commercialization is average. If it is not really impossible to walk, the ropeway and cruise ship have nothing to see, pure tools. The price/performance ratio is very high."
    Dujiangyan.Qingcheng Piedmont Scenic Area
    >100km from Hongya
    Highlights: Qingcheng Mountain is dubbed as the "most quiet and secluded place in the world". It is the birthplace of Taoism and there are many Taoist temples to explore there. Qingcheng Mountain is divided into two mountain areas: Qingcheng Front Mountain and Qingcheng Back Mountain. They require separate tickets. The Front Mountain is where Taoist culture and cultural relics are concentrated. When visitors talk about “Qingcheng Mountain”, they often refer to the front mountain; Qingcheng Back Mountain is known for its natural scenery making it a good place for vacation and leisure.
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  • No.8
    19815 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 1485 reviews
    "Humanities Leshan, food Leshan, beautiful Leshan ⛰️! The first time I went to Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area, the experience was not bad. Leshan people are hospitable and welcoming. The weather is too hot 🥵 34℃. Looking forward to the next revisit!"
    Leshan.Leshan Giant Buddha
    56km from Hongya
    Highlights: The Leshan Giant Buddha is located on a rock wall of the Lingyun Mountain at the junction of Leshan's Min River, Qingyi River, and Dadu River in Sichuan. It is a sacred place for Buddhist and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Leshan Giant Buddha depicts a seated image of Maitreya and it is an exquisite piece of cliff-carving work from the Tang Dynasty. The colossal statue is about 70 metres high and over 1,300-years-old, making it the largest stone Buddha in the world, and by far the tallest pre-modern statue. It took an astonishing three generations of craftmen and 90 years to complete. When viewing the tall and majestic Giant Buddha, one cannot help but marvel at the wisdom of the ancients. In the absence of modern large-scale tools, they were still able to leave such a legacy.
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  • No.9
    13564 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 497 reviews
    "In the second class, the Sands Site Museum is located on the main traffic road in Chengdu City. It is one of the few museums that are hidden deep. From the gate of the street, the deep is the open lawn, the beautiful bamboo forest and the lush trees. The road is a ramp, uneven, fork road, scattered storage and distribution of different sculptures and theme cultural totems. At a glance, I can't see the museum. It takes ten minutes to walk to enter the museum. The Sands Site Museum is still the background of ancient culture and history, and the Samsung Dui Museum has co-edited the list of "World Intangible Cultural Heritage". The treasure of the town hall is a gold totem of the sun god bird pattern. There are not many pavilions, very quiet, dim light, Zhusha colored walls, round booths, like you need to hold your breath to visit. The exhibition hall is designed like a high-end jewelry exhibition area, and indeed, most of the inside is gold and jade. The unobstructed display of the ancient yu period human aesthetics and luxury, fine workmanship, who has a good impression, let me have a good eye. Not to mention here, there are a lot of hard currency, ivory, unearthed in the hall. In the liquid of Volmachine, soaked in its historical origins and way. Life is resurrected and alive. Simply put, everything here is like the perfect combination of gold and jade, full of pearly atmosphere. The glass of the exhibition cabinet is not bulletproof, so there must be a calmness that looks at money like dung. Ask yourself, are you bulletproof? Ha ha. I am impressed that the museum lists historical relics from all over the world in the ancient times and ancient civilizations of the same faith, the sun, the godbird or the combination of the sun and the godbird, doubling the worship of this kind of theme totem. Humanity created civilization, in the era of spiritual civilization and material civilization, the belief in the world and the beasts is the only spiritual food, the main heart and compass of the construction and inheritance of human spiritual civilization, promoting the development of human civilization. To open the soul, to preach to the world, is the Noah's ark that is ferrying for the history of the ancient times of mankind. I bowed my head to the religious ideas my father had popularized in his life, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and different gods, but they all symbolize true goodness and beauty. And at this moment, what hits my eyes is our ancient ancestors, the sun god birds of the monks, whether it is a metaphor, the sun shines from the birth, nourishes all things to grow, the god birds become the hope of the universe, flying higher and farther. There is a brief introduction to this aspect of the text in the museum. It is not that I didn't look at it, but the history and culture of the Samsungdui Museum here are similar. So, I do my homework for self-study class by my own interpretation, alas! This homework, I don't know which head teacher to see, but I still have to be a caring person, show it to myself, and show it to my future generations. The Sands Site Museum is an important popular science education base for students from all over the world in history classes and archaeology classes."
    Chengdu.Jinsha site/Yipintianxia
    >100km from Hongya
    Highlights: Introduction to the 24th Summer Activities of Jinsha Site Museum: Are the wind of Altay, the beauty of Duku Highway, and the magnificence of Kizil Grottoes already on your summer travel plan? This summer, come to the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum to visit the exhibition and check in, and you will have a chance to win a Round-trip to Xinjiang!Visitors to the exhibition and checking in will have a chance to win Round-trip to Xinjiang At present, the "Splendid Western Regions, the Same Wind Across Thousands of Miles - Xinjiang Silk Road Culture Special Exhibition" is being exhibited at the Jinsha Site Museum. 134 exhibits (sets) tell the romantic legend of the Western Regions and the past of the Chinese civilization's diversity and unity. Whether it is the "Five Stars Rising from the East, Prospering China" brocade armguard unearthed from the Niya Site, or the "Tang Dynasty Female Workers" figurines full of life in the Astana Tombs, people can "travel through" the Silk Road in a second and experience the cultural customs of the Western Regions. On June 28, it coincided with the second anniversary of the launch of the museum-themed aircraft "Jinsha" jointly created by the Jinsha Site Museum and Chengdu Airlines, and the eighth anniversary of the maiden flight of the domestic regional aircraft ARJ21. The Jinsha Site Museum and Chengdu Airlines have specially joined forces to Complimentary summer benefits to visitors to the exhibition - "Watch the Jinsha Exhibition, enjoy the scenery of the Silk Road; take Chengdu Airlines, and travel the beautiful Xinjiang" event!According to relevant staff of the Jinsha Ruins Museum, the lottery will start in June and last until October, with three rounds of draws during this period, during which the first, second and third prizes will be drawn.The first prize includes round-trip air tickets from Chengdu to Turpan, Xinjiang, a model of the "Jinsha" airplane, and a Jinsha cultural and creative gift package.(For more information, please follow the official WeChat and Weibo of Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum). Turpan City is rich in tourism resources. In addition to the well-known Huoyan Mountain Attraction, there is also the "Anxi Protectorate"-Jiaohe Ancient City, which is known as the "World's Perfect Ruins", the Gaochang Ancient City, a national key cultural relic protection unit, and the Astana Tombs, known as the "Turpan Underground Museum". Many precious cultural relics in the "Silk Road Culture Special Exhibition" of the Jinsha Site Museum come from there. I believe that after watching the exhibition, the audience will have a different cultural experience if they visit the site.In order to cooperate with this event, the Jinsha Site Museum set up a theme check-in device in the "meditation space" on the first floor of the exhibition hall. There are not only cute "Jinsha" aircraft models, but also limited edition boarding pass-style exhibition brochures. As the Chengdu Airlines Xinjiang route map slowly unfolds, the "Splendid Western Regions, Thousands of Miles of Winds - Xinjiang Silk Road Culture Special Exhibition" exhibition information and representative sites and cultural relics along the waypoints are also presented one by one. This exhibition brochure is like a "treasure map" for exploring Xinjiang Silk Road culture, taking you to easily appreciate the profound historical and cultural charm of Xinjiang.After two years of operation, the "Jinsha" has helped spread Chengdu's city cultureThe "Jinsha" is a theme aircraft jointly built by the Jinsha Site Museum and Chengdu Airlines, and it is also the first museum theme aircraft. The fuselage is full of ancient Shu cultural elements: the roots of the tree that have been dormant for thousands of years have regained vitality and are lush and leafy; the golden ornaments of the Sun Bird have turned into a golden wheel, shining on the land of abundance; the cirrus pattern on the golden trumpet-shaped vessel falls on the back of the Jinsha deer, which is smart and cute; the golden mask has a gaze that penetrates three thousand years, watching the development and changes of Chengdu for thousands of years.According to reports, the "Jinsha" uses the domestically produced regional airliner ARJ21. Since it began flying on June 28, 2022, it has transported nearly 120,000 passengers and more than 1,500 flights, mainly serving branch cities. It not only helps domestically produced airliners to operate on a large scale in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Northeast China and other regions, and serve local social and economic development, but also serves as a "dissemination machine" for Chengdu's urban culture and ancient Shu culture. Staff at the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum told reporters that the "Jinsha" themed aircraft holds "Museum in the Air" activities from time to time every year. The theme of this year's event is "Cloud Classroom" - on the eve of China's Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, the museum's gold medal Guide boarded the passenger plane, bringing 3D prints of precious cultural relics unearthed from the Jinsha Site, and introduced the discovery and excavation of the Jinsha Site to the passengers, and told the social life and historical culture reflected behind the cultural relics, thereby extending the story of Chengdu's urban culture.With the help of "Splendid Western Regions, Winds of a Thousand Miles - Xinjiang Silk Road Culture Special Exhibition", the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum and Chengdu Airlines held activities throughout the "summer season", once again creating an excellent example of cultural and tourism integration and cross-border co-creation. While providing tourists from all over the world with a new experience of Jinsha culture, the event also provided new ideas for the dissemination of historical culture, enriched Chengdu's "summer travel" resources, and made contributions to the cultural and museum community in promoting the high-quality development of Chengdu's cultural and tourism market. 【Exhibition Introduction】 "Splendid Western Regions, Same Wind Across the World - Xinjiang Silk Road Cultural Exhibition"The exhibition was jointly organized by the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum. It presented 134 pieces (sets) of exquisite exhibits from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum, the Chengdu Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute and the Chengdu Shu Brocade and Embroidery Museum, including 78 pieces (sets) of precious cultural relics. In order to present the prosperous scene of the ancient Silk Road, the exhibition consists of three units: "Silk Road Prototype", "Silk Road Splendor" and "Silk Road Sanskrit Sound". As the finishing touch of this exhibition, the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum specially added the "Chengdu Limited Edition" content to the exhibition to creatively show the long history of cultural exchanges between Xinjiang and Sichuan with Shu brocade as the medium. Previously, the exhibition has been selected for the 2024 "Reading China in the Museum-Promoting the Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture and Cultivating the Core Values ​​of Socialism" themed exhibition sponsored by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the Central Cyberspace Affairs Office. The exhibition will continue until October 27.Introduction to Attraction:The Jinsha Site Museum is located in the northwest of Chengdu city. It was built on the original site of the Jinsha Site, an important archaeological discovery of the ancient Shu civilization. It is an archaeological museum dedicated to protecting, researching and displaying the Jinsha Site and the ancient Shu civilization.In April 2007, the Jinsha Site Museum was officially opened to the public. The museum covers an area of ​​300,000 square meters, with a total building area of ​​about 40,000 square meters. It is divided into the Relics Hall, Exhibition Hall, Cultural Relics Protection and Restoration Center, Cultural Exchange Center, Garden Area and other parts. The collection of cultural relics is rich in variety and complete in system, and all have high historical, scientific, cultural and artistic value. The exhibition comprehensively displays the glory of the ancient Shu Jinsha Kingdom from multiple angles such as archaeological sites, ecological environment, production and life, religious sacrifices, and cultural background.The Jinsha Site was rated as one of the "Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries in China in 2001", a national key cultural relic protection unit and one of the first national archaeological site parks, and was selected together with the Sanxingdui Site into the "China World Cultural Heritage Tentative List". The "Sun Bird" gold ornament pattern unearthed from the Jinsha Site was identified as the symbol of China's cultural heritage and the core pattern of Chengdu's city image logo.The Jinsha Site Museum is now a national AAAA-level tourist Attraction, a national first-class museum, a national research and practice education base for primary and secondary school students, and a Sichuan Province postdoctoral innovation and practice base.
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  • No.10
    4451 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 63 reviews
    "The third floor of Chengdu Museum will hold "Lu Xun's Art World" from June 20 to August 20. Lu Xun (1881-1936) was originally named Zhou Xun, and later changed his name to Zhou Shuren, Yushan, and Yucai, Zhejiang. Famous literary, thinker, revolutionary, democratic warrior, important participant in the new cultural movement, one of the founders of modern Chinese literature. Mao Zedong once commented: "Lu Xun's direction is the direction of the new culture of the Chinese nation." As a great figure in the twentieth century, Lu Xun's personality and ideological glow have shrouded China for almost a century. Lu Xun's life, in addition to creation and translation, a lot of energy is spent on art activities. He once explained his artistic view in the article "Art Cloud Opinions on Publishing Publishing Art": "Art cloud, that is, use thinking to beautify the heavens and things. If the fusion is combined here, it is nothing but the appearance, and it is salty to be said art; such as sculpture, painting, articles, architecture, music are all." Here "art", That is, the term "art" is used now. His life is also a life of selfless dedication to art activities to collect the original Chinese modern prints, the original foreign prints nearly 2,000, the monument and the Han portraits more than six dry; buy more than 600 kinds of Chinese and foreign art books and magazines; The earliest introduction of foreign art was published in Chinese publications; the establishment of "woodcut workshops", which trained the first generation of modern Chinese printmakers; holding many printmaking exhibitions; supporting and guiding more than ten art societies; editing and publishing more than ten kinds of Chinese and foreign art books and periodicals; More than 60 design books and magazine covers, more than 30 titles written in titles; published a large number of articles on Chinese and foreign art; translated a variety of foreign art theory books and papers; left a huge amount of manuscripts and calligraphy ink. If literary creation is a struggle against suffering, the lifelong love of art is the source of Lu Xun's happiness. This exhibition through the exhibition of Beijing Lu Xun Museum collection of more than 110 pieces/sets, take us to Lu Xun's art world, and feel the rich and colorful art collection and spiritual world of this literary giant."
    Chengdu.Tianfu Square/Chengdu Museum
    >100km from Hongya
    Highlights: Chengdu museum new museum is located in xiaohe street 1, qingyang district,chengdu. It mainly shows the history of chengdu. The museum combines modern technology to bring the original exhibits to life. The folk custom museum can learn about the way of life in old chengdu, there are many vivid decoration. The shadow puppetry gallery on the fifth floor is very beautiful, showing the process of selecting the skin to the finished product, as well as the characteristics of the shadow puppetry everywhere
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What are some Best Things to Do near Hongya?
Some Best Things to Do near Hongya include:Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Emei Mountain, Dujiangyan Scenic Area, Wuhou Shrine, Sanxingdui Archaeological Museum
What are some highly-rated Best Things to Do near Hongya?
Some highly-rated Best Things to Do near Hongya include:Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding:4.6, Emei Mountain:4.7, Dujiangyan Scenic Area:4.7, Wuhou Shrine:4.6, Sanxingdui Archaeological Museum:4.6
Where are Best Things to Do near Hongya located?
The Best Things to Do near Hongya are mainly located in:Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding:Chengdu, Emei Mountain:Emeishan, Dujiangyan Scenic Area:Dujiangyan, Wuhou Shrine:Chengdu, Sanxingdui Archaeological Museum:Guanghan