This property is misrepresented as a hotel. For example, in the text it refers to the property as a "hotel". Yet it seems yo really be a collection of individual apartment in. High rise aprtment building, most of which are not comncted at all with this "hotel". The ad claims the hotel has a "24 hour front desk". Yet in reality there is no hotel front desk at all. The managers of this property seem to be trying to pass off the building security counter as a hotel front desk. The man who staffed the counter clearly has no employment relationship with this "hotel" because he had no knowledge of the "hotel", and waved me out the door. Eventually a woman arrived from another building, took me to a sort of "efficiency apartment" on the 27th floor. Although the booking was prepaid, she required a 200RMB "deposit". I suppose this could happen anywhere... Seeing a cockroach scurry across the floor made me glad I hadn't unpacked anything, and made me decide to quickly find a real hotel, and get out if the apartment as soon as possible! And that is exactly what I did. I noticied the "hotel" rep that I had vacated the apartment. It was very difficult to get that "deposit" returned, as it seemed the manager was the type who counts on a lack of persistence.