China's last living ancient city is more down-to-earth than Lijiang and has lower prices than Dali

It has a history of over a thousand years and was once the absolute center of southern Yunnan. In the Ming Dynasty's 'Dian Lue', there was a record of 'Gold in Lin'an, Silver in Dali', where 'Lin'an' was its old name, indicating its wealth and prosperity at the time; It escaped the massive demolitions of the last century's construction boom. To this day, the original inhabitants still live in the city, leading lives not much different from their ancestors, and thus, it is known as 'China's last living ancient city'. This ancient city, is the Jianshui Ancient City, which exudes a sense of relaxation from the inside out.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: May 6, 2024
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Jianshui Ancient City

4.6/5510 reviews | Ancient Towns
#2 of Best Things to Do in Jianshui
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